Thursday Newsletter 8-28-14
Mon – NO SCHOOL – Labor Day
(Picnic Clean-up)
Tues –
Wed –
Thurs- All
School Mass (3/4
School Spirit
Dress Down Day
JV Volleyball @
HOME – 6:00 & 8:00 pm – COME CHEER!!!
Fri - Mixed Bag Fundraiser comes home
September Dress
Down Day
DAY will be here before you know it! On Thursday, Sept.
11th, all grandparents (or grandparent “subs”) are invited to share
Mass & bingo with their grandchildren. We will begin the morning with 8:00
am Mass (1st & 2nd will be doing the ministry). All
are then invited over to school for refreshments and bingo. After bingo,
students will return to their classroom and grandparents will then be able to
visit the Scholastic book fair display if they so wish. So students – ask your grandparents NOW to reserve the morning and plan
ROSARY: Also on Sept. 11th, OLOSS will be
hosting a patriotic rosary. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Especially
make a note to invite all active military and veterans that you may know. The
rosary will begin at 2:30 pm, and be prayed in their honor.
YEARBOOKS: We have a few 2013-14
yearbooks for sale in the office for the price of $12. If you would like to purchase
one, please send payment in a marked envelope with check made payable to OLOS.
Your order will be sent in the next Friday folder.
NEWS: Our games will be
starting next week, with OLOS hosting on JV games on Thursday evening (as
outlined above). Volleyball parents, please find enclosed in today’s folder the
work list for our two home games – Sept. 4 & Oct. 9th. We
welcome all school families, all parishioners & the community to come out
Thursday night and cheer our team on to victory! Please note – JV players –
since games are beginning practices will be on Tuesday only, from 3:00 to 5:30 pm. Also, if each team would
designate a reporter, it would be nice to include game statistics in the weekly
notes. Please contact Rosie in the office if you are willing.
DAY! Since OLOSS is hosting a home game on Thursday,
this will be a SCHOOL SPIRIT DRESS DOWN DAY. Students may only “dress down” if
they wear the official school spirit shirt. Ball shirts, old Reading Counts,
shirts, etc, are not school spirit shirts. If your child does not have a school
spirit shirt and you would like to order one, please contact the office for an
order form. You would not get it in time for this spirit day but you would for
the next spirit day in October.
ISSUES – NO MORE!! Thanks so much to Kim Evers, who diligently worked
on and resolved our website issues. You should be able find us at
LUNCH BILLS: If a student account falls behind on lunch
payment, OLOS reserves the right to serve the student a peanut butter sandwich
instead of the hot lunch. This would only occur after notice was made to the
parent with a designated deadline date for payment.
OF DATE: The book fair night originally scheduled for Sept.
18 has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Sept. 16th.
DAY is scheduled for Monday, October 13th (Columbus
Day). We scheduled it on this day because of the state holiday. We are asking
for parent helpers – both to help in the classrooms & grounds with pioneer
activities and with moving children between these activities. Please contact
school office personnel with your offer to help out. All students (and adults!)
are encouraged to dress in pioneer clothing for the day. If the student chooses
not to dress in pioneer clothing, the normal dress code is still in force.
Down on Fridays only – change for the 2014-15 school year. K-8th
graders may only use dress down passes on Fridays this year, as explained in
the principal’s letter last week. Two dress down days will be designated on the
calendar each month when all students may dress down. On non-designated
Fridays, students may use any dress down pass they may have. We are no longer
doing the monthly dollar dress down days.
NOTICE: For students purchasing daily lunches: Students may
choose a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in lieu of the main entrée if they
have a note from home. They must bring a note on the day that the
substitution is desired and must present it to the classroom teacher first
thing in the morning. Please note that the “main entrée” is the protein item.
For example, if our meal is vegetable soup with grilled cheese & string
cheese, the substitution would be for the cheese sandwich & string cheese,
not for the vegetable soup.
SHIRTS; We are holding in the office an order of two spirit
shirts, one size large adult and one size 6-8 child. The order has no name or
other information on it. Please contact the office if you think this may be
yours. This order came with the registration packets last spring.
REMINDER: On Mondays, the 5-8th graders are
allowed to change in to a T-shirt and gym shorts during their gym time &
then they may wear these clothes home.
Unless authorized through Marie, no switching of days is allowed for
part-time preschoolers. The only exceptions would be for classroom parties and
field trips. However, even for these days, you must contact Marie for
BEEF STICKS: Mrs. Groose will be selling beef sticks at lunch
time for $1 each. They will only be available after lunches are eaten.
AT SCHOOL: We do not have a “stock supply” of medications
for students. You may choose to send in a pain reliever or other types of
medicine for your child. Make sure to clearly mark the container(s), and send a
note giving staff permission to dispense the medication, with explicit dosage instructions and dosage
cups/spoons. These will be locked up in the office. Sometimes having medicine
available here for your child can mean not having to come after him/her or
making a special trip to bring medications.
NO SCHOOL – Mon, Sept 1 – Labor Day/Picnic Clean up
Grandparents Day/Bingo & Book Fair following 8:00 am Mass &
Patriotic Rosary @ 2:30 in gym – Sept. 11, 2014
Bookfair/Breakfast – Sept. 14, 2014
Bookfair Night – Sept. 16, 2014
Achievement Testing – Sept. 29- Oct 3
Pioneer Day – Oct. 13, 2014
School Pictures – Oct 17, 2014
First Reconciliation – Feb. 15, 2015, after
10:00 am Mass
First Eucharist – May 3, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
OLOSS 8th grade Graduation – May 9, 2015,
5:00 pm Mass
OLOS Preschool Graduation – May 10, 2015 – 10:00 am Mass
Please return your folder on Tuesday.
Please pray for good weather and a successful picnic. We hope you all
enjoy the four day “working” holiday! Happy Labor Day!