Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday Newsletter 1-20-17

Mon -           
Tues -  JV Girls BBall @ I. C., JC – 6:00 pm
          (vs. St. Francis Xavier, Taos)
Wed – JV Boys BBall @ St. Thomas – 7:00 pm
          (vs. St. George)
          Pro-life Pilgrimage departs
Thurs – All School Mass (5/6 Ministry)
 Fri -   Dress Down Day


ITALIAN FEAST NEWS: Keep trying to sell the dinner tickets! Remember – all unsold tickets and money should be turned in back into the office by this Thursday, Jan. 26th. Work list sign-ups are in today’s folder. Please fill out and return on Monday. Remember that each student is asked to bring in an item for their classroom basket valued at $5 or more. Each family is asked to provide one additional item for the Silent Auction as well – either by donation or by solicitation of a donation. Class basket themes are as follows:
PK – Family Fun Night
K – “Frozen” – the movie (anything to do with movie)
1/2 – Missouri Lottery
3/4 – Camping
5/6 – Baking
7/8 – Beach Bums

GUN/QUILT RAFFLE: Along with the Italian Feast, the school is sponsoring a quilt/gun raffle. Tickets are $10 each. If you are interested in purchasing or selling tickets, please contact Jay Harms, Greg Koetting, or Mr. Vandike. A copy of the ticket may be found on the reverse side of these notes. 

FRIDAY AFTERNOON HELP: On Friday, Feb. 3rd we will prepare for the Italian Feast. If you would be able to help out on Friday afternoon, anytime from 12:30 pm on, it would be greatly appreciated. We will begin browning the hamburger and start on the cheesecakes. If you would be able to help in the afternoon, contact Ashley Kempker or Rosie in the office. As always, we expect all school parents to help prepare for this fundraiser, either by helping in the afternoon or the evening.

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK INFORMATION is in today’s folder. Please note – the CSW kick-off Mass has been moved from Saturday evening to Sunday morning – 10:00 am Mass, on January 29, 2017. Donuts & coffee will be served to the families and community afterwards in the parish center.

OLOSS SPONSORED SHILOH DANCE TOMORROW, JANUARY 21, 2017. Tickets will be sold at the door. Make plans now to help out and/or attend. More information? Contact Ashley Groose.

PERMISSION FORMS are in today’s folder for all OLOS students to participate in visiting local businesses during CSW – Community Day – Feb. 1st. Forms are also in folders today for the 7th & 8th graders to play cards with the Senior Citizens after the senior dinner on Wed., Feb. 1st. Please fill out these forms completely and return in the folder on Monday. We will not send out reminders – if forms are not turned in, the student won’t be able to participate. Thank you for your cooperation.

BOX TOPS: Please send in any Box Tops you have saved by the end of January, so that they may be submitted at beginning of February.

GERBES TAKE CHARGE OF EDUCATION – Funds recently received - $32.40. Thanks to the eight families who designated OLOS School to receive funds from their purchases this quarter.

DRIVERS NEEDED: We are in need of at least two drivers/chaperones for the 8th grade retreat in Folk on February 16th. 8th grade parents will find more information about the trip in today’s folder. Please return form and payment on Monday.

MARCH FOR LIFE: We are so very proud of our eleven students (and eight chaperones) attending the March for Life, leaving for Washington D. C. on Wednesday. Please pray for these students and chaperones as they go on this pilgrimage. The students attending from OLOSS are Macy Adrian, Sara Beck, Gracie Evers, Tori Evers, Kayla Bond, Kyle Bond, Hannah Evers, Devin Haeffner, Elizabeth Kliethermes, Jonathan Lepper, & Trenton Parr.

REMINDER TO PARENTS OF STUDENTS BRINGING LUNCHES FROM HOME:  Please see that your child’s lunch has everything they need for their meal – drinks, plates, utensils, condiments, napkins. The lunch program cannot afford to supply these things if the student is not buying the daily lunch.

DEADLINE FOR FRIDAY NOTES: Thursdays, 9:00 am. All non-school related flyers need to be copied ahead of time on paper. The school cannot afford to supply paper for outside events). Upon approval by the principal, the information will then be placed in the Friday folder as a courtesy. It is not appropriate for the school to send out extraneous information that can be handled other ways. Also, if you have items for the Friday notes, please write these items up, send them in, or email them to (call to let me know you have emailed please). I don’t mind doing a little editing and rewording, but the bulk of the item should be outlined with details.
BALL SCORES: We have a couple weeks of scores to report due to the shortened week last week. Last Thursday, Jan. 12th, the girls lost against St. Martin, with a final score of 22-41; the boys won last week, with a final score of 37-30 against St. Francis, Xavier, Taos. Last night we had a great crowd for the girls playing at home. They lost their first game against IC, JC, 11-25, and won their second game against Honey Creek, ending out the game at 25-17. The boys played at St. Martin against St. Thomas last night, and beat them out by a wide margin – 42-22. Both Cougar teams are having good seasons, winning many, losing a few. We are very proud of you all! Go teams!

Sat., Jan 21 – Shiloh Fundraising Dance
Sun., Jan 29 – Catholic Schools Week Mass – 10:00 am
Sat., Feb. 4 – Italian Feast/Silent Auction
Sat., May 6 – Preschool Graduation – 5:00 pm Mass
Sun., May 7 – First Eucharist – 10:00 am Mass
Sat., May 13 – 8th Grade Graduation – 5:00 pm Mass
Please return your folder on MONDAY.