What’s Up For Next Week…
Saturday 5/6 Girls BBall @ IC Jeff. Cy. (vs. St. Elizabeth) – 1:00 pm
4/5 Boys BBall @ HOME (vs. St. Peter, Fulton ) – 10:00 am – COME CHEER!
Sunday OLOS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM – after 10:00 am Mass
Monday Santa Store Setup (evening)
Wednesday Santa Store Shopping
Thursday All School Mass (7/8 gr. ministry)
JV Girls BBall @ HOME – (vs. Taos White) – 6:00 pm – COME CHEER!
JV Boys BBall @ HOME – (vs. St. Stanislaus) – 8:00 pm – COME CHEER!
Fundraising Mtg – 6:30 pm
Friday Hot Chocolate & Cookies with Santa – sponsored by Student Council (afternoon)
December “School Spirit” Day – may dress down only if wearing school spirit shirt
The CHRISTMAS PROGRAM is THIS SUNDAY, December 12th, after the 10:00 am Mass, in the GYM. Students should wear dress clothing – no jeans (school dress code works nicely). Preschoolers will be dressing in costumes, to be provided by the school. If the weather turns bad, please stay tuned to the local radio & television stations for cancellations. Depending on the conditions, if we do have the program, we may continue in church or move to the gym. Students are to come to the gym immediately following Mass and go to their assigned seats. Parents & family members will be using the bleachers. Pray for good weather and hope for the best!
BASKETBALL WORK SCHEDULES ARE POSTED ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE – under the SPORTS tab. If you do not have web access, please contact the school office for a hard copy. We will publish scheduled workers in the notes each week, but for planning purposes the full schedule will be found on our website. If you are scheduled to work the first game of the day/evening, please come 30 minutes early because teams arrive 30 minutes before the games. If you cannot work your scheduled time, please trade with someone. PARENTS – PLEASE DO NOT LET YOUR SMALLER CHILDREN RUN THROUGH THE GYM & CAFETERIA DURING THESE GAMES – it is distracting to the players and does not look good to visitors. Also – only children of those parents working at the time may be in the concession/kitchen area. Parents – please supervise your children if they are in the kitchen with you. This is a safety issue, so please abide by these requests. Thank you for your consideration and thanks for all you do to make this a successful basketball season.
WORKERS FOR UPCOMING HOME GAMES: (A parent of the player/cheerleader is expected to work)
Sat., Dec. 11th - GATE: 8:00 am – ETHAN ADRIAN, 9:00 am – BILLY PARR
Thurs., Dec. 16th – GATE: 6:00 pm –JAKE BROCKMAN, 7:00 pm – ASHTON BERNSKOETTER
REPORTED SCORES: JV Boys lost their game last Thursday to St. George, Linn, score – 23-19. The 4/5th grade lost their game on Saturday against St. Peter, Fulton . The score was 24-17. Both games were close – great job boys! GO COUGARS!
CLASSROOM PARENTS: We are once again counting on you to do the great job with the classroom parties that you are famous for! Parties are at 10:00 am on Tuesday, Dec. 21st. We understand that since these are morning parties, some room parents may not be able to take off of work. Please let the classroom teacher know if this is the case, for planning purposes. Even if you are unable to attend, we are still counting on you to provide treats and drinks for the party. A list of classroom parents is enclosed in this folder.
Student Council: We will be sponsoring “Hot Chocolate with Santa” on Friday, December 17th, in the afternoon. We are asking ALL STUDENT COUNCIL TO BRING IN TWO DOZEN HOMEMADE COOKIES on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16TH. Santa will be making a visit to enjoy the afternoon with our students!
HO! HO! HO! The Santa Store will be open beginning December 15th. We are still in need of all type of gifts for the shop (and wrapping supplies). You can still bring them – it’s not too late! If you wish, you may drop any items off on Sunday at the time of the play, in the school cafeteria. We are still in need of volunteers to help with the Santa Shop on Wednesday – especially with wrapping gifts. Please contact someone in the office or Mrs. Groose with your offer to help (grandparents are welcome to help out too!). Please find enclosed today the envelopes for Santa Store shopping.
For Christmas, students will be exchanging $5 gifts within their own classrooms this year. Christmas parties will be on Tuesday, Dec. 21st at 10:00 am. School dismisses at 12:00 Noon that day.
There will be NO AFTER SCHOOL CARE on Tuesday, December 21st. We dismiss at 12:00 noon for Christmas. Before school care will still be available that day.
The school received $52.20 from the Knights of Columbus as a donation to help students in our school with mental or physical disabilities. Thanks so much to the Knights for their dedication to the young people.
8th grade retreat @ Folk – scheduled for Fri, Feb. 18th. Thanks so much to Patsy Bond for volunteering to drive & chaperone our 6 students that day. The fee for each student to attend will be $10, which is paid by the parent. You may send your payment in anytime before January 17th, checks payable to OLOS.
Italian Night – Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011 Class Basket Themes: PK – Scrapbooking, K/1 – Sports Day, 2 – A Day at the Beach, 3/4 – Camping, 5 – Kitchen stuff, 6 – Religious, 7/8 – Mizzou. Every child in the classroom should either bring an item for their classroom basket or send in $5 to the classroom teacher so that they may do the shopping for the basket.
OLOS students will be participating in the Science Fair this year (occurs on alternating years). Our school science fair will be sometime in mid February. It is time now to be “getting on those thinking caps” to come up with a project idea. Students in grades 3rd through 8th will be required to do a project, which will be part of their science grade. Younger students are encouraged to do projects for show. Boards will be offered after the first of the year for a nominal fee. Students in grades 6th ,7th ,& 8th are required to also do a paper with their project. The diocesan fair will be held March 19th. More information will be provided after the Christmas vacation.