OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Saturday 5/6 Boys BBall @ HOME – 11:00 am (vs. St. Peter’s White) COME CHEER!!!
Monday NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
Dress for Spring Picture Day, BRING UNIFORMS!!!
Wednesday Speech Practice 3:00 – 4:00 pm, 2nd grade field trip to JC Post Office
Thursday All School Mass (3/4th gr. ministry)
School Advisory Board mtg – 6:30 pm in computer lab
Friday February School Spirit Day – may dress down if wearing official spirit shirt
Stations of the Cross – 2:15 pm
2013-2014 ENROLLMENT FORMS ARE IN TODAY’S FOLDER FOR ALL STUDENTS ENTERING KINDERGARTEN THROUGH 8TH GRADES. PLEASE FILL THESE OUT AND RETURN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, If you are undecided as the whether or not your child will attend next year, please just note this on the form. Thank you!
ON TUESDAY SPRING PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN – THIS WILL BE A DRESS DOWN FOR PICTURE DAY. ALL BASKETBALL AND CHEER MEMBERS – BRING YOUR UNIFORM FOR GROUP PICTURES. Volleyball players’ uniforms will be passed out when needed at school. If any of the coaches can make it, we will be doing these around noon. Please call the school on Tuesday morning to let us know that you will be here. It would be great to have you in the picture!
NEEDED: All 5/6 grade boys’ basketball parents please help clean-up after the 11:00 am ballgame. There is a benefit later in the day. Thanks for your help! If everyone helps out it will only take a few minutes.
WE THANK OUR SCIENCE FAIR JUDGES – BILL FEIND, GLENN POUND, KEVIN RICHARDS & JIM VANDIKE. These wonderful men took a day out just to spend time judging your children’s science fair experiments. If you see them around, please thank them personally. Thank you to all the parents – we know the science projects add stress to your life, but just remember – IT IS ONLY EVERY OTHER YEAR!! Winners will be announced next week.
2nd REMINDER: PROGRESS REPORTS for K-2nd graders were in last week’s folder. If you have not already done so, please sign and return these immediately. 3rd through 8th grade’s MIDTERM GRADES may be found online, at, school code 8085, with your login and password. Please sign and return the sign-off – sent home last week, showing that you have checked your child’s grades online. The classroom teacher will seek confirmation from all parents, so please check grades and return sign-off to avoid follow-up. If you do not have internet access, you may use the computer lab anytime during school hours. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact the classroom teacher.
Many thanks to our wonderful room parents! We couldn’t have those great parties it without YOU!!!
Congratulations to the following students, whose Catholic School’s Week entries were chosen to send on to the diocesan competition: 2 – Tyler Evers, 3 – Sara Beck, 4 – Hannah Evers, 5 – Justin Schrimpf, 6th – Andrew Schulte. Good luck at the diocesan level students!
Students will be attending Stations of the Cross on Friday afternoons during Lent. If you (or grandparents) attend and would like to take your child home afterwards, please send a note to school, so that your child’s book bag will be brought to church with him/her.
We thank Alvina Sestak & Debbie Schulte, for volunteering to help out this upcoming Tuesday with the spring pictures. You make everything run so much more smoothly and we really appreciate your help!! Again, these volunteers give up most of a day to help out with our students – please thank them when you see them.
Income from games 2/7/13: Concessions $111.95, Gate $22.00 (after referee/scorekeeper fees)
PARENTS OF 8TH GRADE STUDENTS: Helias Catholic High School will hold informational meetings on March 4, 5, 6 for incoming freshmen and their parents. Registration materials & placement test scores will be explained at these meetings. The meetings will be held in the school commons from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. No sign-up is necessary; just pick one of the meetings.
Workers for Saturday morning games: (February 16th) (Parents of…) Gate – 8:00 am – Ethan Adrian, 9:00 am – Zachary Eickhoff, 10:00 am– Jared Evers, 11:00 am – Tevin Groose; Concession – 8:00 am – Billy Parr, 9:00 am – Cody Schulte, 10:00 am– Justin Schrimpf, 11:00 am – Andrew Schulte; Scorekeeper – 8:00 am – Joe Beck, 9:00 am – Joe Beck, 10:00 am - Cameron Haeffner; 11:00 am – Cameron Haeffner. If you are on 1st shift, please come at least ½ hour before the game. If you cannot work your scheduled time, please get your own replacement. All are invited to come cheer our team on to VICTORY!
SUBS NEEDED AT OLOS SCHOOL!!!!: 60 college hours required. Please think of anyone you know who might be interested and let them know about this opportunity. We have very limited substitute help. Please contact Mrs. Trachsel for more information.
OLOS Preschool is now accepting applications for the 2013-14 school year. We have had several inquiries about preschool services for the upcoming school year and have a pre-registration list in the office. If you or anyone you know are interested, please contact the school office NOW at 573-498-3574. Pre-registration forms may be found in today’s folder for all with a known interest.
Jeanne will be sending in all Box Tops and Best Choice UPC’s by the end of February. Please send in any that you may have accumulated.
THIS WEEK – Mary’s Home Little League Sign-Up, Wed., Feb. 20th 5-8 pm, Thurs., Feb. 21st 5-8 pm. at the Knights of Columbus Hall (KC Ballfield) in Mary’s Home.
Parents of current 8th grade (and all current high school) students: The Diocese of Jefferson City Youth Ministry and Vocation Offices once again invite you to our second annual Mission Trip for those entering their freshman year of high school through those entering their sophomore year college. Destination? Glenmary Farm, Vanceburg, KY -- the Real Appalachia Mission Experience! First 28 who sign up get to go. Cost is $250 and is all inclusive (trip, meal, snacks and other incidentals) No need to bring money; the people we will be working with do not have money, so no need to show them that we do. As you are discerning if this is the mission trip for you, please realize we are in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains where we will encounter, live, and be with the poor. Hence the picture of Mother Theresa in the center of the flier. A great experience serving the Body of Christ awaits. Don't hesitate to contact the Vocation Office to sign up. Registration forms can be obtained by calling the Vocation Office at 573-635-9127 ext. 211 or by e-mailing the Vocation Office at We look forward to helping you get registered to be on the mission trip. Lay Leader: Rick Vise from St. Robert Parish in St. Robert, MO. Parish Priest Chaplain, Father Jerry Kaimann, Pastor of St. Bonaventure in Marceline. Chaperones from youth ministries around the diocese. See flyer enclosed.
OPERATION RICE BOWL: In the small West African nation of Vurkina Faso, 80% of the population are farmers. Frequent droughts make it difficult to produce enough food for the entire year. Often, farmers can only grow enough to feed their families for seven months. The rest of the year is called “the hungry season”. This week, we pray for families in Burkina Faso and give to CRS Rice Bowl to help small-scale farmers.
Remember to return your Friday Folder on TUESDAY.
Have a great three day weekend everyone!