OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Saturday 5/6 Boys BBall @ HOME – 8:00 am (vs. St. Joe, White) – COME CHEER!!!
Monday Student Council mtg – 3:00 – 4:30 pm
Tuesday Picture Retakes – 9:00 am
Wednesday 5/6 Boys BBall @ St. Martin – 6:00 pm (vs. St. Stanislaus)
Thursday St. Nicholas Feast Day, All School Mass (2nd gr. Ministry)
JV Girls Bball @ HOME – 7:00 pm (vs. St. George, Linn) – COME CHEER!!!
JV Boys Bball @ HOME – 8:00 pm (vs. St. Peter, JC, Saints) – COME CHEER!!!
Friday Dress Rehearsal – 10:00 am – bring costumes!!
SCHOOL DISMISSES @ 12:00 NOON - Lunch is served
Items for Santa Store due today (or bring to Christmas Program)
School Spirit Day – may dress down if wearing official school spirit shirt
OLOSS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM – Sunday, December 9, 2012 after the 10:00 am Mass. If you haven’t heard anything from your classroom teacher, your child should dress in his/her Sunday best/dress code for the program. We will be having a full dress rehearsal on Friday at 10:00 am. If your child is wearing a costume, please make sure he/she brings it to school on Friday. This is a school spirit day, and all those not wearing costumes may just remain in their spirit clothing or dress code clothing. Please invite any friends or family who may not be able to make it to the program on Sunday to this dress rehearsal. On Sunday, Dec. 9th, please come to the Center gymnasium after the 10:00 am Mass. Students should remain in the cafeteria, from which they will enter the gym as a class.
There will be a STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING this MONDAY, from 3:00 pm until 4:30 pm. Please send a note for your child to stay after school.
If you would like to have your child’s picture retaken, please send the intact package back to school by Tuesday morning. Your child may dress for pictures when they come to school, and change into dress code after picture-taking is over if they are doing make-up or retakes.
CHRISTMAS GIFTING: OLOS School will be collecting baby items (Gifts for Jesus) for St. Raymond’s Society (new mothers’ support group), Birthright, and/or the Crisis Pregnancy Center. Gift ideas might be: diapers, wipes, shampoo/powder, onesies, towels, washcloths, or anything a baby and new mother might need. The Student Council will be setting up the manger on Monday (where students may place their “Gifts for Jesus”), so you may begin sending in those gifts in anytime. We will collect items until Friday, December 14th. This year we will not be participating in a classroom gift exchange. We want the focus of Christmas to be on the birth of Jesus and more about giving than receiving. We ask that you not send in gifts for teachers, and redirect the money you would normally spend on them and classroom gifts to Gifts for Jesus. We also ask that friends don’t exchange gifts with each other within the school day.
We are still having Christmas parties in the classroom, so please don’t think the students will be deprived of a happy Christmas celebration at school. We do want to encourage our students to enjoy the many aspects of the Christmas season that have little to do with the opening of gifts. We are hoping Santa will visit us at our parties and we are looking forward to a joyful, blessed Christmas season!
REMINDER: The deadline for donated items for the Santa Store is Friday, December 7th OR you can bring items to the Christmas Program and bring over to Annex AFTER the program, if that is easier for you. Thank you!
Every other year, OLOS School, along with schools throughout our diocese, participate in the Science Fair. All students in grades 3rd through 8th will be required to do a project, which will be part of their science grade. Students in grades 6th through 8th will also be required to submit a paper with their project. Students in 6th, 7th, & 8th grades will be eligible to compete in the diocesan fair and should make their project in one of the three categories of Life, Physical or Earth Science. We highly encourage all students to work individually; however, if two students work together they must be in the same grade. The OLOS Science Fair is unscheduled, but will likely be held in the first or second week of February. Winners from OLOS will compete at the Diocesan Science Fair on March 9, 2013. YOU HAVE RECEIVED SCIENCE FAIR PACKET GUIDELINES. DO NOT THROW THIS AWAY – YOU WILL NEED THIS AS A REFERENCE TOOL!! Students must run an actual experiment and follow closely the Scientific Method, as outlined in the packet. Display boards will be offered after Christmas for a nominal fee. Please begin thinking about this now, going over ideas with your child. It always seems to sneak up on everyone after Christmas so we urge you to start now.
COOKIE DOUGH/BREADS still for sale: 2 choc. chip pecan, 2 Heath, 2 White Mac., 2 Choc. Chunk, 1 PB Choc., 1 Sugar, 1 Triple Choc., 1 M&M, 1 Oatmeal, 1 Oatmeal Raisin, 1 PB, 3 Cinn. Rolls, 1 Sticky Bun, 1 Strawb. Braid, 1 Cr. Cheese Braid, 1 Cinn. Braid. Please contact us in the office if you can sell or want to purchase any of these items. Thank you!
We are looking for Nintendo Wii’s – new or used in good condition for PE class. We are in need of six units. Please contact someone in the office if you or anyone you know has one to donate. Thank you!
The Italian Feast is scheduled for February 2, 2013. To make this the successful fundraiser, we count on the school families in several ways. The first way is donation of time and talent in working at and helping plan the event. The other obvious way we count on families is through donations of items for the Silent Auction. We are asking each school family to donate one item of value to place directly on the Silent Auction. We also ask that each family donate an item of at least $5 value to the “classroom basket”. Each classroom has picked a theme and is responsible for compiling this “themed basket” to put up for bidding at the auction. If you cannot come up with something for the themed basket, please send $5 to the classroom teacher, so that he/she may do the shopping for you. With the seasonal sales, you may be able to get better deals now than waiting until the last minute to purchase your items. The classroom themes are as follows:
PK – Mizzou; K/1 – Game Night, 2 – Anything Dr. Suess, 3/4 – Fishing, 5 – Movie Night, 6 – Spring cleaning supplies, 7 – Hunting, 8 – Cardinals
Do you have connections with any wineries? We are in need of more representation by local wineries at our Italian Feast, scheduled for Feb. 2, 2013. If you have any ideas, please contact Mrs. Groose.
Students can purchase beef sticks during lunch for $1 each. If you would like a box of 30 sent home, the price is $30. All profits go to the school. Thank you for your support!
SPORTS NEWS!! We are off to a great start in basketball this year. We are pleased to report that both of our JV teams won last night at home! The JV girls defeated St. Peter, Fulton , with a score of 23-11. The JV boys won against St. Peter, JC, the final score being 38-24. Way to go Cougars – we are PROUD of YOU!!!