Friday Newsletter 11-3-17
Mon - NO SCHOOL – Professional Development
Tues –
Wed –
WITH MOM – begins w/8:00 am Mass
All School Mass (7/8 Ministry)
Fri - Dress Down in RED/WHITE/BLUE or CAMO for
Patriotic Rosary –
2:15 @ Flagpole
MANY THANKS to all who helped this week with Halloween and
All Saints Day activities. We would like to thank The Corner Market, Evers
Machine, & Mary’s Home Bank for sponsoring the Halloween Walk. For the
lights at the cemetery, our thanks go out to Cindy Lepper, Jeremy & Beth
Morris, Carla Morris, Marla Kirkweg, & the Cemetery Committee. We put out
approximately 600 tea lights, with a donated cost of approximately $220. We
received many supportive comments regarding the beautiful lights at the
cemetery and plan on making it a new yearly tradition for the school. Thanks to
the 7th & 8th graders, who put on a great skit about
saints on Wednesday for the school children, and also to the 3rd
& 4th grade students, who did such a great job with the All
Saints Mass. And we can’t forget to thank our room parents – who always make
our classroom parties so much fun!
MUFFINS WITH MOM: Remember, moms, that you are
invited to school and Mass THIS THURSDAY, November 9th, for refreshments
and fellowship. If mom can’t make it, invite a grandma or a sub-mom. All
activities should wind up no later than 10:00 am, and probably before that.
NO SCHOOL this Monday, 11/6/17, due to teacher
professional development at Helias.
is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 28. We will also take sports pictures and group
pictures that morning.
2nd PLACE CATHOLIC BOWL!!! Huge congratulations to our JV girls volleyball team, who won 2nd
place over the weekend in the annual Catholic Bowl at Helias. The girls won
their first two games over the weekend to get to the final two. The girls also
won their game last Thursday night. That makes it a season of great ball
playing! We are very proud of our LADY COUGARS!
UNIFORMS: All volleyball players – please return your
clean uniform, in a bag, clearly marked with your name on it. We will hold
these for group pictures, scheduled for November 28th.
this week. Since it is no longer open gym, students will not be able to
participate unless all required items are turned in. Reminders were sent home
on Thursday.
SANTA STORE: We have scheduled the Santa Store for
Tuesday, December 5th. Please send in any gift items or gift bags
that you may want to donate. We always need more dad and boy gifts. We will
also need volunteers to help with bagging, wrapping, and shopping. Thanks for
your help in making this a very fun activity for our students!
Thursday, Nov. 9 – Muffins with Mom – begins with 8:00 am Mass
Tuesday, Nov. 28 – Picture Retakes, Sports & Group Pictures
Sunday., Dec. 3 – School Christmas Program – after 10:00 am Mass (make
up dates 12/10 & 12/17)
Tuesday, Dec. 5 – Santa Store