Friday Newsletter 9-26-14
Sat – 4/5 Volleyball @ St. Joe, Westphalia – 10:00 am (vs. St. Francis Gold)
Mon – Achievement Testing
Tues – Achievement Testing
Wed – Achievement Testing
Thurs- All School Mass (3/4 Ministry)
Achievement Testing
JV Volleyball @ St. Stan – 6:00 pm (vs. St. Joe, Westphalia )
Fri - October Dress Down Day
Fantasy Night Set-up 6:30 pm
ACHIEVEMENT TESTING: Students in grades 1st through 8th will be doing achievement tests each morning this upcoming week. Students will have no other tests during testing week. Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest and a good hearty breakfast each day. Many thanks to Stacy Schrimpf for getting the snacks and drinks for testing week.
DURING TESTING WEEK we are in need of help to split some of the double-graded classrooms up for testing for part of the time (esp. on Thursday). If you can help out, please contact Mrs. Werdehausen first thing Monday morning.
HOME & SCHOOL: If you attended the H & S meeting Monday evening, you should find your child’s dress down pass in today’s folder. Remember, it can only be used on a Friday. Also, we are in need of a VICE PRESIDENT. Thanks to Kim Evers for volunteering her time as President, and Stacy Schrimpf for volunteering as secretary. Please contact Mrs. Werdehausen if you would like to serve as V. P.
MARCH FOR LIFE: Recently, the 7th & 8th graders received the papers for the March for Life, to be held in Washington D. C. January 20 – 23rd. If you (as a chaperone) or your child is interested, you will need to have all forms filled out, make a deposit, and a copy of the insurance card – both sides. Forms, payment ($125 payable to Diocese of J. C.), and insurance information must be submitted to Sheila Suess, our parish coordinator. Please note – the school is not coordinating this event, nor is it school sponsored. We will, however, forward paperwork/fees to Sheila, as they come in. The deadline for registration is Tuesday, September 30th.
COMMITTEE FOR FAMILIES IN NEED: As a faith community, we are called to help those families in need of ongoing support due to health, financial, personal and other types of crises. We are asking for volunteers to form a committee to respond to the needs of these families – whether it be through coordinating/providing dinners, clothing, etc. Please contact the school office if you would like to help head up or help with this ongoing effort.
NCYC NEWS: The current 8th graders of OLOS School have a wonderful opportunity to attend the National Catholic Youth Conference (for high school aged young adults) in November of 2015. There will be a meeting between the Masses this Sunday for all students and parents interested. The meeting will be held in the school cafeteria.
MIDQUARTER GRADES: K-2: Midquarter Reports were sent home last week. Please look these over, sign & return. GRADES 3-8: Midquarter grades were available online last Friday through Option C. Please sign on to, school code 8085, with your personal user name & password. Please check grades, sign the slip (sent home last week), and return. Teachers will contact directly those not returning the signed forms. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the classroom teacher.
SANTA STORE: The Santa Store is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 18th, during special classes. This is a special opportunity for our school children to shop for family members and they REALLY enjoy it. We are in need of donations of any kind, but most especially “dad” gifts, and brother/sister gifts. You cans send those items in at any time. Also, we will need some helper elves to wrap gifts and help the students with shopping. Debbie Schulte has volunteered to help out. If you are able to be here that day, please contact someone in the office.
FUNDRAISING NEWS: The Mixed Bag fundraiser made a profit of $1,454.00. The orders should be in by the middle of next month. Thanks so much to Stacy Schrimpf for heading this fundraiser!
PIONEER DAY is scheduled for Monday, October 13th (Columbus Day). We scheduled it on this day because of the state holiday. We are asking for parent helpers – both to help in the classrooms & grounds with pioneer activities and with moving children between these activities. Please contact school office personnel with your offer to help out. All students (and adults!) are encouraged to dress in pioneer clothing for the day. If the student chooses not to dress in pioneer clothing, the normal dress code is still in force. So far we have these volunteers – Wendy Whittle, Bryan Evers, Melissa Koetting (morning) & Kim Evers.
SCHOOL PICTURE DAY is scheduled for Friday, October 17th. Thanks so much to Alvina Sestak and Ashley Kempker (& Debbie Schulte, if needed) for offering to help that morning.
PRESCHOOL PARENTS: If your child does not normally attend on Fridays, you are encouraged to bring your child at 8:00 am the morning of pictures, Friday, Oct. 17th. We will do the preschool photos first. Otherwise, there will be a retake day scheduled for later.
· Gallon ice-cream buckets for kitchen.
· LARGE buttons for Pioneer Day
· Aluminum pie pans for Pioneer Day meal
· Donations of underwear and pants (stretchy is best) sizes 4-7 for preschool.
MONTHLY CALENDARS: You were provided monthly calendars for the entire school year in your school handbook. We also post the calendar on our school website, which is updated with game information and recent changes/additions to the calendar. To save costs, we will no longer provide the calendar in your Friday folder. For now, we will keep sending the lunch menu, but it is also available online.
VOLLEYBALL/CHANGE OF DATE: The JV game scheduled for Tues., Oct 14 has been moved to Wed, Oct 15, same time, same place, same opponent.
VOLLEYBALL NEWS: The JV girls lost their games to St. Martin , with scores of 21-25, 10-25, & 24-25. Better luck next time girls!
The girls JV Volleyball will be playing in the Catholic Bowl on October 25th. We will be ordering t-shirts for anyone that would like one this year. The cost of the shirts is $10.00 and I will need all money and sizes of shirts by Tuesday 9/30 as I have to have the order in by October 6th. Payment needs to be cash or a check made out to Kathy Cebuhar as I will cut one check and send in with the order. …Kathy Cebuhar
DONUTS WITH DAD: October 16th. Dads (or dad “subs”) you are invited to school between 7:00 & 7:30 to enjoy donuts with your kids in the school cafeteria. You are also invited to attend Mass with your child that morning or go on to work, as time permits.
MILK MONEY: Any student may purchase a milk at lunchtime for 50 cents. Students purchasing a school lunch already have a milk provided, but may purchase an additional. Sack lunch students may purchase a milk for their lunch. However, payment must be made to the office at the time the milk is desired – no paying ahead. There will be no change available. So pack those quarters parents!
PE REMINDER: On Mondays, the 5-8th graders are allowed to change in to a T-shirt and gym shorts during their gym time & then they may wear these clothes home.
Achievement Testing – Sept. 29- Oct 3
Pioneer Day – Oct. 13, 2014
School Pictures – Oct 17, 2014
First Reconciliation – Feb. 15, 2015, after
10:00 am Mass
First Eucharist – May 3, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
OLOSS 8th grade Graduation – May 9, 2015,
5:00 pm Mass
OLOS Preschool Graduation – May 10, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
Please return your folder on Monday.
Enjoy a wonderful fall weekend!