Friday Newsletter 3-19-21
Mon –
PK/K Informational meeting
Wed – All School Mass –8:00 am (7/8 Ministry)
Thu – School Mass – 8:00 am
Fri - NO SCHOOL – Professional Development
& KINDERGARTEN INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS - HELP SPREAD THE WORD!!!: We will host our annual Preschool and Kindergarten
Informational meetings on Tuesday, March 30th (was scheduled
for March 23). This year we will be doing it a little differently. If you have
a Preschooler or Kindergartner, please call the school office to set up at time.
Time slots will be in 15 minute intervals from 5:00 – 7:00 pm, with more slots
opening later in the evening, if needed. Along with the classroom meeting, time
will be allowed for new families to meet with Mr. Akin. Online registration will
be opening within the next few days for all grades, so please stay tuned!
EASTER EGG HUNT: We are asking families to send in one dozen candy-filled egg per child in the family for the Easter egg hunt on Wednesday, March 31st. All eggs should contain only pre-wrapped candy (i.e. no loose M & Ms, jellybeans, etc.) Eggs may be sent into the classroom anytime now. The 7/8 Graders will be hiding the eggs for the kiddos, so if you have extra treats, please remember them! Thank you!
SHOW ME SUDZ: We are sending home flyer/form today. We know this is a few days earlier than previously announced, but this will allow a little more time to sell. Please everyone try to sell at least a few items. If you refer to last weekend’s bulletin (insert enclosed in today’s folder), you will see that our parish shows a major income shortfall; at this time in the fiscal year it is $21,000 below our budgeted level You will also see that fundraisers helped to meet earlier shortfalls. This fundraiser will run through April 11th, with orders/payments to be turned in Monday, April 12th. Please collect payment at time of order, with checks payable to OLOS. The product will be delivered on 18th. Thanks for your support!
April 1 - Holy Thursday Mass:
4pm (MH), 6pm (Eldon)
April 2 - Good Friday Services:
4pm (Eldon), 6pm (MH)
April 3 - Holy Sat./Easter
Vigil:8pm (Eldon), No Mass MH
April 4 - Easter Sunday: 8am
(Eldon), 10am (MH)
SNOW DAY/GRADUATION UPDATE: Due to recent snow days, OLOS School will be in session through Thursday, May 13, 2021. This will change if we have more snow days, but final school day will be no later than May 14th. On the last day – tentatively Thursday – we will have Mass at 8:00 am, with Awards & Preschool graduation following in church. All school parents & community members are welcome to attend! After awards, we will enjoy a Field Day, with dismissal at 3:15. 8TH GRADERS will still have graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 2nd, but their last day will be on Friday, May 7th.
K/1 PARENTS: Grade Cards are being sent home today. Please contact Mrs. Eickhoff or call the school office if you would like to meet/conference. If you have any questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Also K/1 Parents – reminder - Please
send in a set of lightweight headphones (not ear buds) for your child.
Please enclose in a Ziploc bag.
ATTENTION 7TH GRADE PARENTS: The 7th grade families traditionally plan and host the 8th Grade graduation reception. Graduation has been set for Sunday, May 2nd, beginning with the 10:00 am Mass. Joan Doerhoff will be main coordinator.
8th GRADE PARENTS: Please send in 10-15 pictures of your student, from little on, for the graduation slideshow by April 12th.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: 8th Grade Graduation – Sunday, May 2, 10:00 am Mass, with reception following in gym, First Eucharist – Sunday, May 2, 12:00 Noon Mass
ALL FAMILIES returning their 20-21 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Wednesday, March 24, 2021, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Tatum Boessen, Leah, Olivia, & Alexa Koetting, for winning the drawing this week. (Preschoolers receive a treat instead of a dress down pass.)
Have a great weekend everyone!