OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Sunday Wear RED to Mass for Palm Sunday
Monday Student Council mtg – until 4:00 pm
Tuesday DARE - 6th graders
Wednesday Easter Egg Hunts, Spelling Bee Practice – until 4:00 pm, Passion Play @ 2:30 - gym
Thursday NO SCHOOL – Holy Thursday
Friday NO SCHOOL – Good Friday
IT’S TIME TO SEND IN THOSE EGGS! The preschool through 5th grade students will be enjoying the annual OLOS School Easter Egg Hunt on Wednesday, April 4th. We are asking each student to bring in one dozen candy filled plastic eggs (no chocolate or anything that would melt please). Thank you!
The 3rd and 4th grade will be presenting The Passion Play this Wednesday, April 4th at 2:30 pm in the gym. All family members & parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend.
Easter Break will be April 5-April 9th. We will resume on April 10th. No notes will be coming home from the office next week, due to the short week. We will, however, be sending out end of month billings on Wednesday. Please pay close attention to any bills due and try to project what fees may be needed to finish out the year. Remember – no grade cards or diplomas will be released until ALL SCHOOL FEES ARE PAID.
Thanks to Missy Beck, Laura Schulte, Lori Evers for volunteering to coordinate the 8th grade graduation reception. All 7th grade parents may be contacted to provide refreshments for this event.
8th grade parents: Cap & gown fees are $8.50, which can be paid at any time. Guidelines for dress: Boys – dress pants, collared shirt, dress shoes, tie is optional; Girls – dresses, no more than 2 inches above the knee, no spaghetti straps showing (may wear shawl to cover). Students will be wearing cap/gown for graduation and awards portion of the reception.
Thanks so much to Stacy Schrimpf for volunteering to do the slide show for the graduation reception. NOW IS THE TIME - 8TH GRADERS - TO SEND IN 8 PICTURES OF YOURSELF (generally from little on up to present) or a CD with these images. Stacy would like to get started on this project ASAP!
Thanks to everyone who came to and helped at the Book Fair. I think everyone had a good time. Congratulations to Kyle Bond for guessing closest on the candy guessing game. There were 593 candies in the jar. Congratulations also to the 7/8th grades classes for winning book fair bingo, for which they received dress down passes. Also to the
4th grade class - They collected the most change last week - $46.15 between the five of them – and won the pizza party which they enjoyed on Wednesday. They collected just about a$1 more than the 5th graders – so it was really a close race! Way to go 4th graders! $220.54 was collected among all the classrooms and this money was used to purchase books for the school. Thanks so much for supporting our school. I would like to thank everyone who helped organize, plan, decorate, and run the book fair and breakfast. We appreciate all you do for our school!
...Mrs. Groose
Mark your calendar: The Golf Tournament date has been set for Friday, May 18th. Please be working on getting those “hole sponsors” and think about donating your time/talent to help out. Contact Mark Adrian, Rex Buechter, Matt Trachsel or the school know if you can help out in any way.
Mark your calendar: Freshman Orientation at Cole R-V High School for any incoming Freshman for the 2012-13 school year. We will also have personnel from Cole R-V come in to talk to our students about classes/scheduling, but as of yet, this date is unscheduled due to the change to the eight block schedule next year.
Gardening Committee: Thanks so much to the ladies who helped clean up around the school on Tuesday evening. We thank: Stacey Evers, Brittany Schulte, Lynn Morgan, Jeanne Buechter, Lori Evers, Nancy & Brianna Kliethermes, and Marie Massman. You did a great job! The list of “willing workers” – also includes Gina Adrian. We need more volunteers to water during the summer and pull a few weeds. In previous years we have been able to schedule a person/family for each week during the summer. We hope to get enough volunteers to do that again so that everyone has to do once or twice through the summer. Please write a note, email, or call the office with your offer to help. Thanks so much for all you do to support OLOS School!
READING COUNTS NEWS: - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! The preschool through 4th graders will be taking their Reading Counts trip to Bonkers, in Columbia on May 8th. They will eat lunch at a park & then come back to watch a movie in the gym. The cost for this trip will be approximately $4 per student. The 5th through 8th graders will be taking their trip on May 4th. They will go bowling at Country Club Lanes in Eldon from 8:30 to 10:30, eat lunch at the park, and then go to play Lazer Tag at the Lake from 12:45-1:45 pm. Cost for this trip will be approximately $10 per student. Remember – your child must have earned 200 Reading Counts points to qualify to go on this trip. The deadline for Reading Counts points is Monday, April 23rd.
Renaissance Day is now scheduled for April 27th. Students are encouraged to dress in costumes from that era: jesters, prince, princess, peasant, kings, queen, knights, fairies, magician, jugglers, etc.
Mrs. Groose is selling Jack Link’s beefsticks at lunch time for $1.00 each. Thanks for your support!
Due to the third snow day, the last day of school is now tentatively set for Tuesday. May 15th. This will be a half day – dismissing at 12:00 Noon, with the awards ceremony at 9:00 am.
We are wishing everyone an early Blessed and safe EASTER!
Take time to reflect on the real meaning of the days ahead.
Remember – all Holy Week services are at 8:00 pm.
We encourage you to bring the whole family and try to attend all of the services that you are able.
Hope the Easter Bunny finds all your baskets to fill!
Remember to return your Friday Folder on Monday.