OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Monday Reading Counts points deadline
Spelling Bee @ St. Martin’s School – all day
Sketch Practice – until 4:00 pm
Tuesday Last day to check out library books
DARE - 6th graders
April “Dress Down for $1 Day”
Wednesday Delta Dental Program @ 2:00 pm for PK – 4th graders
Thursday All School Mass (7/8 grade ministry)
7/8 grade “One Room School House” interviews/breakfast
K/1 Field Trip to Leap Frog & CJ’s Pets
Friday Renaissance Day
Reading Counts Permission Forms come home
MID-TERM PROGRESS REPORTS are in today’s folder. Please sign & return. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the classroom teacher.
ATTENTION!!! The deadline for Reading Counts points is Monday, April 23rd. Permission forms will be coming home on Friday of next week and will need to be returned by the following Monday, complete, with money attached.
Tutoring ends Friday, April 27th.
Renaissance Day is THIS FRIDAY, April 27th. Students are encouraged to dress in costumes from that era: jesters, prince, princess, peasant, kings, queen, knights, fairies, magician, jugglers, etc. Can’t wait to see those costumes!
PAYMENT OF FEES: Please pay close attention to any bills due and try to project what fees may be needed to finish out the year. Remember – no grade cards or diplomas will be released until ALL SCHOOL FEES ARE PAID. If you have any questions, please call the school office.
8TH GRADERS - SEND IN 8 PICTURES OF YOURSELF (generally from little on up to present) or a CD with these images. Stacy Schrimpf MUST have your pictures by Monday, April 30th (10 days from today!!).
There is a black crock pot missing from the kitchen. If you borrowed it, please return as soon as possible. Thanks!
The last day to check out books from the library will be Tuesday, April 24th. Remember, there is a $5 fee for any unreturned or damaged library book.
Please return Rice Bowls to the school or to the main vestibule of the church. Thank you for supporting Operation Rice Bowl this Easter season.
Mrs. Kempker’s 7/8 grade literature class will be hosting a breakfast for some area senior citizens on Thursday, April 26th at 9:00 am. The students will be interviewing the seniors about their experiences in a one room school house. They have been reading A Teacher’s Funeral, by Richard Peck. If you know of any person that would be interested in participating in these interviews, please call the office or contact Mrs. Kempker. It is really quite an enjoyable morning for students and seniors alike!
READING COUNTS NEWS: - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! The preschool through 4th graders will be taking their Reading Counts trip to Bonkers, in Columbia on May 8th. They will eat lunch at a park & then come back to watch a movie in the gym. The cost for this trip will be approximately $4 per student. The 5th through 8th graders will be taking their trip on May 4th. They will go bowling at Country Club Lanes in Eldon from 8:30 to 10:30, eat lunch at the park, and then go to play Lazer Tag at the Lake from 12:45-1:45 pm. Cost for this trip will be approximately $10 per student. Remember – your child must have earned 200 Reading Counts points to qualify to go on this trip.
5-8th graders: You are invited to the Parochial Schools’ Fun Night for boys & girls, sponsored & chaperoned by the PAL Football League. This event will be held at the Firley YMCA (Ellis Blvd.) on Saturday, April 28th, from 6:30 to 9:45 pm. The cost is $10 per student, which includes pizza & soft drinks. Activities include rock wall climbing, dodge ball, obstacle course, volleyball, etc. Some of our students have attended this event in previous years and reported having a great time!
The last day of school is set for Tuesday. May 15th. This will be a half day – dismissing at 12:00 Noon, with the awards ceremony at 9:00 am.
Remember to return your Friday Folder on Monday.
Have a great weekend!