OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Saturday Regional Speech Meet @ OLOS School - 8:00 am–12:00 noon
Sunday Breakfast & Bookfair – 7:45-11:30 am
Tuesday End Third Quarter
Thursday Wear Reading Counts shirts today! (may dress down if wearing R. C. shirt)
Book fair Night – 6 - 8 pm
All School Mass (7th/8th gr. ministry)
Friday March “Dress Down Day”
Stations of the Cross – 2:15 pm
2013-2014 ENROLLMENT FORMS WERE SENT HOME TWO WEEKS AGO FOR ALL STUDENTS ENTERING KINDERGARTEN THROUGH 8TH GRADES. If you did not return yours, another copy is enclosed in today’s folder. If you are undecided as the whether or not your child will attend next year, please just note this on the form.
Our sincere condolences to the Koetting family on the death of Gregory’s dad, Kenny Koetting. Gregory and Amanda’s daughter, Leah, is a student in our preschool classroom. We will keep you in our prayers!
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR JV GIRLS’ AND BOYS’ BASKETBALL TEAMS!!! Both teams won SECOND PLACE IN THE CATHOLIC BOWL last weekend! What an accomplishment - We are so proud of our teams!!!
ALL BASKETBALL & CHEER PARENTS: Please remember to send in your child’s CLEAN uniform. Remember, there will be a fee charged if any item is unreturned.
Congratulations to Cameron Haeffner, winner in the Life Science division of the Science Fair. Congratulations to Sydney Trachsel & Rachel Wood, winners in the Physical Science division of the Science Fair. These students have the opportunity to represent OLOS School in the diocesan science fair on March 9th.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Reading Counts Field Trip for grades 2 – 5 will be on Monday, May 6, 2013. The students will be going to Lazer Tag in Osage Beach & Bridal Cave in Camdenton. Lazer Tag will be from 9:30 – 10:30 am (3 games), lunch from 11:00 – 11:30, and Bridal Cave from 12:00 – 1:00 pm.
The 4th & 5th graders will be participating in the first annual Pope John Paul II Catholic Schools Little Olympics on April 17th, 2013. Twelve schools were invited to participate in these activities at the Helias High School track. Events include softball throw, 50 meter dash, 100 meter dash, tug of war, long jump, relays and longer dashes. Students will wear their orange Reading Counts shirts that day. Families are invited to attend. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, water coolers, etc. There will be a concession stand.
Due to the recent snow days, school will be in session until noon Holy Thursday, March 28th, and we will have a full day of school on Tuesday, April 2nd. Additionally, we will go a full day March 1st.
Good luck to the following students who are participating in the Speech Meet this weekend at OLOS School: Sydney Trachsel, Madison Evers, Cameron Haeffner, Rachel Wood, Megan Evers, Rachel Buechter, Kalie Massman, and Dakota Graham.
Students will be attending Stations of the Cross on Friday afternoons during Lent. If you (or grandparents) attend and would like to take your child home afterwards, please send a note to school, so that your child’s book bag will be brought to church with him/her.
Income from games 2/16/13: Concessions $129.00, Gate $58.00 (after referee/scorekeeper fees)
Beef Sticks - Students can purchase beef sticks during lunch for $1 each. If you would like a box of 30 sent home, the price is $30. All profits go to the school. Thank you for your support!
Remember – once your child earns the 75 point Reading Counts T-shirt, he/she may wear it at any time in lieu of their regular dress code collared shirt.
In the event of inclement weather, when school may have to dismiss early, there will be NO EXTENDED CARE SERVICES available. All students should be picked up at the dismissal time which would be announced with the dismissal notification.
OLOS Preschool is now accepting applications for the 2013-14 school year. We have had several inquiries about preschool services for the upcoming school year and have a pre-registration list in the office. If you or anyone you know are interested, please contact the school office NOW at 573-498-3574. Pre-registration forms may be found in today’s folder for all with a known interest.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: OLOS School is using the PARENT ALERT SYSTEM through Option C. This option gives OLOS School the ability to contact parents through an automated alert system for cancellations due to weather and other emergency situations. IT IS THE PARENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to logon to Option C and set up preferences for contact. By default, families will be alerted through an automated voice message to the main phone number and the main email address listed on the “family profile” sheet which you received and updated near the beginning of the school year. You may also opt to have messages sent via text messages to your mobile phone, to additional email addresses and to work numbers. PLEASE LOG ON NOW AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS BELOW TO CHOOSE YOUR PREFERENCES:
Logon to (or click on link on school website), and put in code 8085.
On far right of HOME page, click on “My Settings”
Click on “Family Profile”
Scroll down, click on “Family Alert Contacts”
This is where you select your preferences. You may opt to receive all forms of alerts – email, voice, texts, to both parents’ phones and email accounts.
For now, we will also contact the local TV & radio stations with cancellation information. This system depends on internet service to the principal (at home & at school), which as we all know is sometimes undependable. If you are ever in doubt, please tune in to the following TV & radio stations: –TV, Channel 8, KRCG-TV Channel 13, ABC-TV Channel 17 and radio stations KLIK, KJMO, KWOS, KPLA, KOQL, KATI, KCLR/Y107.
OPERATION RICE BOWL: This week we focus our prayers, fasting, and almsgiving on Lesotho, where many children lack access to quality education. Only 73% of primary school-age children in Lesotho are enrolled in school. Give to your Rice Bowl this week to support communities working with CRS to provide educational opportunities for children.