OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person in a
faith-filled Catholic environment.
Monday NO SCHOOL – Easter Break
Tuesday School in Session – Snow Make-up Day, Last Day to send in Shoes
Thanks so much to Karen Harms (Carla Morris’s sister). Karen donated one morning last week in the kitchen, filling in when we needed help. If you see Karen, please let her know of our appreciation.
CHEER PARENTS: Please remember to send in your child’s CLEAN uniform. Remember, there will be a fee charged if any item is unreturned.
8th grade graduation: Once again, we are asking the 7th grade parents and students to host the reception for the graduation. Upon asking for 7th grade parents to volunteer to coordinate this event, we received offers from Tammy Love, Debbie Stansbury & Tracey Backes. Thank you! All 7th grade parents will be contacted to help in some way. Graduation is set for Saturday, May 4, 2013 at the 5:00 pm Mass. The final day of classes for 8th graders will be Friday, May 3, 2013.
Dress Guidelines for graduation: Boys – dress pants, collared shirt, dress shoes, tie-optional; Girls – dresses, no more than 2 inches above the knee, no spaghetti straps showing (may wear shawl to cover). Students will be wearing cap/gown for graduation and the awards portion of the reception. Cap & gown fees - $8.50. You may send in your payment anytime before April 19th.
8th GRADE PARENTS/STUDENTS: Jenny Evers, daughter of Janis Evers, has volunteered to do the graduation slide show. PLEASE SEND IN 8 PICTURES BY APRIL 5TH – from baby pictures on up to current. Please label these on back – 1 through 8, in the order you wish them presented, beginning with the baby pictures. If you have these on CD or memory card – even better – just make sure to label.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Reading Counts Field Trip for grades 2 – 5 will be on Monday, May 6, 2013. The students will be going to Lazer Tag in Osage Beach & Bridal Cave in Camdenton. Lazer Tag will be from 9:30 – 10:30 am (3 games), lunch from 11:00 – 11:30, and Bridal Cave from 12:00 – 1:00 pm.
Reminder to all parents: ALL SCHOOL FEES must be paid in full by the end of the year in order for your child to receive his/her final grade cards and diplomas (8th graders). The final LUNCH BILLING will be on April 15th, for lunches - $37.00 for full price, $8.00 for reduced. School fees may include any of the following: book, technology, van, lunch, unreturned library books, unreturned uniforms, damaged or lost textbooks, and others as deemed necessary. This would be a good time for you to also take a closer look at your school support through tithing to the parish. If you have unpaid fees, final payment notices will be sent out towards the end of the year.
The 4th & 5th graders will be participating in the first annual Pope John Paul II Catholic Schools Little Olympics on April 17th, 2013. Twelve schools were invited to participate in these activities at the Helias High School track. Events include softball throw, 50 meter dash, 100 meter dash, tug of war, long jump, relays and longer dashes. Students will wear their orange Reading Counts shirts that day. Families are invited to attend. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, water coolers, etc. There will be a concession stand. Please refer to enclosed flyer for more information.
Beef Sticks - Students can purchase beef sticks during lunch for $1 each. If you would like a box of 30 sent home, the price is $30. All profits go to the school. Thank you for your support!
The READING COUNTS DEADLINE is Wed., April 24th. If your child reaches 200 points by April 24th, he/she qualifies to attend the Reading Counts field trip. For every 25 points over 200, your child gets a ticket, to be placed in a drawing for a prize.
Please remember and make every effort to attend as a family these Holy Week services:
Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 8:00 pm
Good Friday – Way of the Cross – 2:15 pm, Celebration of the Lord’s Passion – 8:00 pm
Holy Saturday Night - The Easter Vigil - 8:00 pm
Easter Sunday – The Resurrection of the Lord - 7:45 am and 10:00 am.
OPERATION RICE BOWL: Thank you for participating in CRS Rice Bowl! Our parish helped make a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world suffering from poverty and hunger. To ensure that our donations will be put to use as soon as possible, please return your Rice Bowl on Tuesday, when we come back from Easter break or bring to Church this weekend.