Friday Newsletter 9-12-14
Sat – 4/5 Volleyball @ IC, JC – 10:00 am (vs. IC,
Loose Creek)
Sun – Breakfast
& Book fair with breakfast being served from 7:45 – 11:45
Mon – Midquarter
Mixed Bag
Fundraising Packets due back
Tues – Book fair Night – 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Wed –
Thurs- All
School Mass (7/8
JV Volleyball @ St.
Francis Xavier – 7:00 pm (vs. St. Peter, Fulton )
Fri - Progress Reports Available
September Dress
Down Day
& MILITARY: Thanks so much to all the grandparents who were
here on Thursday morning for Mass and bingo. We so enjoy having them with us!
Also, thanks to those who shared the patriotic rosary on that same afternoon.
We thank all military for their great service to our country!
Gallon ice-cream buckets for kitchen.
For Pioneer Day, aluminum pie pans to eat our “pioneer lunch” on.
NEEDED: Donations of underwear and pants (stretchy is
best) sizes 4-7 for preschool.
COUNCIL LEADER NEEDED: We are asking one or two parent
volunteers to work with the Student Council this year. The council generally
meets once a month and sponsors other activities through the year. Please
contact Mrs. Werdehausen with your offer to help.
TO YOUR SEPTEMBER CALENDAR: Student Health Screenings – Sept. 26th,
Please contact someone in the office with your offer to help.
FOR LIFE: Today,
the 7th & 8th graders are receiving the papers for
the March for Life, to be held in Washington
D. C. January 20 – 23rd. If you (as a chaperone) or your child
is interested, you will need to have all forms filled out, make a deposit, and
a copy of the insurance card. We are awaiting word from Sheila Suess, our
parish coordinator, for deadlines for her needs. Please note – the school is
not coordinating this event, nor is it school sponsored. We will, however,
forward paperwork/fees to Sheila, as necessary.
DAY is scheduled for Monday, October 13th (Columbus
Day). We scheduled it on this day because of the state holiday. We are asking
for parent helpers – both to help in the classrooms & grounds with pioneer
activities and with moving children between these activities. Please contact
school office personnel with your offer to help out. All students (and adults!)
are encouraged to dress in pioneer clothing for the day. If the student chooses
not to dress in pioneer clothing, the normal dress code is still in force.
the Book fair & Breakfast this Sunday, serving from 7:45 to 11:45. On the
menu is rope sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits & gravy, coffee/juice. The
cost is $7 for adults and $5 for children 4-10, with 3 and under free. If you
did not get a chance to sign up to help, just show up! The second shift is a
little short on help – so it would be appreciated!
VOLLEYBALL NEWS: Last Saturday, the 4-5 girls lost all three against
Trinity but the girls did a great job! Their scores were: First game- 25-21,
25-16, 26-24 – so all very close!
Scores for the previous three JV games are as follows: Game 1 on 9/4 vs.
St. Stan.: 10-25, 22-25, 18-25, a loss, Game 2 on 9/4 vs. St. George: 25-16,
25-17, 20-25, a win, and Game 3 on 9/11 vs. Good Shepherd: 25-6, 25-3, 25-10, a
huge win with all three matches! Great job volleyball players – we are proud of
you! Thanks to Gina Adrian & Dakota Graham for reporting these scores!
SIGN-OFF: If you have not already done so, please return the
handbook sign-off, sent home last Friday. We MUST have this form signed by all
parents. If you misplaced yours, another copy may be found in today’s folder.
NEEDED AT OLOS SCHOOL: 60 college hours required. Please
think of anyone you know who might be interested and let them know about this
opportunity. We have very limited substitute help. Please contact Mrs.
Werdehausen for more information.
Down on Fridays only – change for the 2014-15 school year. K-8th
graders may only use dress down passes on Fridays this year. Two dress down days
will be designated on the calendar each month when all students may dress down.
On non-designated Fridays, students may use any dress down pass they may have.
We are no longer doing the monthly dollar dress down days.
REMINDER: On Mondays, the 5-8th graders are
allowed to change in to a T-shirt and gym shorts during their gym time &
then they may wear these clothes home.
Book fair/Breakfast – Sept. 14, 2014
Book fair Night – Sept. 16, 2014 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Achievement Testing – Sept. 29- Oct 3
Pioneer Day – Oct. 13, 2014
School Pictures – Oct 17, 2014
First Reconciliation – Feb. 15, 2015, after
10:00 am Mass
First Eucharist – May 3, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
OLOSS 8th grade Graduation – May 9, 2015,
5:00 pm Mass
OLOS Preschool Graduation – May 10, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
Please return your folder on Monday.
Enjoy the wonderful cool weather!!