Friday Newsletter 10-26-17
Sat - JV Volleyball vs. St. Martin – 11:00 am @
Helias (Catholic Bowl)
Mon -
Tues – Dress Down in Orange/Black
Halloween Walk
begins @ 1:30
(Students begin changing at 1:00)
Parties in the classrooms following
the Walk
Wed – All School Mass (3/4 Ministry)
All Saints Day activities
Delta Dental
Program – 2:15 in cafeteria
Thurs – All School Mass (Teacher Ministry)
Student Council
Mtg – 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Fri - Dress Down Day
start getting their costumes on around 1:00 – 1:15 pm. PARENTS- WE KINDLY ASK THAT YOU ARRIVE NO EARLIER THAN 1:00 PM. Room
parents, remember, we count on you to plan refreshments and games! And, please
– no scary or gory costumes at school. We don’t want to frighten any of the
younger students!
HOLY DAY MASS: Wednesday, Nov. 1st,
ALL SCHOOL STAFF will be attending Mass. It is the feast of All Saints, a Holy
Day of Obligation. Please bring your
child directly to church if you are running late, as the school buildings will
be locked after 7:50 am. The 3rd & 4th graders will do
the ministry for this Mass, and on Thursday, the teachers will do the ministry
for the weekly all school Mass.
MUFFINS WITH MOM: Remember, moms, that you are
invited to school and Mass on Thursday, November 9th, for
refreshments and fellowship. If mom can’t make it, invite a grandma or a
sub-mom. All activities should wind up no later than 10:00 am, and probably
before that.
SCHOOL ALERTS: Please see information on
reverse concerning your preferences for snow day and other type of
cancellations & alerts. It is up to each parent to go to to set
their own preferences when it comes to alerts via phone, email, texts, etc.
BOX TOPS: Thanks to Missy Evers, for agreeing to take on
the job of Box Top submission from Gina Adrian! Thanks to everyone who clips
Box Tops and sends them in. The school receives ten cents for every Box Top
is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 28. We will also take sports pictures and group
pictures that morning.
VOLLEYBALL NEWS: Good luck to the girls,
playing their final regular season game tonight, at St. Stanislaus at 7:00 pm
against The Kings Academy. And wishing more good luck to them as they
participate in the Catholic Bowl this weekend. Their first game is Saturday at
11:00 am against St. Martin, at Helias. They invite all to come on into town to
root for them. If they win they will play again at 5:00 that evening. We are
looking for some good games girls and we know, win or lose, you will represent
OLOS School well!
UNIFORMS: All volleyball players – please return your
clean uniform, in a bag, clearly marked with your name on it. We will hold
these for group pictures, scheduled for November 28th.
SANTA STORE: We have scheduled the Santa Store for
Tuesday, December 5th. Please send in any gift items or gift bags
that you may want to donate. We always need more dad and boy gifts. We will
also need volunteers to help with bagging, wrapping, and shopping. Thanks for
your help in making this a very fun activity for our students!
LIGHTS AT THE CEMETERY! In observance of
All Saints Day, the students will be placing approximately 600 LED candles on
the tombstones of our deceased (weather permitting). It is an old German custom
to place candles on the graves, to be lighted on All Saints eve and left
burning through the night. People call them “lights of the holy souls”
(Seelenlichter). So, as you are out trick or treating, notice the cemetery.
Weather permitting, you should be able to see quite a sight! Funds for this
project were donated, and we will update you next week with more information.
Tuesday, Oct 31 – Halloween Parties/Parade 1:30 pm
Thursday, Nov. 9 – Muffins with Mom – begins with 8:00 am Mass
Tuesday, Nov. 28 – Picture Retakes, Sports & Group Pictures
Sunday., Dec. 3 – School Christmas Program – after 10:00 am Mass (make
up dates 12/10 & 12/17)
Tuesday, Dec. 5 – Santa Store
Please return your folder on MONDAY.
Enjoy your three-day weekend, students!