Friday Newsletter 9-19-14
Sat – 4/5 Volleyball @ St. Thomas – 10:00 am (vs. St. Stanislaus)
11:00 (vs. St. Francis, Blue)
Sun – Catechetical Sunday
Mon – Home & School mtg – 6:30 pm
Tues –
Wed –
Thurs- All
School Mass (5/6
JV Volleyball @ St.
Martin – 6:00 pm (vs. St. Martin )
Fri - “School Spirit” Dress Down Day
Health Screenings
GRADES: K-2: Midquarter Reports may be found in today’s folder.
Please look these over, sign & return. GRADES
3-8: Midquarter grades are available online today through Option C. Please
sign on to, school code
8085, with your personal user name & password. Please check grades, sign
the slip enclosed in this folder, and return. Teachers will contact directly
those not returning the signed forms. As always, if you have any questions or
concerns, please contact the classroom teacher.
& SCHOOL MEETING: Make plans now to attend our first H & S
meeting, to be held this Monday, Sept. 22nd at 6:30 pm. This will be
a potluck dinner so please bring a
dish to share and catch up on all the happenings of the school. You will also
earn a bonus Friday dress down pass for your child(ren) just for attending!
Hope to see all parents in attendance!
BOARD: President – Missy Beck, V. Pres – Mark Adrian,
Secretary – Kim Evers, Other members – Lynn Morgan, Brittany Schulte, Aaron
PICTURE DAY is scheduled for Friday, October 17th.
We are in need of two parent
(grandparent?) volunteers to help. It usually just takes the morning.
Wagner Photo usually includes a gift certificate for the volunteers, to be used
towards photo packages. Please contact Rosie in the office with your offer to
help. Thank you!
Gallon ice-cream buckets for kitchen.
LARGE buttons for Pioneer Day
Aluminum pie pans for Pioneer Day meal
Donations of underwear and pants (stretchy is best)
sizes 4-7 for preschool.
TESTING WEEK (Sept. 29-Oct 3) we are in need of help to split some
of the double-graded classrooms up for testing for part of the time (esp. on
Thursday). If you can help out, please contact Mrs. Werdehausen.
COUNCIL LEADER: We are asking one or two parent volunteers to work
with the Student Council this year. The council generally meets once a month
and sponsors other activities through the year. Please contact Mrs. Werdehausen
with your offer to help.
TO YOUR SEPTEMBER CALENDAR: Student Health Screenings – this
Friday, Sept. 26th, by the Miller County
Health Dept.
NEWS: The breakfast last Sunday yielded a profit
of $363.30, which was down from previous breakfasts. As far as the book fair, we didn’t earn enough to
take cash, but we did earn $582.85 in books for the classrooms and library!
That’s pretty good! We wish to thank everyone who helped with these events. And
congratulations to Adam & Braden
Schulte, for winning the “Dragon’s Breath” guessing game. It took 132 mints
to freshen the dragon’s breath. Adam guessed 130 and Braden guessed 134 so they
split the jar of mints! Way to go, boys! In the Book fair Bingo game, the Preschool
and 1/2 classrooms won an
ice-cream party! What a treat!
FOR LIFE: Recently,
the 7th & 8th graders received the papers for the
March for Life, to be held in Washington
D. C. January 20 – 23rd. If you (as a chaperone) or your child
is interested, you will need to have all forms filled out, make a deposit, and
a copy of the insurance card – both sides. Forms,
payment ($125 payable to Diocese of J. C.), and insurance information must
be submitted to Sheila Suess, our parish coordinator. Please note – the school
is not coordinating this event, nor is it school sponsored. We will, however,
forward paperwork/fees to Sheila, as they come in. The deadline for registration is Tuesday, September 30th.
CALENDARS: You were provided monthly calendars for the entire
school year in your school handbook. We also post the calendar on our school
website, which is updated with game information and recent changes/additions to
the calendar. To save costs, we will no
longer provide the calendar in your Friday folder. For now, we will keep
sending the lunch menu, but it is also available online.
DAY is scheduled for Monday, October 13th (Columbus
Day). We scheduled it on this day because of the state holiday. We are asking
for parent helpers – both to help in the classrooms & grounds with pioneer
activities and with moving children between these activities. Please contact school office personnel with
your offer to help out. All students (and adults!) are encouraged to dress
in pioneer clothing for the day. If the student chooses not to dress in pioneer
clothing, the normal dress code is still in force. So far we have two volunteers – Wendy Whittle
& Kim Evers.
OF DATE: The JV game
scheduled for Tues., Oct 14 has been moved to Wed, Oct 15, same time, same
place, same opponent.
VOLLEYBALL NEWS: The 4/5 girls lost all three against Loose
Creek last Saturday, but scores were close, with the exception of the 2nd
game. Keep on tryin’ girls – you’re right there! Scores were: 25-23, 25-12,
25-22. Last night, the JV girls won all three sets, with scores of 25-23,
25-16, 25-22, against St. Peter, Fulton .
That leaves them with a record of 3 wins, 1 loss. Wow! Doing great Lady Cougars!
SIGN-OFF: We MUST have this form signed by all parents. If
you misplaced yours, another copy may be found in today’s folder.
BIRD WINNERS!!! Congratulations to Luke & Nicky Perkins, who
were drawn as the Fantasy Night “Early Bird” winners last night. They chose to
take another ticket.
MONEY: Any student may purchase a milk at lunchtime for
50 cents. Students purchasing a school lunch already have a milk provided, but
may purchase an additional. Sack lunch students may purchase a milk for their
lunch. However, payment must be made to the office at the time the milk is
desired – no paying ahead. There will be no change available. So pack those
quarters parents!