Friday Newsletter 2-26-16
Mon -
Tues –
Wed – Use a PASS day
Thurs – All School Mass (1/2
Fri - March
Dress Down Day
Stations of the
Cross – 2:15 pm
2016-17 ENROLLMENT: In today’s
folder you will find enrollment forms for the 2016-17 school year. Please fill
these out and return as soon as possible. We make staffing decisions and book
orders based on these numbers. If you are unsure of enrollment, please call the
school office. If you do not plan to send your child to OLOS School next year,
there is a place to note this on the form enclosed. Also enclosed is a letter
from Bishop Gaydos regarding enrollment in Catholic schools. Please prayerfully
consider your child’s enrollment and return your form on Monday. Thank you!
UNIFORMS: Please return all basketball uniforms and practice jerseys. Please
place them in a bag with your child’s name on it, and return to the office.
Thank you!
Please see enclosed form regarding CSW meal favorites for sack lunch students.
Sack lunch students may purchase any or all classroom favorites by returning
the enclosed form, WITH PAYMENT ATTACHED. Catholic Schools Week meals are
planned throughout March and early April, which is a little different this
year, due to the DESE lunch audit.
DESE LUNCH AUDIT: We are pleased to report that our DESE audit
went well. OLOS School is compliant in all aspects of the lunch program
requirements. Our local wellness policy will be updated this spring.
TARGET TAKE CHARGE OF EDUCATION: The school received $165.50; funds accrued
since February 2015. Thanks to all who shop with the REDcard. Target donates 1%
of purchases to the shopper’s designated school.
CALLING 7TH GRADE PARENTS: Traditionally, the 7th grade parents have organized
& hosted the 8th grade graduation reception. Please contact the
school office if you would be willing to help with this. Graduation is set for
Saturday, May 14th, beginning with the 5:00 pm Mass. The reception
will be in the gym. Thanks to Kim Evers for being our first volunteer.
8th GRADE GRADUATION DRESS CODE: Boys – dress pants,
collared shirt, dress shoes, tie is optional; Girls – dresses, no more than two
inches above the knee, no spaghetti straps showing (may wear shawl to cover).
Students will be wearing cap/gown through Mass and throughout the awards
ceremony & for pictures.
GOLF TOURNAMENT NEWS: The annual OLOSS Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, May 14th
at Redfield Golf Course in Eugene .
Registration will begin at 7:00 am with an 8:00 am tee-time. If you need more
flyers/registration forms, please contact the office. Get the word out now and
try to get people signed up to play and sponsor holes for this event!
CONTAINERS NEEDED: The kitchen is in need of gallon ice-cream
buckets and any larger type containers (even whipped topping containers) for
freezing. Please send in any that you may have. Thank you!
microwave in the kitchen went out recently and we are really missing it. If
anyone has an extra or would like to purchase & donate a new one, it would
be greatly appreciated.
used on Wednesdays as well as
Fridays until the end of the year.
STATIONS: Students will be attending Stations of the Cross each Friday at
2:15 pm. If you or a grandparent is attending and would like to take your child
after the service, please send a note to school. This will enable the student
to bring his/her backpack to church.
return your folder on MONDAY!
Have a FABULOUS weekend!