Friday Newsletter 12-10-2021
Sat – 5/6/7 Boys Basketball @ Loose Creek Community
Center – 12:00 noon (vs. St. Joe, Westphalia)
Pictures with Santa @ Community Point Bank 9:00-11:30 am (sp. by
Mon – Emergency Drill
Tues –
Wed – All School Mass (3/4Ministry) 9:00 am
Thur – OLOSS
Choir Christmas attends the “Happy Birthday Jesus” event at the state capitol
“School Spirit”
Dress Down Day
Library Lady visits
Fri - Dress Down in Red/Green Day
Lunch begins @
10:50 am
Classroom parties begin @ 11:30 am
School Dismisses
@ 12:30 pm
End of 2nd Quarter
NO Afternoon Extended Care
Christmas Break
WE HOPE YOU ENJOYED the OLOSS Christmas musical. We know the students did a great job! Many, many thanks to Mr. Jannetti, for his time and talent in preparation and presentation of this program. Thanks to all who sent in cookies and helped with the reception. We appreciate our great OLOSS families!
PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTIES/DISMISSAL: We will dismiss at 12:30 this Friday, December 17th. We are planning the Christmas parties for 11:30 – 12:30, after an early lunch. There will be NO extended care services that afternoon. A room parent list is with these notes. Remember, room parents, we count on you to make arrangements for refreshments & games (if needed) for our classroom parties and we thank you so much for your efforts!
ADOPT A FAMILY: Thanks to all who have sent in gifts for the Adopt a Family collection. The students wrapped gifts this week, pairing up with their classroom buddies. They seemed to really enjoy this, and also enjoyed the hot chocolate as well! Thanks so much to all who supported this family with the great gift items!
PIZZA FOR THE PARADE! Because we won 4th place at the parade, The Corner Market let us know that they wanted ALL OLOS students to enjoy a slice of pizza, so today they sent down seven pizzas for our students! Please follow up with Jana (or whoever is working) at the Corner Market, if you stop by, and let them know we so appreciate them!
CHANGE OF MENU: Due to staffing issues, the following will be our menu until Christmas:
Mon –
Dec. 13: Chicken Nuggets, Fries, Carrot
Sticks, Fruit
Tues –
Dec. 14: Chicken Rice Soup,
Cheese/Crackers, Fruit, Cookie
Wed –
Dec. 15: Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla,
Refried Beans, Vegetable, Fruit
Thurs –
Dec. 16: Spaghetti, Butter Dips or Garlic
Biscuits, Salad, Fruit
Fri –
Dec. 17: Hot Dog, Chips, Fruit, Vegs
PRIEST/DEACON GIFTS: If we have not received your gift for the priests & deacon, there is another slip in today’s folder for your convenience. Please send in your gift on Monday. Thank you!
MORE CHANGES/CHANGES TO CALENDAR: There will be NO SCHOOL on March 21 due to Diocesan Professional Development, but we WILL be in session on Friday, March 25th. The diocese has given two additional days at Easter, which are not required to be made up. Therefore, there will be NO SCHOOL from Holy Thursday, April 14 through Wednesday, April 20th, with the 14th & the 20th being possible snow make-up days. March 10th will no longer be a half day – we will be in session a full day.
CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEEK: We will have a Christmas spirit week when we come back from Christmas break, as these days are actually during the 12 days of Christmas. The complete breakdown is outlined in the January calendar: we will have PJ day, White out day, Christmas hat day, and Christmas sock day.
PAYMENT INFO. NEEDED: On Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, a cash payment was left on Rosie’s desk without a name. (Rosie was out that day.). Please call the office if you made a payment in cash that week so that we can get our records up to date.
HOME & SCHOOL: The next potluck/meeting is set for Tuesday, January 11th, 2022. Please mark your calendar now and make plans to attend this meeting!
DECEMBER AND JANUARY SCHOOL MASSES: Father Stephen Jones is going to be doing our school Masses every Wednesday. Since Father Jones is driving down from Jefferson City, we have to schedule our Wednesday Masses for 9:00 am throughout December and January. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding!
SUBS NEEDED! We are in great need of subs for both the classrooms and in the kitchen. Please contact Mrs. Burgess if you, or someone you know, might be interested.
DECEMBER: Our December morning prayer is The Morning Offering, and our December Christskill is Caring. Our Advent theme is "We Wait in Joyful Hope."
YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Maddie SG., this week‘s winner of the bonus dress down pass!
Please return your folder on Monday.
There will be no newsletter next Friday, so
we’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very safe, blessed and
Merry Christmas! We’ll see our students back on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022!