Friday Newsletter 11-20-15
Sun – First Eucharist
Workshop – 10 am Mass
meal & meeting after in the Center
Mon – Sock it to em! Wear crazy/mismatched socks
Tues – Show School Pride! – Wear blue/gold,
basketball players may wear their uniforms
Wed – Spirit Week – classroom theme (see below)
Lunch is served
Progress Reports available
Fri - NO
SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
DRIVE: OLOS school students collected a huge amount of
canned/boxed foods over the last two weeks – a total of 527 items in all. Wow!
These items are being distributed to local food pantries. The 7th & 8th grade classes will be
enjoying a popcorn & movie party
in the very near future, having averaged the most per student. Congratulations
to them & thanks to all who donated to this most worthy cause!
# Collected Average per child:
PK 26 2.4
K 63
1/2 61 3.4
3/4 97 7.5
5/6 102 9.3
7/8 178 11.9
SPIRIT WEEK: To kick off the basketball season, OLOS students may participate
in Spirit Week. Students may wear jeans on Monday & Tuesday if they
follow the theme for the day. Themes for each day are as follows:
Mon., Nov. 23 – Sock it to Em! – wear crazy/mismatched socks
(must roll up jeans to show socks)
Tues., Nov. 24- Show School Pride! – wear blue/gold or spirit
shirts, players can wear uniforms with sleeved t-shirts underneath.
Wed., Nov 25 – Classroom Themes:
PK – Pajama Day (wear regular shoes –
no slippers)
K –
Pajama & Hat Day (wear regular shoes – no slippers)
1/2 – Backward/Opposite Day
3/4 – Silly/Mismatched Day
5/6 – Dress Your Worst Day
7/8 – Country v. City Day
REMINDER: All Spirit Day attire
must follow dress guidelines pertaining to length requirements. NO HOLES PLEASE!
DOUGH NEWS: Thanks so much to all who sold for this fundraiser.
All totaled, OLOS
School students sold 627
tubs of dough and pastries. Since we made our goal of selling at least 600
items, cash prizes will be awarded to top sellers. Congratulations to the
following students for being top sellers:
$50 – Mikayla & Jacob Eickhoff – 41 items
$30 – Hannah Evers – 38 items
$20 – Sarray & Aubrey Schulte – 34 items
YOU MUST PICK YOUR ORDERS UP BY 5:30 PM. We have no room in our freezer to
store any. All collected money is due
back to school by Monday, December 7th. We will release prizes
and final profits as money is turned in. We are still looking for parent
help to fill the cookie dough orders when it is delivered. Approximate time
for delivery is 12:00 – 1:00 pm. Help will be needed for sorting early and for
helping parents find and check their orders until approximately 5:30. Help
during any of this time – even if it’s just an hour, is greatly appreciated.
Please send a note, or call the office, with your offer to help. Thanks to
Patsy Bond for being our first volunteer!
OF THE WEEK: With all
the rain this week, and clogged storm pipes, there was a time when we had a
potential problem with water backing up into the new building. God bless Donnie
Lepper, who came to the rescue with his waders, duck suit, and equipment! Donnie
and Darryl worked throughout the deluge that afternoon, getting everything
opened up. When you think about where you were when all that rain was coming
down, it sure makes you appreciate what these guys did that day!
STORE: If you have any new or like new items that would
make good gifts, please set to the side for donation to the Santa Store. Most
needed are items for dads and brothers. You can start sending in items at the
beginning of December. The date for Santa Store has been set for TUESDAY,
DECEMBER 15TH. Please call or send a note to the office if you’d
like to volunteer to be an elf
helper that day – to help the kids shop & wrap gifts. Thanks to Wendy
Whittle, our first volunteer!
EXTENDED CARE SERVICES: Extended care services WILL be available in
the morning & afternoon for the
two remaining half days of 2015 – Wed., Nov. 25 & Tues., Dec. 22. The drop
in fee for half days is $10. (Full & part-time regular students – fee
remains $5 for half days).
SCHOOL PROGRAM/MUSICAL: The school musical is scheduled for Sunday,
December 6th, after the 10:00 am Mass, in the gym. If your child
cannot attend for some reason, please contact the classroom teacher. We count
on ALL students to make our program a success! If your child is not assigned a
part with a costume, he/she should wear their Sunday best – NO JEANS! We will
have a full dress rehearsal Friday, Dec. 4 @ 9:00 am. Also, we are asking that all school families send in two dozen homemade
cookies on Friday, December 4th to serve as refreshments for the
play. We’d like them before the play date, to get the trays ready. Thank
COSTUMES NEEDED: 2 King outfits &
2 angel outfits for preschoolers. Santa & Mrs. Claus outfits, and a big
Santa burlap type or black bag. Call the office if you have any of these
costumes to loan out.
GIFT EXCHANGE/PARTIES: Students will be doing a gift exchange in the classroom at their
Christmas parties on Tuesday, Dec. 22nd. Boys should buy for boys
and girls buy for girls – names will not be exchanged. Gifts should be of $5
value. Parties will begin at 9:30 am, and we may just get a special visitor that
morning at 8:00 am. Shh – it’s our secret!
you are out doing your Christmas shopping, looking for the bargains, you may
take the opportunity to pick up items for the classroom baskets for the Italian
Feast on February 6, 2016. Each school family is expected to donate an item for
each classroom in which they have a child. Themes are as follows:
PK – “Game
Night/Family Fun Night”
K – “Anything
Dr. Suess”
1/2 – “Disney”
3/4 – “Take
me out to the Ballgame – Cardinals!”
- “Movie Night”
7/8 -
“Snack Attack – Candy basket”
Counts is a nationwide program inspiring active and healthy living. This
program offers each year, a sweepstakes for schools to win a free playground. OLOS School
is signed up for this promotion and you can go online and enter each day until
March 2016. It takes only a minute to sign up initially and just a few seconds
each day to submit an entry. Just think how much better our chances will be if
many participate each day. So tell your friends, families, and associates.
Forward this address to everyone, and ask them to help OLOS School
win a new playground! If you do not wish
to be contacted for any other promotions you can deselect those options. Thank
you for your support!
To enter go to :
Friday folders will be sent home next
Wednesday, Nov. 25th. However, there will be no notes included.
Below are items for the upcoming month to add to your calendar/notes:
Whole Community Catechesis: Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, beginning at
6:30 pm with a carry-in meal in the gym.
Parish Penance Service: Wednesday, Dec. 16th, at 7:00 pm.
No homework or tests will be assigned
either of these evenings so that all families are able to attend.
return your folder on MONDAY!
Wishing you all a very
Happy & Blessed
Tues., Dec. 1 – Cookie Dough Delivery
Wed., Dec. 2 – Whole Community Catechesis – 6:30 pm
Fri., Dec. 4 – Dress Rehearsal – 9:00 am
Sun., Dec. 6 – Christmas Program – after 10:00 am Mass
Tues., Dec. 15 – Santa Store
Wed., Dec. 16 – Parish Penance Service
Tues., Dec. 22 – Classroom parties – 9:30 am
Sat., Jan. 16 – Shiloh Dance fundraiser
Sun., Jan 31 – Catholic Schools Week begins
Sat., Feb. 6 – Italian Feast
Sun., May 1 – First Eucharist – 10:00 am Mass
Sat., May 7 – Preschool graduation
Sat., May 14 – 8th grade graduation – 5:00 pm Mass