Friday Newsletter 3-4-16
Mon -
Tues – End of Third Quarter
Spelling Bee
Practice 3-4 pm
Wed – Use a PASS day
Thurs – All School Mass (7/8
7/8 Field Trip to
Runge & Cosmic Bowling
Fri - Grade
Cards Issued
March Dress Down Day
Stations of the
Cross – 2:15 pm
2016-17 ENROLLMENT: Enrollment forms were sent home last week. If
you did not return yours, you will find an additional copy in today’s folder. Please fill these out and return as soon as possible. We make
staffing decisions and book orders based on these numbers. If you are unsure of
enrollment, please call the school office. If you do not plan to send your
child to OLOS School next year, there is a place to note this on the form
enclosed. Please prayerfully consider your child’s enrollment and return your form
on Monday. Thank you!
INSERVICE. Please note – your LUNCH CALENDAR should be adjusted to
the following: move the mini corn dog meal from March 14th to March
15th. We will serve the quesadilla meal in April. On Friday, March
11th, we will serve grilled cheese, potato wedges, fresh veggies
& fruit (the potato soup will be served in April).
FOOD DRIVE: The Student Council is
sponsoring a food drive for the Eldon Food Pantry the week of March 15-18. To
make it fun for the students, for every 5 items they bring in, they will get a
length of tape to tape Mr. V to the wall! So let’s all try to get him up and
out of the way! Each family is asked to send in a roll of duct tape so we can
get the job done!
OLOS SCHOOL will be updating our
SCHOOL WELLNESS POLICY this spring. Anyone interested in helping with this
process, please call the school office. Thank you!
UNIFORMS: Please return all basketball uniforms and practice jerseys. Please
place them in a bag with your child’s name on it, and return to the office.
Thank you!
CALLING 7TH GRADE PARENTS: Traditionally, the 7th grade parents have organized
& hosted the 8th grade graduation reception. Please contact the
school office if you would be willing to help with this. Graduation is set for
Saturday, May 14th, beginning with the 5:00 pm Mass. The reception
will be in the gym. Thanks to Kim Evers and Stacey Evers for volunteering. We
still need at least a couple more volunteers. All 7th grade families
will be expected to help/contribute to graduation, even if you don’t help with
the planning.
SPELLING BEE: The annual Spelling Bee
is set for Tuesday, April 12th at St. Martin. Congratulations to the
following students representing OLOSS that day:
Aly Haeffner, Ayden Schulte, Ethan Schulte, Jordan Bittle, Tyler Groose,
Sarray Schulte, Macy Adrian, Faith Kempker, Sara Beck, Kayla Bond, Hannah
Evers, Devin Haeffner, Joe Beck, Tevin Groose, & Emily Love. The tentative
schedule is as follows:
DATE: Tuesday, April 12, 2016
8:45 A M to around 2:00 P M
Martin Catholic School
7206 St. Martin Ave.
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Opening remarks
4th Grade Competition
10:50 5th Grade Competition
11:40 -6th Grade Competition
1:05 -7th Grade Competition
- 8th Grade Competition
Award Presentation
MANY THANKS to Rick & Robyn
Silvey & Brian & Megan Limbach for the donation of two microwaves. We
now have one for the kitchen and an additional for teachers & students with
sack lunches (which we needed!). We so much appreciate your generosity!
READING COUNTS ends Friday, April 22nd.
This will be the last day for points. Your child must have 200 points to attend
the R. C. field trip at the end of the year. Plans are being made now for this
trip and more details will be provided as soon as possible.
2016-17 PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN MEETINGS are scheduled for Tuesday, March 15th from 6:30 to 7:00
pm in the respective classrooms. If you have a child of preschool or
kindergarten age, plan on attending this meeting. Please also bring along a
copy of your child’s birth certificate, baptismal certificate (if not baptized
at OLOS), social security card and immunization record. For new kindergartners,
this will be the time to set up Kindergarten screening. Screening will be
performed by Mrs. Eickhoff on April 4th & 5th, during
the school day. If you know someone who has school age children, please pass
this information to them.
CONTAINERS STILL NEEDED: The kitchen is in need of gallon ice-cream
buckets and any larger type containers (even whipped topping containers) for
freezing. Please send in any that you may have. Thank you!
8th GRADE GRADUATION DRESS CODE: Boys – dress pants,
collared shirt, dress shoes, tie is optional; Girls – dresses, no more than two
inches above the knee, no spaghetti straps showing (may wear shawl to cover).
Students will be wearing cap/gown through Mass and throughout the awards ceremony
& for pictures.
GOLF TOURNAMENT NEWS: The annual OLOSS Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, May 14th
at Redfield Golf Course in Eugene.
Registration will begin at 7:00 am with an 8:00 am tee-time. If you need more
flyers/registration forms, please contact the office. Get the word out now and
try to get people signed up to play and sponsor holes for this event!
used on Wednesdays as well as
Fridays until the end of the year.
STATIONS: Students will be attending Stations of the Cross each Friday at
2:15 pm. If you or a grandparent is attending and would like to take your child
after the service, please send a note to school. This will enable the student
to bring his/her backpack to church.
tentative last day of school is set for Wednesday, May 18th,
dismissing at 12:00 noon, with the Awards ceremony set for 9:30 am. THERE WILL
you will find the Silent Auction results, showing profits from it at $3206.
Total profit was $5882.25, leaving a profit of $2679.24 for the meal, wine/beer
sales, misc. donations & kitchen sales. We sold 454 adult and 66 child meal
tickets. A very successful fundraiser.
RICE BOWLS: At the beginning of
Lent you received a Lenten Rice Bowl. The Rice Bowl can be used in the home as
a powerful tool in your family’s Lenten journey. Your children will also be
watching a DVD about the Rice Bowl and the work that Catholic Relief Services
does in their religion classes. For Lent, you may use these tools to:
PRAY – using the daily reflections on the
calendar provided in the bowl.
FAST – with the suggested weekly meatless
meals, and learn about people around the world.
GIVE – your Lenten sacrifices to your CRS
Rice Bowl.
After Easter, you may turn your Rice
Bowl in to the school or bring it to church to turn in. Thank you!
return your folder on MONDAY!
Have a FANTASTIC weekend!
Sun., May 1 – First Eucharist – 10:00 am Mass
Sat., May 7 – Preschool graduation
Sat., May 14 – 8th grade graduation – 5:00 pm Mass
Wed., May 18 – Tentative Last Day of School -
School Dismisses @ 12:00 Noon, with
Ceremony @ 9:30 am.