Friday Newsletter 1-31-2025
School Motto: We are learning, serving &
praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!
Sun - Catholic
Schools Week Culmination Mass – 8:00 am in gym
Mon – 5th & 8th Grade ACRE testing this week
Tues – School Advisory Council Mtg – 6:00 pm
Wed – “Wacky Wednesday”
Community Service Day – wear royal blue community shirt with
dress code bottoms
Rosary @ 2:30
in gym
Thur –
Fri - Dress Down Day
Progress Reports available
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS’ WEEK has been such a joy! From Nation Day on Monday through Student Day on Friday, we were able to learn a lot and share a wonderful week. We so appreciate all the things the CSW committee planned and facilitated. Special thanks to Ashley Burnett and Amber Schulte, who supported the events this week in a big way. We appreciate all the special gifts you sent, the food for the staff meal on Tuesday, the CreeMee treat for the staff, for helping your child get ready for the daily themes, and for all the little things that made this week so special. Thank you!
PENNY WARS: Just like last year, the Penny Wars have been a big hit! There has been lots of pennies in the jars, but even more “sabotaging silver”. We’ll let you know in next week’s notes which classroom wins. Thanks to all who have sent in money for their child’s classroom collection! All funds raised will support schools in Uganda.
THIS SUNDAY! ALL SCHOOL MASS – FEB. 2ND – 8:00 AM: If you sent in your ministry sign up this week,
you will find an updated list. The Mass on Sunday will be the culmination of
Catholic Schools’ Week for our parish. Students should wear dress code to
this Mass. All are welcome!
ACRE TEST: Every year, schools and PSR programs throughout the nation evaluate their 5th & 8th graders’ knowledge of religion and their views on current moral issues. Our students will be taking this test – The Assessment of Child Religious Education – throughout the next few days.
SHOW ME SUDS: Show Me Suds fundraiser runs now through February 14th. Show Me Suds offers quality laundry and dish soap products. Order forms were sent home in last week’s folder. Please collect payment as the orders are taken, with checks made payable to OLOS. We will also be taking order after Masses this weekend. Forms with payment must be returned by Feb. 14th and all products will be available for pickup on March 2nd. Contact Joan Doerhoff or the school office if you have questions about ordering. Thank you for your continued support of our school and parish youth.
VALENTINE’S DAY: Our Valentine’s parties will be the last “classroom party” for the 2024-25 school year. A list of room parents is available on the reverse of these notes. As always, we count on our wonderful room parents to plan for treats and games for the classroom. The parties will be on Friday, February 14th at 2:30 pm.
STUDENT COUNCIL NEWS: We are selling “Candy Grams” for Valentine’s Day for $! each. You will find order forms in today’s folder. Please have these filled out and returned, with payment attached, by Monday, Feb. 10th. Thank you for supporting our fundraiser!
April 1: Cole R5 School
Counselor, Jess Adrian, visits with students and parents in our school
cafeteria – 8:00 am, in preparation for high school enrollment
· Wednesday,
April 30: Cole R5 Freshmen
Orientation, 6:00 pm in Cole R5 cafeteria
Wednesday, Feb. 26: First Reconciliation
Wednesday, Mar. 5: VIP Day
Monday, Mar. 10: H & S Meeting & Student Showcase
Tuesday, April 1: Cole R5 Counselor visits 8th graders &
at OLOS, 8:00 am in cafeteria
Friday, April 4: 8th Grade Picture Day
Friday, April 25: Last Day for 8th Graders
Saturday, April 26: 8th Grade Promotion/Graduation-
6:00 pm
Monday, April 28: Step-Up Day 7:30 – 9:00 am
Tuesday, April 29: Field Day
Wednesday, April 30: Cole R5 Freshman Orientation
Thursday, May 1: 8th Grade Mass @ St. Joe, JC
Friday, May 2: Last Day of School, Preschool Graduation & 8th
Grade Recognition, dismiss @ 11: 00 am.
WEEKLY DRESS DOWN PASS WINNER(S)! Congratulations to Jacob E. for winning this week’s drawing! Remember – return your folder (with paperwork complete) by Tuesday to be added to the weekly drawing.
Please return your folder on Monday!
Have a wonderful winter weekend!