OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person in a
faith-filled Catholic environment.
Monday Student Council mtg – until 4:00 pm
Tuesday DARE - 6th graders
Wednesday End of Third Quarter
Thursday 8th grade Retreat, All School Mass (7th grade ministry)
2nd grade field trip to JC Post Office
Friday Stations of the Cross – 2:15 pm
Enrollment forms for the 2012-13 school year are in today’s folder. Please fill these out and return early next week. OLOS School makes classroom and employee decisions based on projected enrollment so these forms are very important. If you do not plan on sending your child to OLOS next year, there is a place on the form to indicate this decision. If you are unsure, please so indicate and return. Thank you for your expedient reply to this request.
Way to go boys, we are proud of you! The JV Boys Basketball team placed 2nd in the Catholic Bowl on Sunday, Feb. 26th. On Saturday, Feb. 25th, the boys played a very close and exciting game, beating St. Thomas by only 1 point, with a final score of 50-49. Sunday things got more serious, however, when they faced the winning team from the JVA bracket, and took a loss to Loose Creek, placing them second in the JV bracket. 18 teams participated in the JV portion of the Catholic Bowl. We say “great job and good season” to Zachary Bond, Noah Puckett, Kyle Kliethermes, Zachary Scheuler, Sheldon Schulte, Daniel Beck, Jake Brockman, Noah Puckett, and coaches Billy Bond, Joe Brockman, and Aaron Scheuler. You represent OLOS well – as did ALL of our teams this year. Special thanks to Sheila Adrian, who has served our school several years - since we have been hosting games. Sheila was the person behind the scenes making sure workers were scheduled and picking up and overseeing concessions. Mr. Vandike also deserves our thanks. Mr. V has been at every ball game – all evening or all morning – overseeing the needs before, during and after the games. We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank all the coaches – ball & cheer – without your help we could never have teams playing in the Parochial Athletic League. Thanks to all!!!
We wish the best of luck to the full speech team we are sending to St. Peter’s School, JC, tomorrow (Saturday). The students representing OLOS are Erin Love, Morgan Pringer, Sydney Trachsel, Megan Evers, Gabby Morff, Ariana Evers, Rachel Buechter, and Maggie Morris. We will update you on their results next week. You go, girls!
Thanks so much to Rachael Johnson and Missy Evers who volunteered their morning on Wednesday to assist the photographer with picture taking. Don’t know what we’d have done without you! We appreciate it ladies!
PARENTS OF 8TH GRADERS - THE RETREAT IS THIS THURSDAY. Please have your 8th grader to school by 7:15 am. Drivers will be leaving at 7:30 am sharp. Please remember to bring jackets and a sack lunch with a drink. Your child may be sitting on the ground, so please have him/her wear jeans and a collared shirt. Also, please send money for ice-cream, as they may stop by Central Dairy on the way home, if time allows. The students should be back to Mary’s Home by 3:30 or 4:00. Cell phones will be available so that you can make pick up arrangements with the driver of your child (boys – Lynn Morgan, girls – Carla Morris).
There is a Student Council meeting Monday, until 4:00 pm. Parents, please write a note allowing your council member to stay for the meeting.
God bless the person making the $20 memorial contribution to OLOS School in memory of Elroy Bungart. What a wonderful way to remember the deceased. Please pray for their intentions.
We will be attending Stations of the Cross every Friday throughout Lent at 2:15 pm. Students may leave from church with parent or grandparent, but only with a note from the parent to the classroom teacher. The teacher will then allow the student to bring his/her book bag to church with them.
READING COUNTS NEWS: - MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! The preschool through 4th graders will be taking their Reading Counts trip to Bonkers, in Columbia on May 8th. They will eat lunch at a park & then come back to watch a movie in the gym. The cost for this trip will be approximately $4 per student. The 5th through 8th graders will be taking their trip on May 4th. They will go bowling at Country Club Lanes in Eldon from 8:30 to 10:30, eat lunch at the park, and then go to play Lazer Tag at the Lake from 12:45-1:45 pm. Cost for this trip will be approximately $10 per student. Remember – your child must have earned 200 Reading Counts points to qualify to go on this trip. The deadline for Reading Counts points is Monday, April 23rd.
We will be having A Renaissance Day in April. You might be looking for clearance items on costumes for jesters, prince, princess, peasant, kings, queen, knights, fairies, magician, jugglers, etc.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: In case of snow or bad conditions, please tune in to KOMU–TV, Channel 8, KRCG-TV Channel 13, ABC-TV Channel 17 and radio stations KLIK, KJMO, KWOS, KPLA, KOQL, KATI, KCLR/Y107. We will post snow day information and early dismissals. As a parent, it is your responsibility to be aware of conditions and when you suspect bad weather to tune into these stations for more information. NO PHONE CALLS WILL BE MADE INDIVIDUALLY TO PARENTS. If we dismiss early, we try to get an email out to parents. PLEASE TRY TO LIMIT CALLS TO SCHOOL ASKING IF WE ARE DISMISSING EARLY. Once the decision has been made, we contact the radio stations and television stations immediately. However, WE CANNOT DO THIS IN A TIMELY FASHION IF ALL THE PHONE LINES ARE TIED UP FIELDING INCOMING CALLS. Please also keep in mind that we are always looking out for the safety of all students and staff. If we call early, and not much happens weather-wise, all we can say is “better safe than sorry”. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Mrs. Groose is selling Jack Link’s beefsticks at lunch time for $1.00 each. Thanks for your support!
Remember to return your Friday Folder on Monday.
Happy Weekend!