OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Tuesday DARE - 6th graders
Thursday All School Mass (6th grade ministry)
Friday “Wear Green for St. Patrick’s Day!”
Grade Cards Issued Stations of the Cross – 2:15 pm
6th Grade attend Helias play – “Happy Days” - @ Miller Performing Arts Center
Enrollment forms for the 2012-13 school year were sent home last week, and if you did not return yours, a new one is in today’s folder. Please fill these out and return on Monday. OLOS School makes classroom and employee decisions based on projected enrollment so these forms are very important. If you do not plan on sending your child to OLOS next year, there is a place on the form to indicate this decision. If you are unsure, please so indicate and return. Thank you for your expedient reply to this request.
CONGRATULATIONS to the SPEECH MEET PARTICIPANTS, who competed at St. Peter’s School over the weekend. We congratulate Maggie Morris – blue ribbon/serious; Morgan Pringer -blue ribbon/serious; Rachel Buechter – blue ribbon/humorous, Gabby Morff – red ribbon/humorous, Sydney Trachsel & Megan Evers – blue ribbons/duet, and Ariana Evers & Erin Love – red ribbons/duet. We are proud of you, girls! Thanks so much to Carla Morris for coaching these girls and to Mr. Vandike for volunteering as a judge at last weekend’s meet.
Congratulations to Mrs. Kempker’s 6th grade class!! Mrs. Kempker’s class won first place with their submission of the “Top Ten Characteristics of a Superhero” in the diocesan contest for Catholic Schools’ Week. In this contest, students were to develop a list of characteristics of faith, academics & service that a Catholic School Supehero would have. For their winning entry, the 6th graders will get to have a pizza party in their room, sponsored by the diocesan Catholic School Office. Be watching the bulletin for this winning entry. Other winners in the CSW contest were: Macy Adrian/ Honorable Mention/2nd grade superhero coloring contest; 4th Grade/Honorable Mention – Top Ten list; 5th grade/Honorable Mention – Top Ten List; and Our Lady of the Snows School/Honorable Mention – Betty Pound/Superhero Essay. Way to go everyone – WE ARE PROUD OF YOU!
Thanks so much to Carla Morris & Lynn Morgan – who drove and supervised our 8th graders while on retreat on Thursday. We appreciate YOU!
Congratulations to Kenadi Trachsel!! As a class English project, Kenadi wrote a short essay about a baby sea lion and submitted to Zoo Books. Her essay was published and is enclosed in today’s folder. For being published, Kenadi will receive a free subscription to ZooBooks. Way to go, Kenadi! Also – go online and look for other submissions by Madison Evers, Makinzie Morgan & Jared Evers. Students were to write about snakes or sea lions. The website is listed on enclosed flyer.
Enclosed in today’s folder are a couple flyers dealing with the upcoming book fair. Two big events are planned – the BookFair/Breakfast on Sunday, March 18th and the Book Fair Family Night on Thursday, March 22nd. Help is needed for both of these events. Please look these two forms over and return on Monday.
7th grade parents: Traditionally, the 7th grade parents have hosted the 8th grade graduation. We are looking for two (or more) people to coordinate the reception. Please contact us if you would be willing to help out.
8th grade parents: Cap & gown fees are $8.50, which can be paid at any time. Guidelines for dress: Boys – dress pants, collared shirt, dress shoes, tie is optional; Girls – dresses, no more than 2 inches above the knee, no spaghetti straps showing (may wear shawl to cover). Students will be wearing cap/gown for graduation and awards portion of the reception.
Along with 8th grade graduation, we are looking for an 8th grade parent (or other family member/acquaintance) to coordinate the slide show. Let us know if you or someone you know would be able to help out with this. Also – 8th graders will need to send in 8 pictures of themselves (generally from little on up to present) or a CD with these images. These will be needed closer to the end of the year.
We will be attending Stations of the Cross every Friday throughout Lent at 2:15 pm. Students may leave from church with parent or grandparent, but only with a note from the parent to the classroom teacher. The teacher will then allow the student to bring his/her book bag to church with them.
Advance Notice: The preschool through 5th grade students will be enjoying the annual OLOS School Easter Egg Hunt on Wednesday, April 4th. We are asking each student to bring in one dozen candy filled plastic eggs (no chocolate or anything that would melt please). We thought we’d let you know ahead of time so that you can pick them up some time when you’re at the store. We will announce in these notes when we would like them sent in to school. Thank you!
READING COUNTS NEWS: - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! The preschool through 4th graders will be taking their Reading Counts trip to Bonkers, in Columbia on May 8th. They will eat lunch at a park & then come back to watch a movie in the gym. The cost for this trip will be approximately $4 per student. The 5th through 8th graders will be taking their trip on May 4th. They will go bowling at Country Club Lanes in Eldon from 8:30 to 10:30, eat lunch at the park, and then go to play Lazer Tag at the Lake from 12:45-1:45 pm. Cost for this trip will be approximately $10 per student. Remember – your child must have earned 200 Reading Counts points to qualify to go on this trip. The deadline for Reading Counts points is Monday, April 23rd.
Renaissance Day is now scheduled for April 27th. Students are encouraged to dress in costumes from that era: jesters, prince, princess, peasant, kings, queen, knights, fairies, magician, jugglers, etc.
Mrs. Groose is selling Jack Link’s beefsticks at lunch time for $1.00 each. Thanks for your support!
Baby Wilcox Fundraiser – please look for flyer enclosed. Any donation is appreciated but most needed is money to pay for the three funerals. Thanks for anything you can do for this family dealing with such a tragedy.
Golf Tournament Fundraiser: We are in need of more people to serve on the Golf Tournament Committee. This is a major fundraiser for our school and more help is needed. If you would be interested in helping out, please contact Mark Adrian or Matt Trachsel. Also, be thinking of “hole sponsors”. This is a $100 donation, by a business or individual, for which the donor has their name or business name on a sign near one of the holes on the course. Be thinking of businesses that you support. Perhaps they would be interested in supporting this fundraiser? A list will be published outlining who already sponsors holes in the very near future (so that businesses do not get asked more than once). Thanks for your support!
1. Obey the driver.
2. Stay seated unless getting on or off the bus.
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself and inside the bus.
4. No offensive language or disruptive behavior.
5. No eating, drinking, or harmful objects on the bus.
6. Seat belts are to be worn at all times, if available.
Due to the third snow day, the last day of school is now tentatively set for Tuesday. May 15th. This will be a half day – dismissing at 12:00 Noon, with the awards ceremony at 9:00 am.
Remember to return your Friday Folder on Monday.
Hope you have a great weekend!