Friday Newsletter 8-22-14
Mon –
Tues –
Wed –
Thurs- All
School Mass (5/6
Fri - NO SCHOOL – Picnic Preparation
Welcome! We are
getting off to a great start this school year! We especially would like to
welcome our new preschoolers – Alyssa
Eickhoff, Braden Evers, Peyton Groose, Romie Groose, Alex Hagenhoff, Olivia
Koetting, Tanner Lage, Elle Limbach, Ethan Limbach (will be coming), Lane
McKenna, Nicholas Vandike & Clarice Whittle. Also, we welcome new
elementary students – Ben Goetz (1st),
Emma Goetz (2nd), Phoebe Whittle (2nd), Grayson Koetting
(2nd), along with new preschool aide – Cindy McKenna. We are so
glad that you are here! Please help us welcome these new students, staff, and
Babies! We congratulate two school families, celebrating
the births and baptisms of new babies born over the summer. The Matt &
Melissa Koetting household is full of activity with the addition of little
Edson. We congratulate older sister, Grayson
& proud parents. Baby Elsie Margaret joined the Schulte household this
summer. Congratulations to older brothers Nolan,
Adam & Braden & parents, Emily & Jermiah. Their household has
to be full of life! Please pray for these families as they celebrate these
Down on Fridays only – change for the 2014-15 school year. K-8th
graders may only use dress down passes on Fridays this year, as explained in
the principal’s letter last week. Two dress down days will be designated on the
calendar each month when all students may dress down. On non-designated
Fridays, students may use any dress down pass they may have. We are no longer
doing the monthly dollar dress down days.
NOTICE: For students purchasing daily lunches: Students may
choose a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in lieu of the main entrée if they
have a note from home. They must bring a note on the day that the
substitution is desired and must present it to the classroom teacher first
thing in the morning. Please note that the “main entrée” is the protein item.
For example, if our meal is vegetable soup with grilled cheese & string
cheese, the substitution would be for the cheese sandwich & string cheese,
not for the vegetable soup.
is currently experiencing website issues. Our page is showing up under the
search as Our Lady of the Snows St .
Ambrose, which is really our website. Please be patient while we correct this
problem. You can still access Option C directly for grades and billing.
SHIRTS; We are holding in the office an order of two spirit
shirts, one size large adult and one size 6-8 child. The order has no name or
other information on it. Please contact the office if you think this may be
yours. This order came with the registration packets last spring.
students have the opportunity to place their offering in the collection. If you
need collection envelopes at home, please let us know & some will be sent
home. We also have them available in the cafeteria for student use.
Unless authorized through Marie, no switching of days is allowed for
part-time preschoolers. The only exceptions would be for classroom parties and
field trips. However, even for these days, you must contact Marie for authorization.
BEEF STICKS: Today you are receiving sample beef sticks and
order forms. After these orders are filled, Mrs. Groose will be selling beef
sticks at lunch time for $1 each. They will only be available after lunches are
AT SCHOOL: We do not have a “stock supply” of medications
for students. You may choose to send in a pain reliever or other types of
medicine for your child. Make sure to clearly mark the container(s), and send a
note giving staff permission to dispense the medication, with explicit dosage instructions and dosage
cups/spoons. These will be locked up in the office. Sometimes having medicine
available here for your child can mean not having to come after him/her or
making a special trip to bring medications.
CARE SERVICES: In the event of inclement weather, or early
dismissal due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be NO EXTENDED CARE
SERVICES available. All students should be picked up at the dismissal time
which would be announced with the dismissal notification. On regularly
scheduled half days off (listed on school calendar), extended care is available
from 12:00 – 5:30 pm.
The school doors open at 7:25 am. If
your child arrives before that time, he/she will be placed in extended care and
you will be charged the daily drop in fee of $5.
PICNIC: We are all excited when we think that our parish
picnic is just one week away! So much hard work goes into the picnic, and it is
of vital importance and of direct benefit to our school. Without it, we would
not be able to function. In that regard, we encourage all of you to pitch in
and help. We especially want to encourage all new families and out of parish
members to help – as your name may not be on the work list. Please contact
Jeanne Buechter @ 498-6259 or
or Barb Adrian @ 498-3599 or to find
out where you are most needed or just show up in the kitchen to help with
dishwashing – where there is always a need! Thank you for your support!!!
SODA TABS: The Student Council is collecting soda tabs for the
Ronald McDonald House. Please save these for this most worthy cause. You may
send them into the office anytime. There is a collection can on the table near
the office. Thank you!
Thursdays, 9:00 am. All non-school related flyers
need to be copied ahead of time on paper (the school cannot afford to supply
paper for outside events). Upon approval
by the principal, the information will then be placed in the Friday folder
as a courtesy. It is not appropriate for the school to send out extraneous
information that can be handled other ways. Also, if you have items for the
Friday notes, please write these items up, send them in, or email them to
(call to let me know you
have emailed please). I don’t mind doing a little editing and rewording, but
the bulk of the item should be outlined with details.
PROPANE THAT PAYS… Late summer & early fall is
the time many people like to fill their propane tanks or prepay. If you are or
would like to be a customer of Capital Energy Co, contact them and please
mention that you are a member of OLOS parish. The parish receives a percentage
for every gallon the customer buys.
NO SCHOOL – Mon, Sept 1 – Labor Day/Picnic Clean up
Grandparents Day/Book Fair following 8:00 am Mass & Patriotic Rosary
@ 2:30 in gym – Sept. 11, 2014
Bookfair/Breakfast – Sept. 14, 2014
Bookfair Night – Sept. 18, 2014
Achievement Testing – Sept. 29- Oct 3
Pioneer Day – Oct. 13, 2014
School Pictures – Oct 17, 2014
First Reconciliation – Feb. 15, 2015, after
10:00 am Mass
First Eucharist – May 3, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
OLOSS 8th grade Graduation – May 9, 2015,
5:00 pm Mass
OLOS Preschool Graduation – May 10, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
Please return your folder on Monday.