OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Tuesday Ugly Sweater/Sweatshirt day
Wednesday Dress Down for a Quarter for Guito Day
Student Council mtg – until 4:00 pm
OLOS Penance Service – 7:00 pm
Thursday End of 2nd Quarter
All School Mass (6th gr. Ministry)
Dress Down in Red/Green for Christmas Day
Christmas Parties @ 1:30 pm
JV Girls Bball @ Taos – 6:00 pm (vs. Honey Creek)
JV Boys Bball @ Good Shepherd, Columbia – 8:00 pm (vs. St. George)
5/6 Boys BBall @ St. Joe, JC – 6:00 pm (vs. Linn Red)
Friday NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break
Many thanks to all the parish members, friends, and families who donated to and helped in our Santa Store this year. Through your generosity, the students had a huge selection of items to pick from when making purchases for those on their lists. We did make $410, but most importantly, all the students had a lot of fun and enjoyed shopping for their friends and family!
As you celebrate Christmas this year, please save and send in all Christmas bags and tissue paper that you may not want to keep. We will store them for next year’s Santa store. Also, we always run short on “guy” items. If you see anything that would work for them and also gift bags on sale after Christmas and would like to donate them it would be wonderful! You can send them to school anytime.
We also thank all who came to watch the Christmas Program last weekend. It was a packed house! We hope the children's efforts helped put some "Christmas Cheer" in your hearts!
The Secret Santa candy cane offer, sponsored by the Student Council, has been extended. You will find additional copies of the tags in today’s folder. The Student Council will assemble these on Wednesday afternoon during their meeting and they will be passed out on Thursday, our last day of school before Christmas break.
Student Council – remember the meeting that is rescheduled for Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 19th from 3:00 to 4:00 pm. Parents – please remember to send a note allowing your Council member to stay for the meeting.
Calling all room parents! It is time again to be planning those classroom parties. Remember – we count on YOU to coordinate snacks & games/activities for the classrooms. Christmas parties are on Thursday, December 20th, beginning at 1:30 pm. Without the gift exchange, there will be more time for activities, so please plan accordingly.
Many thanks to all who have been supporting the “gifts for Jesus” with the wonderful selection of baby items. We will be sending those on Wednesday of next week (Dec. 19). The 8th grade class will be taking the donations to Birthright. (8th grade parents – please find field trip permission enclosed in today’s folder).It is not too late to donate to this cause – remember that instead of the Christmas gift exchange this year and instead of giving the teachers a gift, we ask that all money spent be redirected to “gifts for Jesus” (any baby item/need). If you haven’t had a chance to send your items in, you may still do so early next week. PLEASE REFER TO THE BIRTHRIGHT NEEDS LIST AT THE END OF THESE NOTES FOR GIFT IDEAS.
VOLUNTEERS OF THE WEEK: Ashley Burnett, Debbie Schulte, Charlene Morff, Adeline Bauer & Christina Eickhoff – for doing such a fantastic job in the Santa store shopping & wrapping areas (and Christina also provides library services every week – a donation of one day each week).
VOLUNTEERS OF THE WEEK (for last week) Glenn & Betty Pound & Karen Harms – who cooked & served the lunch for our children last week. Please, if you see these individuals out & about, thank them for their service to OLOS School!
Sports News: The JV Boys Basketball team has been participating in the High Point Tournament this week. After winning on Monday night against Honey Creek (42-36), they will face St. Martins on Friday night at 7:00 pm. If they win that game, they will go on to compete for 1st place on Saturday at 2:00 pm. GOOD LUCK TO THE JV BOYS BASKETBALL COUGARS!!! The JV Boys also won last week in their home game against St. Peter (33-13). The JV Girls lost a close one that same night, with a final score of 19-20, against St. George, Linn. The 5/6 Boys are getting some good experience this year. They have not won any games yet, but their point spread is getting much closer and they are continuing to get better all the time! GO COUGARS!
Income from games 12/1/12: Gate $76.00, Concessions $118.25.
12/6/12: Gate $43.00, Concessions $145.00 (Refs & scoreboard paid from gate proceeds.)
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: OLOS Communal Penance Service, Wed., Dec. 19th at 7:00 pm.
Please find enclosed the Catholic School’s Week sign up for Mass parts on Jan. 26 & 27, 2013. We know it is early, but it always come around so fast after Christmas. Please make every effort to commit to a Mass so that we can assign Mass parts and begin to plan/practice.
Do you have any good ideas for the Reading Counts field trip at the end of the year? If you do, please jot them down & send them in, email us, or give us a call. We need & welcome all input.
There will be no Friday Notes next week. However, you will be receiving tickets and information for the Italian Feast next week in the folder on Thursday, so remember to ask your child for this very important packet of information.
Did you know that statistics are very clear that the more Catholic education a person has the greater the chance that he/she will be a lifelong, practicing Catholic? The Jefferson City area is fortunate to have a Catholic high school for our young people! Helias is your opportunity to share your faith with your children.
Remember to return your Friday Folder on MONDAY.
Since we will not be sending out Friday Notes next week, the
OLOS School Staff & Faculty would like to wish you all a very
Merry and Blessed Christmas. May your Christmas be safe and joyful!