FRIDAY NOTES – on Thursday
OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Saturday 5/6Volleyball @ St. Martin – 9:00 am (vs. St. Martin)
Monday Achievement Testing Make-up, Parent Teacher Conf. sign-up due
Tuesday Achievement Testing Make-up,
Fundraising Mtg. – 6:30 pm, cafeteria
Coaches’ Mtg. – 6:30 pm, school classroom
Wednesday School Pictures – “Dress up for picture day”
Fantasy Night Mtg. – 6:00 pm, cafeteria
Thursday All School Mass (3/4th grade ministry)
JV Volleyball @ St. Joseph, JC - 7:00 pm (vs. St Joe White)
Friday October “Dress Down Day”
Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-up is in today’s folder. Please write your child’s name beside your first two choices of time. Please return these on MONDAY!
There will be a Fantasy Night meeting at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria on Wednesday, October 12, to discuss ideas for next years Fantasy Night. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please come to the meeting.
When sending in lunch checks (if you have more than one child in school), please specify the amount you would like credited to EACH child’s account.
Health screenings were performed on Friday, Sept. 30th. If there were any concerns regarding your child, you will find a note in today’s folder. Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions. Thanks so much to Debbie Schulte – our lone volunteer for the day. WE APPRECIATE YOU, DEBBIE!!!
Cookie Dough orders are due back on October 17th, and delivery will be on October 26th, with pickup from 2-5:30 pm. We are asking for volunteers to help sort and distribute the cookie dough. Please check your calendar now to see if you could set aside some time on the afternoon of 26th to help out – anytime from 12:00 – 12:30 to 5:30 pm. Let us know if you can help. Thanks!
COACHES MEETING: There will be a coaches’ meeting this Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria. ALL coaches should attend this meeting – even if you’re not the main coach. Coach applications and background check forms will be filled out, along with a review of rules, and Virtus. Coaches must have attended Virtus training (this training is offered at the Chancery quite frequently – visit for more info.).
You will notice that School Picture Day is Wednesday. Students may dress up that day for pictures – dress code colors do not apply – jeans may by worn. We are in need of one volunteer to help with picture day. Please let someone in the office know if you would be able to help out. Thanks!
OLOS Parish will be sponsoring a Stewardship Fair after the Masses on the weekend of October 29th and 30th. OLOS School will play an integral part of this stewardship fair. Information will be available from OLOS School, OLOS School Advisory Board, OLOS Home & School Association, OLOS Fundraising Committee, OLOS School Sports, OLOS Preschool and OLOS School Sacraments. Mrs. Trachsel will be in contact with a member of each organization to coordinate this effort. Make plans now to support and attend this fair. Refreshments will also be served.
We have a few 2010-11 yearbooks still available for $12 each. We can order more if needed. If you’d like to purchase a copy, please enclose $12 in a marked envelope, with checks made payable to OLOS School. Thanks!
We have the float entrance form for the Eldon Christmas parade in the school office. The theme this year is “A Christmas Story”. The date is Saturday, November 19th, 2011. If you would be interested in helping to get a float ready, to be sponsored by Our Lady of the Snows School, please contact the school office. In previous years, OLOS School has had great success with this event, and it gets our school and its mission out in the “public eye” – great publicity!
Thanks so much Brittany Schulte! Brittany volunteered to serve on the School Advisory Board. This fills the final position on the Board.
Needed: Home and School officer for the position of V. President. Please contact Mrs.Trachsel if you are interested in serving in this position.
CHEER COACH NEEDED: Would you consider sharing of your time and talent to coach the cheer team this year? If you are willing, please contact someone in the office. Thanks!
Fundraising News: If you’re cleaning out things and find any items you no longer need that might make good “gifts” for the Santa Store, collect them up and send them in. We can also use any donation of tape, bows, tags, gift bags, and wrapping paper for the store. We will also be having the Rada cutlery and That’s My Pan fundraisers this year, with kickoff on November 4th. Thanks for all your help!
Have a great three day weekend, students! Remember to return your Friday Folder on Monday. Thank you!
Congratulations to these Fantasy Night Winners! Thanks to all for a successful night! Special thanks to Matt & Kathleen Haeffner – who donated their winnings back to the school!
Grand Prize Winners:
Josh Lage & David Luadzers – each won $5500!!
$500 winners
Alicia Davis & Brandon Roth
Jim & Ashley Burnett
Charlie & Missy Beck
Gary Herigon
$300 winners
Jerry & Judy Todd
Matt & Kathleen Haeffner
$200 winners
Mike Schulte
Brian & Nancy Kliethermes
Adeline Bauer
Darryl Love
Shane & Nikki Belt
Jim & Carolyn Rehagen
$150 winners
Ken Oswald
Greg & Tammy Love
Ronnie Schulte
Generose Brandt
$100 winners
Lisa Kohlman
Matt & Gayle Trachsel
Leonard & Rosemary Kempker
Steve & Bonnie Beck
Bruce & Kelly Berendzen