Friday Newsletter 8-24-18
Mon –
Tues – Intruder Drill
Wed – All School Prayer
Service – 8:00 am
(No Mass)
Fantasy Night Planning mtg – 6:00 pm @
Dress Down Day
Dress Down Day
Thur – Head Checks (pm)
School Spirit Dress Down Day
School Spirit Dress Down Day
Fri – No School - Picnic Prep.
BOOK FAIR! Our annual Scholastic Book Fair night will be
Tuesday, Sept. 11, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Students will be able to shop and
participate in fun and games and earn bonus reading counts points. Make plans
now to attend this fun-filled evening!
GRANDPARENTS DAY! On Wednesday, Sept. 12, we will celebrate
Grandparents Day at OLOS School. Please contact grandparents now so that they
may mark their calendar. If grandma or grandpa can’t make it, feel free to come
yourself or ask a “substitute grandparent” to enjoy the morning with your
child. We will celebrate Mass at 8:00 am (students may sit with grandparents at
church), then we will move to the school gymnasium for fun and fellowship.
Grandparents may also shop the bookfair with their grandchild if they so wish.
The morning festivities should conclude around 10:00 – 10:30.
COLLECTION ENVELOPES FOR WEDNESDAY MASS: We are going to try something a little different this year for the
Wednesday Mass. Through the last several years, the students were given
envelopes to place in the collection basket at Mass to encourage the habit of
tithing. We are continuing this practice. However, this year we are asking each
student to bring in a bag of change from home to keep at school. On Tuesday
afternoons the students will get their envelope ready in the classroom. This
could be something the student has earned himself/herself or loose change
provided by the parent. We will begin this process after the picnic, but you
can go ahead and send your child’s in to the classroom, in a marked container
or bag. Thank you for your help!
WELCOMED! You are always encouraged to attend Mass with the
school children on Wednesdays, especially if your child’s class is involved
with the ministry.
conducting emergency drills over the next several weeks, continuing with the intruder
drill next week. Classroom teachers will discuss these drills with students
beforehand, but it may be a good idea to discuss these at home with your
younger children ahead of time, so that they are not overly anxious.
FANTASY NIGHT! Please find enclosed a
volunteer form to be filled out and returned on Monday. The Fantasy Night
fundraiser is our biggest, and requires ALL families to participate. Also
enclosed is the flyer for the event. Please post these anywhere you are able.
Tickets for this event will be available for sale before the parish picnic. All
are welcome to attend the planning meeting on Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm at
HEAD CHECKS: OLOS School volunteers will be performing
head checks on a fairly routine monthly basis, and will do the first check on
Thursday afternoon. Please be vigilant at home by checking your child’s hair
every so often. You may want to go over with this topic with your new student,
as the little ones never quite understand why we are looking at their hair so
DIOCESAN ADVOCATES: In the folder handed out at
open house, there was a form to return that dealt with E-rate. If we get full
participation on the return of this form, the school receives a discounted rate
on phone & technology services. Please return yours, if you have not
already done so. Thank you!
Tues., Sept. 11
– Book Fair Night 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Wed., Sept 12
– Grandparents Day – begins with 8:00 am Mass and continues in school gym until
approx. 10:30 am
Tues., Sept. 18
– Home & School mtg – 6:30 pm