Friday Newsletter 11-15-13
Sun – OLOSS Breakfast –
serving from
7:45 – 11:30
Mon – Food
Drive begins
Tues –
Wed –
Thurs –All School Mass (6/7 Ministry)
Parent/Student Thanksgiving Meal –
10:45 – 12:00
School Advisory Board mtg – 6:30 pm
Fri - Progress Reports available
Picture Retakes – 9:00 am
School Spirit Day
Food Drive ends
FANTASTIC BREAKFAST! The Fundraising Committee is sponsoring
a breakfast this Sunday, November 17th to raise money for the
Reading Counts trip. Tickets were sent home a couple weeks ago for pre-sales.
Tickets will also be available at the door. Remember, your child will receive a
bonus dress down pass if you sell tickets or help with the breakfast!
PICTURE RETAKES: Picture retakes will be on Friday,
Dec. 20th for those who missed the original date or those not happy
with their packet. If you are returning a packet, it must be INTACT – all
pictures enclosed and not cut. Please return intact packets to office before
Friday if you want a retake.
SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY REMINDER: You may only dress down if you wear the
official school spirit shirt on these designated days. All length requirements
are still in force. Spirit Day is Friday, Nov. 20th.
FOOD DRIVE: The Student
Council is sponsoring a food drive, beginning this Monday, Nov. 18th
and continuing through Friday, November 22nd. The donations will be
passed on to the Eldon Food Pantry. Items may be canned, boxed, or packaged. Each
student will receive a bonus dress down
pass if he/she brings in FIVE items (Preschoolers will receive a candy bar).
Our goal is 300 items.
This year students will exchange a $5 gift within their classroom. More
information will be coming home from the classroom teachers soon.
through the 13th, as a Christian service project sponsored by the
Student Council, OLOS School families will be asked to donate a gift to the
Crisis Pregnancy Center .
Items needed include but are not limited to: diapers, wipes, bibs, clothing,
formula, etc. Students will be able to place their gifts at the Nativity scene
in school, near the feet of Baby Jesus.
Wednesday, November 27th, the students are invited to celebrate
Thanksgiving by dressing “down” as a Native American, Pilgrim or turkey. On
Friday, December 20th, the students are invited to celebrate
Christmas by dressing “down” as an angel, wise man, shepherd, Mary, Joseph, elf,
Santa or other Christmas character. Students may only dress down if they
participate. Prizes will be given for best dressed in each class.
OLOS H & S will host a potluck meal and meeting, beginning at 6:30. Everyone
is asked to bring a dish.
SANTA STORE: On Thursday, Dec. 19th the students will
get to shop at the Santa Store. If you have any items (new or gently used) that
you would like to donate & that would make good gifts, please send them in
anytime. Thanks for your help!
4/5/6 Girls – Tuesdays 6:00 – 8:00 pm
7/8 Girls – Mondays 6:00 – 8:00 pm
5/6 Boys – Thursdays 3:00 – 5:30 pm
7/8 Boys – Wednesdays 3:00 – 5:30 pm
TOURNAMENT: We are looking for people to volunteer for the
golf tournament committee. Two of the main organizers (Mark Adrian & Rex
Buechter) will be leaving this committee in the very near future so we want to
get more in before we lose all of their wisdom and insight. This is a MAJOR
FUNDRAISER FOR OUR SCHOOL – somewhere in the profit range of $5000. In the past
few years, membership on this committee has continually declined. Do we want to
lose this fundraiser due to lack of interest? Our school is driven by these
fundraisers with all of our children benefiting. We need to see some new
faces. OLOS School is OUR SCHOOL and we need ALL
NIGHT THEMES: Our Italian Feast, a major school fundraiser, is
scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014. Each class picks a theme for a basket to
sell on the Silent Auction, and each family is asked to donate an item of at
least $5 value for the class basket. If you would rather, you can choose to
send $5 to the classroom teacher, and he/she can then purchase needed items for
the basket. You may send in your item or $5 at any time. Holiday
sales sometimes offer good deals. Themes this year are as follows:
PK: Duck
K/1: Game Night
2: Picnic
3: Movie night
4/5 Survival Bag
6/7: Arts & Crafts for the Kids
8: Mizzou
COACH: We are in need of someone to coach cheerleaders
during the girls’ home games. Please contact Mrs. Haeffner if you are
UPDATE enclosed in today’s folder. Please read carefully.
JUST IN TIME TO START YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! We will be having a Paparazzi Jewelry fundraiser in conjunction
with our breakfast this Sunday. This is a costume jewelry company. Each
piece is only $7.00 and the school receives $2.00 profit from each piece sold.
It is Cash and Carry so you can take even your purchase home the same day.
Tell all your friends!
UPDATE ON SAVANNA (written by Stacy Schrimpf: Just wanted to let you all know that I went to St. Louis to visit
Savanna Weston (the 15 yr old girl you did and are doing the dress down for
$1.00 days) on Monday. She looks great. She is counting down the
days until she gets to go home. She has had to stay in isolation for 100 days
after her bone marrow transplant. She has a big poster board hanging on the
wall with they days counted down. Day 100 will be on Thanksgiving Day.
Unfortunately, the clinic is closed on Thanksgiving Day so she will have to
wait until day 101 to get her blood drawn and then wait for the all clear to go
home. Please continue to pray for the Weston Family and especially
Savanna. She is so ready to go home. She told me she misses her dog a
lot. She is doing school work via a computer and doing quite well
studying on her own. She won't be allowed back to school for one year
after her transplant which means next August. She said to make sure and
tell you all thank you again for the Prayers and the support, she is truly
amazed at our little school with its BIG hearts!
School Fundraising Breakfast: Sunday, Nov.
17, serving from
7:45 – 11:30 am
Student/Parent School Thanksgiving Meal:
Thursday, Nov. 21st
H & S Potluck Meal/Meeting – Monday, Dec. 9 @
6:30 pm
OLOS Christmas Program – Friday, Dec. 6 @
6:30 pm, dress rehearsal – 8:30 am or after Mass
Santa Store – Thursday, December 19th
OLOS Christmas Parties – Friday, Dec. 20 @
1:30 pm
Reading Counts Field Trip – Tan-Tar-A Waterpark,
Thursday, May 8th
OLOS 8th grade Graduation: Saturday, May 10th,
5:00 pm Mass with reception at the School gym.