OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Monday NO SCHOOL - Labor Day holiday – picnic clean up
Tuesday Volleyball Practice – 5:30 – 7:00 pm,
Fantasy Night mtg – 6:00 pm
Thursday All School Mass (5th grade ministry)
JV Volleyball @ Taos – 8:00 pm (vs. St. Francis, White)
Friday September Dress Down Day
There will be a Fantasy Night planning meeting on Tuesday evening, September 4th, at 6:00 pm. All are encouraged and welcomed to attend.
OLOS School Health Screenings will be Monday, Sept. 10th. The Miller County nurses will be reviewing our immunization records that day. That means that if you received notice that your child needs proof of immunizations last week, you will need to provide that by Monday. If you have not provided records by then, your child’s name will be flagged to report to the Mo. Dept of Health.
Needed for Lunchroom – Microwaves. Please contact someone in the office if you have one (new or used) to donate.
Thanks so much to Lynn Morgan, for the donation of teacher supplies – stickers, workbooks, beanie babies, etc. We appreciate it!
VOLLEYBALL PARENTS: If girls get dropped of early for volleyball practice, they will go to extended care and be charged the $5 drop in fee for it. PRACTICE DOES NOT BEGIN UNTIL 5:30 PM.
PRESCHOOL PARENTS: Unless authorized through Marie, no switching of days is allowed for part-time preschoolers. The only exceptions would be for classroom parties and field trips.
Lunches: Lunch fees this year are $37/month for 9 months (or $8/month, reduced), flat rate, regardless if your child eats lunch or not (due to absences or the occasional sack lunch). This puts the daily lunch fees at approximately $1.91 per day. If you elected to opt out of lunches, your child may not eat any school lunches throughout the year. ALL LUNCH FEES MUST BE PAID THROUGH THE SCHOOL, NOT THE PARISH. Lunch fees are not legitimate tax deductions. Lunches are being billed on the middle of each month (generally the 15th of each month), August through April. This is a change from last year, when lunches were billed at the end of each month. If a child wants a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in lieu of the main entrée, he/she should bring a note from the parent on EACH DAY that this is desired.
The Home & School and School Advisory Board meetings scheduled for the third Thursday in September are being rescheduled. Please mark those meetings off the enclosed calendar. We will let you know when we get these rescheduled. The Home & School will be in need of new officers – we know for sure we will need a new treasurer. Please be thinking and praying about this opportunity to serve with your time and talent.
Volleyball Practices – every Monday and Tuesday evenings, 5:30 – 7:00 pm.
MORNING DROP OFF: This is a reminder that students (except extended care students) are to be dropped off after 7:25 am in the morning. Classes begin at 7:45 am. All students dropped off before 7:25 am will be charged for extended care – a $5 fee.
GRANDPARENTS DAY: Tuesday, September 11th at 2:00 pm. We are asking each family to send in a pie on Monday, Sept. 10th. We will be honoring our grandparents that afternoon and also the 2,977 people killed in the 9/11 attack eleven years ago. All students and grandparents are asked to dress in red/white/blue to commemorate Patriot Day.
October 19th, from 9:00 -10:30 am. The trip includes a maze with hay bales, a hayride, and the farm animals. The students will also all receive a big pumpkin, a small pumpkin & a gourd. More details will be coming out soon regarding this trip, but mark your calendar now if you are interested in going along. Cost for adults will be $6 for all, or $1 for hayride only. Students will need Wal-Mart bags that day, so if you have any extra, please send them to school anytime. Thanks!
VAN SERVICE: The van is running two routes in the mornings and the evenings. Therefore, we have no additional room for friends. ONLY THOSE PAYING FOR VAN SERVICE CAN RIDE THE VAN. Please remember to take this into account if your child invites friends over so that you may make other arrangements for transportation. Please use common courtesy and call Jim in the mornings if your child is not riding the bus. This may avoid a trip out of the way or a long wait, which throws others late. Jim’s numbers are: 498-3595 before 6:10 am, and 694-2214 after 6:10 am. Please write these numbers down now so that you have them when you need them. Thank you for your consideration.
SUBS NEEDED AT OLOS SCHOOL: 60 college hours required. Please think of anyone you know who might be interested and let them know about this opportunity. We have very limited substitute help. Please contact Mrs. Trachsel for more information.