OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Saturday Diocesan Science Fair
Wednesday OLOS Penance Service – 7:00 pm
Thursday Grade Cards Issued
Dress Down in GREEN for St. Patrick’s Day
All School Mass (6th gr. ministry)
Friday NO SCHOOL – Teacher Retreat
Congratulations to the students participating in the Speech Meet last weekend at OLOS School: They all received BLUE RIBBONS!! The students earned their blue ribbons in the following categories: Sydney Trachsel & Kenadi Trachsel - duet, Madison Evers - serious, Cameron Haeffner - serious, Rachel Wood & Megan Evers - duet, Rachel Buechter - humorous, and Kalie Massman – humorous. We are proud of YOU!
ADVANCE NOTICE: OLOS School will once again be hosting our annual EASTER EGG HUNT for all students in Preschool through 5th grades. We will be enjoying this event the morning of Thursday, March 28th. We are asking EACH STUDENT to bring in ONE DOZEN plastic candy-filled eggs (please no chocolate or anything that would melt). We will announce in these notes when you can send them in to the classroom. If you would like to remember the older students – who have the hard job of hiding all these eggs, throw in a little extra candy for them!
Congratulations to Andrew Schulte! Andrew earned 3rd place in the Diocesan Catholic Schools Week contest for his prayer card. Mr. Novotney, Superintendent of Catholic Schools, will bring his class snacks in the near future. Way to go, Andrew! Students receiving Honorable Mention in the other CSW contests are Tyler Evers, Sara Beck, Justin Schrimpf & Hannah Evers. Congratulations to all of these students!
Many thanks to Mike Haeffner (Mrs. Haeffner’s father-in-law) who donated three days this week subbing for Mrs. Werdehausen. What a donation of time & talent. We deeply appreciate his generosity!
Profits from recent fundraisers: Italian Feast - $5224.25, including meal, wine sales, silent auction & food sales.
School Breakfast - $725.20. Thanks so much to EVERYONE who helped and/or donated items for these events. We could not do these great fundraisers without your support!
6th grade Parents: Please help your child fill out the enclosed 6th grade Vocation Day packet and return as soon as possible.
Spelling Bee participants: If your child qualified for the St. Martin’s Spelling Bee, you will find a permission slip in today’s folder, allowing your child to stay for the after-school practices. Please return this as soon as possible. The Spelling Bee is scheduled for Thursday, April 11, 2013.
CHEER PARENTS: Please remember to send in your child’s CLEAN uniform. Remember, there will be a fee charged if any item is unreturned.
All prospective Preschool and Kindergarten parents: Remember the Informational Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 20th. This short meeting will run from 6:30 to 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there!
It is hard to believe that we are beginning our last quarter of school already. Where does the time go? When thinking about where we are in the school year, we realize it is time to be thinking about 8th grade graduation. Once again, we are asking the 7th grade parents and students to host the reception for the graduation. We are asking for a couple of 7th grade parents to volunteer to coordinate this event. Please contact someone in the office with your offer to help. Graduation is set for Saturday, May 4, 2013 at the 5:00 pm Mass.
Dress Guidelines for graduation: Boys – dress pants, collared shirt, dress shoes, tie-optional; Girls – dresses, no more than 2 inches above the knee, no spaghetti straps showing (may wear shawl to cover). Students will be wearing cap/gown for graduation and the awards portion of the reception. Cap & gown fees - $8.50.
We are looking for an 8th grade parent (friend or acquaintance) to compose the slide show for graduation (Power Point or something along that line). Students will be asked to send in 8 pictures (from baby to present day) for this presentation. Please contact someone in the office if you are willing to set this up. Thank you!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Reading Counts Field Trip for grades 2 – 5 will be on Monday, May 6, 2013. The students will be going to Lazer Tag in Osage Beach & Bridal Cave in Camdenton. Lazer Tag will be from 9:30 – 10:30 am (3 games), lunch from 11:00 – 11:30, and Bridal Cave from 12:00 – 1:00 pm.
The 4th & 5th graders will be participating in the first annual Pope John Paul II Catholic Schools Little Olympics on April 17th, 2013. Twelve schools were invited to participate in these activities at the Helias High School track. Events include softball throw, 50 meter dash, 100 meter dash, tug of war, long jump, relays and longer dashes. Students will wear their orange Reading Counts shirts that day. Families are invited to attend. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, water coolers, etc. There will be a concession stand.
Due to the recent snow days, school will be in session until noon Holy Thursday, March 28th, and we will have a full day of school on Tuesday, April 2nd. We attended a full day March 1st to make up one day also.
Students will be attending Stations of the Cross on Friday afternoons during Lent. If you (or grandparents) attend and would like to take your child home afterwards, please send a note to school, so that your child’s book bag will be brought to church with him/her.
OLOS Penance Service is set for this Wednesday, March 13 at 7:00 pm. Please make every effort to attend with your family!
Congratulations to Kathy Schulte, winner of the wooden train set that was raffled off this week, with proceeds of approximately $100 to benefit the school. We thank Andy Davenport for donating this set for raffle.
Congratulations to these students for winning book fair events: Guess # of “Readioactive” Worms – Ava Puckett – won the bucket of worms, Madison E., Tyler E. & Devin H. also won a prize for this event for their near guesses. The Guess the Fingerprint game was won by Jonathan L., Zachary B., and Rachel W, all of whom also won a small prize. We thank EVERYONE who visited the book fair either on Sunday or Thursday night! It was a great success!
Beef Sticks - Students can purchase beef sticks during lunch for $1 each. If you would like a box of 30 sent home, the price is $30. All profits go to the school. Thank you for your support!
Remember – once your child earns the 75 point Reading Counts T-shirt, he/she may wear it at any time in lieu of their regular dress code collared shirt.
In the event of inclement weather, when school may have to dismiss early, there will be NO EXTENDED CARE SERVICES available. All students should be picked up at the dismissal time which would be announced with the dismissal notification.
OLOS Preschool is now accepting applications for the 2013-14 school year. We have had several inquiries about preschool services for the upcoming school year and have a pre-registration list in the office. If you or anyone you know are interested, please contact the school office NOW at 573-498-3574.
OPERATION RICE BOWL: CRS Rice Bowl invites us to learn about the Dominican Republic this week, where CRS helps women form savings and lending communities that help them save money and access small loans for new businesses. Pray for these women who have the courage to start their own businesses, and make a contribution to your Rice Bowl to support people working to provide a better livelihood for their families.