Friday Newsletter 8-30-18
Tues –
Wed – All School Mass – 8 am
(7/8 Ministry)
Thur – Tornado Drill
Fri – Dress Down Day
9/4/18, the menu may change from the hot dog meal listed, to Cook’s choice, due
to the picnic.
OLOSS “BEE” KIND CLUB: This year our
students are recognized for acts of kindness and generosity that are noticed by
school staff. The Bee Kind students recognized on 8/24 were: PK – Maddie St. George
– always being so kind to her friends, K – Oliver Hagenhoff – helping another
student with their milk carton, 1st – Abby Eickhoff – sharing her
pencil with another student, 2nd – Jacob Eickhoff – sharing his toys
at recess, 3rd – Alyssa Eickhoff – holding the door for the whole
class, 4th – Leah Koetting – helping another student pick up a mess,
4th – Trenton Lage – set a great example at Mass on first day of
school by helping others follow along and by his great participation, 5th
– Oliver Burrows – always being willing to help others, 6th – Emma
Goetz – always encouraging her classmates, 7th – Aly Haeffner –
helping get the classroom ready, 8th – Matthew Beck – helping after
school/putting names on classroom doors. All acts of kindness “bees” are displayed
in the school cafeteria. Great job, students!
BOOK FAIR! Our annual Scholastic Book Fair night will be
Tuesday, Sept. 11, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Students will be able to shop and
participate in fun and games and earn bonus reading counts points. Make plans
now to attend this fun-filled evening!
GRANDPARENTS DAY! On Wednesday, Sept. 12, we will celebrate
Grandparents Day at OLOS School. Please contact grandparents now so that they
may mark their calendar. If grandma or grandpa can’t make it, feel free to come
yourself or ask a “substitute grandparent” to enjoy the morning with your
child. We will celebrate Mass at 8:00 am (students may sit with grandparents at
church), then we will move to the school gymnasium for fun and fellowship.
Grandparents may also shop the bookfair with their grandchild if they so wish.
The morning festivities should conclude around 10:00 – 10:30.
COLLECTION ENVELOPES FOR WEDNESDAY MASS: This year we are asking each student to bring in a bag of change from home to keep at school. On Tuesday afternoons
the students will get their envelope ready in the classroom. This could be
something the student has earned himself/herself (best) or loose change
provided by the parent. We will begin this process after the picnic, so please
send in your child’s money before Wednesday, to the classroom, in a marked
container or bag. Thank you for your help!
EMERGENCY DRILLS: We will be conducting
emergency drills over the next several weeks, continuing with the tornado drill
next week. Classroom teachers discuss these drills with students beforehand,
but it may be a good idea to discuss these at home with your younger children
ahead of time.
HEALTH SCREENINGS: Miller County Health nurses
will be here on September 21st to screen the students for hearing,
vision, height, weight, to do head checks, and to review immunization records.
PICNIC WEEKEND!!! As we all know, this
weekend our parish hosts its annual Parish Picnic. Please pray for good weather
(cooler) for this, our biggest fundraiser of the year, and perhaps some rain
beforehand to settle the dust and green it up a little. Please see that your
children all get to their assigned jobs and remain on duty the entire time they
are scheduled. Also, if you are able to help set up/clean up on Friday,
Saturday, and/or Monday, please pitch in and help out – which is always so
appreciated! May God bless us all and bless all of our guests on this working
holiday weekend! Happy Labor Day everyone, and we’ll see you back on TUESDAY!
Tues., Sept. 11
– Book Fair Night 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Wed., Sept 12
– Grandparents Day – begins with 8:00 am Mass and continues in school gym until
approx. 10:30 am
Tues., Sept. 18
– Home & School mtg – 6:30 pm