Thursday, January 23, 2025

 Friday Newsletter 1-24-2025



School Motto: We are learning, serving & praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!


Mon   Nation Day, “Merica Monday” – wear red, white, & blue or camo


Tues  Staff Day – students dress like a staff member, all staff may dress down

Wed Vocations Day – dress like your future career

Thur Community Day – Wear royal blue community shirts with dress down bottoms

Fri -    Show your love for each other, match with a friend


          100th Day of School! (tentative)

Sun -   CSW Culmination Mass 8:00 am in gym – All School Families please attend – Students please wear school dress code

REPORT CARDS: REPORT CARDS – 2ND QUARTER: Report cards are available online through your FACTS parent portal. If you have not already done so, please review and then sign & return the slip provided in last week’s folder. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the classroom teacher. To access the grade card on your family portal, please follow these steps:

·          Log into your account at – use school code ols-mo and your username & password.

·          On left, click “Student”.

·          On left, directly under “Grades”, click “Report Card”.

·          If you have more than one student, you can switch between grade cards in the upper middle of the screen.

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS’ WEEK IS HERE! Last week you received a handout outlining activities for our upcoming week. A copy of this may be found on the reverse of these notes for your reference. All activities are as outlined with the addition that Fr. Aubuchon, resident priest of St. Elizabeth, will visit with students about vocations on Wednesday. We are looking forward to a great week. Thanks to all the great parents who are helping through the week and all who planned the activities. It is so very much appreciated!

PENNY WARS ARE BEGINNING MONDAY! Please see the informational flyer enclosed in today’s folder. Thanks for supporting this most worthy project!

ALL SCHOOL MASS – FEB. 2ND – 8:00 AM: Please find the student ministry assignments in today’s folder, which were taken from responses received this week. This Mass will be the culmination of Catholic Schools’ Week for our parish. Students should wear dress code to this Mass. All are welcome!

SHOW ME SUDS: Show Me Suds fundraiser begins today and runs through February 14th. Show Me Suds offers quality laundry and dish soap products. All families should find their order form in today’s folder. Please collect payment as the orders are taken, with checks made payable to OLOS. Forms with payment must be returned by Feb. 14th and all products will be available for pickup on March 2nd. Contact Joan Doerhoff or the school office if you have questions about ordering. Thank you for your continued support of our school and parish youth.

TAX STATEMENTS FOR CHILD CARE ARE IN TODAY’S FOLDER. Both preschool and extended care are included in these statements. If you have any questions, please contact Rosie. The TAX ID # is included on the statements.


Wednesday, Feb. 26: First Reconciliation

Wednesday, Mar. 5: VIP Day

Monday, Mar. 10: H & S Meeting & Student Showcase

Friday, April 4: 8th Grade Picture Day

Friday, April 25: Last Day for 8th Graders

Saturday, April 26: 8th Grade Promotion/Graduation-  

 6:00 pm Mass

Monday, April 28: Step-Up Day 7:30 – 9:00 am

Tuesday, April 29 Field Day

Thursday, May 1: 8th Grade Mass @ St. Joe, JC

Friday, May 2 – Last Day of School, Preschool Graduation & 8th Grade Recognition, dismiss @ 11: 00 am.

WEEKLY DRESS DOWN PASS WINNER(S)! Congratulations to Madelyn & Henry D. for winning this week’s drawing! Remember – return your folder (with paperwork complete) by Tuesday to be added to the weekly drawing.


Please return your folder on Monday!

Have a wonderful winter weekend!