Friday Newsletter 1-30-15
Sat - 4/6 Boys BBall @ HOME – 10:00 am (vs. OLO Lourdes Gold) – COME
4/6 Boys BBall @
HOME – 11:00 am (vs. St. Thomas )
Preparation (for Italian Feast) – 2:00 pm
Catholic Schools Week closing potluck dinner and movie in the
cafeteria/gym, after 5:00 pm Mass
Mon –
Tues – Midquarter
Wed – Student Council Mtg – 3:00 – 4:15 pm
Thurs- All
School Mass (5/6
JV Boys @ St.
Stanislaus – 6:00 pm (vs St. Peter, Fulton)
JV Girls @ St.
Martin – 6:00 pm (vs. St. Martin )
Fri - February Dress Down Day
School Dismisses
@ 12:00 Noon
Lunch is served
Progress Reports available
Italian Feast
set-up – 6:30 pm
Sat - Italian Feast
you so much to all parents, students, teachers, and volunteers who helped make
Catholic Schools Week this year such a success! We cannot recall a year in when
we have had so much help from the community with the daily events – especially
the staff and senior dinner day. Our standby helpers were here, along with a
few new faces! Please know that you are all very much appreciated!
CLOSING: Remember that we are ending up CSW with the
potluck dinner and movie after the 5:00 pm Mass this Saturday evening. Please remember that all parish and community
members are invited to join us, along with extended family. Food categories are
as follows:
– Evers: meat/main dish
– Lage: potato/vegetable dish
– Schrimpf: pasta salad or salad
– Wood: dessert
ITALIAN FEAST: If you need more tickets, please contact the
office. Reminder to families – please send in $5 per child for the classroom
baskets (or Mizzou/Cardinals items). Additionally, each family is asked to
donate one item of value to place directly on the auction. You can either
purchase items or get items donated from local businesses or friends. If
you know of someone in direct sales such as Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple
etc, this is a great way for them to gain a new customer. Ask them for a
donation and be sure to include their business card or catalog. Families
may also go together and purchase a bigger item for the auction as well. Please
send all money and items into the office. Thank you for your support!
retreat is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 19th at Folk, MO. We are in
need of drivers/chaperones for the ten eighth graders. The cost of the retreat
is $7 per student. Please send payment
into the office in a marked envelope (checks made payable to OLOSS). We
must have all payments and driver offers by Feb. 4th. Please call or
send to the office a note with your offer to drive. Thanks to Gina Adrian, our
first volunteer. Students will depart from OLOS around 7:30 am and probably return
sometime shortly after 3:00 pm.
basketball teams will be involved in the Catholic Bowl tournament, which begins
Feb. 16th, in Jefferson
City . If you or
your child would like to order the official Catholic Bowl shirt, you can go
online @, and order through their website. Orders must be submitted
by Feb. 6th. Good luck Cougars!
Science Fair will be held Thursday, Feb. 12th. Students in grades
3-8 are required to do a project (experiment) at home for this, and it will be
part of their science grade. Students in 6th through 8th
grade are required to submit a paper with their project and are eligible to
participate in the diocesan science fair and should make their project in one
of the three categories of Life,
Physical, or Earth science. We highly encourage all students to work
individually; however, if two students work together they must be in the same
grade. Students in younger grades may also enter a project in the fair if they
so wish. Guideline information was sent from the classroom teacher. Boards
available at a cost of $4 per board. Sent payment through the office. (Checks payable to OLOS.)
THANKS TO MARY’S HOME BANK!!! We wish to recognize the good folks at our
local bank, for so graciously sponsoring all those Option C parent alerts. The
bank has agreed to remain a sponsor for the next three years! This is wonderful
news and we are definitely appreciative of this!
LADIES TEA: All ladies of the community are invited to an
“Afternoon Tea” with Mrs. Werdehausen and company at 12:30 pm on Friday,
February 13th, in honor of Valentine’s Day. Mothers, grandmothers,
and all ladies of the community are invited. Please pass the word to relatives
and friends!
VALENTINE’S DAY DANCE: The 5th through 8th
grade will enjoy a Valentine’s dance in the cafeteria the afternoon of Friday,
the 13thof February as well.
SATURDAY, JAN. 31st: (Parents of…) Gate: - 9:00 am – Gavin Wood, 10:00 am – Trenton Parr; Concession – 9:00 am – Tyler Evers, 10:00 am – Cameron Haeffner,
11:00 am – Jonathan Lepper. 1st Shift – Please arrive 30 minutes
early. If you cannot work your scheduled time, please trade with someone.
Incoming Freshman Informational
Helias Catholic High School will hold informational meetings and registration
packet pick up on February 3 and February 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Commons. Parents should plan to attend one of these sessions. No
sign up is necessary; just pick one of the meetings. Registration
materials and class schedule information will be explained at the
meetings. Packets will not be available before February 3.
Information concerning financial aid and tuition grants will be included in
these materials.
The 5th annual Midwest March for Life will be held at the state
capitol in Jefferson City
on Saturday, Jan. 31, 2015. During this event, those that attend the pilgrimage
to Washington D. C. next week will be recognized if they are in attendance.
Please see enclosed flyer.
CARE SERVICES: In the event of inclement weather, or early
dismissal due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be NO EXTENDED CARE
SERVICES available. All students should be picked up at the dismissal time
which would be announced with the dismissal notification. On regularly
scheduled half days off (listed on school calendar), extended care is available
from 12:00 – 5:30 pm.
DAYS & LUNCHES: If we call
school due to inclement weather, please be advised that the menu may change
without notice.
All school
families are encouraged to go online to
to enter our school for a chance to win a new playground, sponsored by
Discovery Education. Entered schools have a chance to win the “Healthy Playground
Makeover” or cash/prizes worth up to $30,000. It takes just a couple minutes –
and the rewards could be huge – you never know!!! You can enter daily until the
sweepstakes closes on March 19th. Thanks to all who enter!
First Reconciliation – Feb. 15, 2015, after
10:00 am Mass
First Eucharist – May 3, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
OLOSS 8th grade Graduation – May 9, 2015,
5:00 pm Mass
OLOS Preschool Graduation – May 10, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
OLOSS Annual Golf Tournament – May 16 – begins @ 7:30
Please return your folder on Monday.