OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
Saturday 4/5 Boys BBall @ Taos – 10:00 am – vs. St. Peter’s White
5/6 Girls BBall @ HOME – 10:00 am – vs. St. Peter’s Blue
Monday Student Council mtg – until 4:00 pm
Thursday All School Mass – (5th grade ministry)
JV Girls BBall @ HOME – 6:00 pm – vs. Taos Gold – COME CHEER!!!
JV Boys BBall @ HOME – 7:00 pm – vs. Trinity – COME CHEER!!!
Friday January “Dress Down Day”
Catholic Schools Week News: (Week of Jan 29th – Feb. 3rd) “Faith, Academics, Service”
- ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Mark your calendars now for the Catholic Schools’ Week family event for OLOS School families. In celebration of our Catholic School family, we will be going to the skating rink in Jefferson City (SK8) on Sunday, January 29, 2012, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm for a 2 hour private skating session. The school children’s entrance fee will be paid for through your fundraising efforts by the Home & School. All others skating will be charged $4.50 at the door. If you do not skate you do not have to pay. All family members are encouraged and welcomed to attend. ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE A PARENT OR ADULT WITH THEM TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM. Concessions will be available for sale or you may bring your own in.
- Do you know of an elderly or disabled person in our community who might need a little help with chores this winter? For Catholic Schools’ Week, we are hoping to send out students on community service projects to help those who might need a “helping hand”. If you know of someone who could use some help, please send a note or give office staff a call. Thank you!
- We are asking each family to send in 2-3 dozen homemade cookies – to be distributed after all Masses on Jan. 28-29. Please send these to school on Friday, Jan. 27th.
- Brief Highlight of Activities: - (students enjoy their favorite lunches during CSW week)
Sat/Sun. Jan. 28-29: Presentation at each Mass highlighting our faith, academics & service. Students will be needed to read, carry banner, and hand out cookies, etc. after each Mass.
Sun: Jan. 29: Skating Party (outlined above)
Mon: Jan. 30: Community – Christian service in community, deliver cookies to community
Tues., Jan. 31: Vocation – Sister Josetta/deacon/Father Pat visit with students
Wed., Feb. 1 – Nation – dress in red/white/blue – contest for best dressed, patriotic rosary @ 2:30 in gym – please invite anyone who has served our nation to join us & let the office know they are coming – please have them be here by 2:15 pm.
Thurs., Feb. 2 – Faculty – breakfast provided to staff, baby picture game - students guess
Fri., Feb. 3 – Student – Pajama day, movie, popcorn & drink in gym, pie in face for winner of staff baby contest
GRADE CARDS are in today’s folder. Please look these over and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the classroom teacher.
Box Tops for Education: We received $260.90 this week through the Box Tops for Education program. This reflects box tops collected through a six month period – very nice! Thanks to all who clip, save, & send in the box tops and to Jeanne Buechter and girls for handling the processing of this program.
Italian Feast News:
- Tickets were sent home before Christmas for the Italian Feast. Please make every effort to sell your tickets, and if you need more, please send a note to the office. All ticket money should be turned in by January 30, 2012. This will determine the amount of food to be ordered/prepared for this event. Tickets will be $1 higher at the door.
- With all the clearance sales going on, don’t forget about the Silent Auction items for the Italian Feast. Remember to please send in an item for your child’s classroom basket and another larger item from your family for the auction. Classroom themes: PK: Scrapbooking, K/1: Game Night, 2: Baking Cookies, 3: Spa basket, 4: Fun in the Pool, 5: Cardinals baseball, 6: Fishing, 7/8 Movie Night. If you desire, you may send in $5 to the classroom teacher and let him/her do your shopping for you. Along with the classroom basket, each family is asked to donate or solicit a donation for at least one additional item of value.
Aquinas Academy - New Guidelines: To be nominated a student (6th or 7th grade) must have at least 90% on achievement test scores, approximately 120 on the Otis-Lennin cognitive test, and must be considered academically “gifted”. These guidelines have been added to the previous standing guidelines which were: must exhibit excellent behavior and Christian values, must have the maturity level for a residential camp, and must excel in standardized tests. All guidelines come from the diocese and the academy is now called “Aquinas Academy for the Gifted”.
Workers for tomorrow’s games (Jan. 7, 2012): (Parent’s of…) Gate – 8:00 am – Rachel Buechter, 9:00 am – Rachel Buechter, Concession – 8:00 am – Kalie Massman, 9:00 am Kalie Massman, 10:00 am – Makinzie Morgan, Score Book – 8:00 am – Madison Evers, 9:00 am – Ashley Kauffman, 10:00 am – Kenadi Trachsel
Good luck to the JV Boys team – who are playing in their second game of the Wardsville Tournament tonight at 7:00 pm. They won against St. Peter, Fulton on Tuesday evening. Tournament games go into Saturday and Sunday.
Congratulations to the Student Council Raffle Prize winners of the week of dress down passes: Marie Massman, Tyler Evers, Tyler Groose, Sara Stansbury & Ariana Evers. Also, congratulations to the following student for winning the coloring contest: Sophia Trachsel, Aliyah Talledo, Grace Groose, Matthew Beck, Sara Beck, Hannah Evers, Gage Trachsel, Emily Love, Joe Beck, Makinzie Morgan, Cameron Haeffner, Rachel Buechter, Zachary Bond, Sydney Trachsel, Kyle Kliethermes & Daniel Beck.
Mrs. Groose is OUT of beef sticks. Thanks for your support!
INCLEMENT WEATHER: In case of snow or bad conditions, please tune in to KOMU–TV, Channel 8, KRCG-TV Channel 13, ABC-TV Channel 17 and radio stations KLIK, KJMO, KWOS, KPLA, KOQL, KATI, KCLR/Y107. We will post snow day information and early dismissals. As a parent, it is your responsibility to be aware of conditions and when you suspect bad weather to tune into these stations for more information. NO PHONE CALLS WILL BE MADE INDIVIDUALLY TO PARENTS. If we dismiss early, we try to get an email out to parents. PLEASE TRY TO LIMIT CALLS TO SCHOOL ASKING IF WE ARE DISMISSING EARLY. Once the decision has been made, we contact the radio stations and television stations immediately. However, WE CANNOT DO THIS IN A TIMELY FASHION IF ALL THE PHONE LINES ARE TIED UP FIELDING INCOMING CALLS. Please also keep in mind that we are always looking out for the safety of all students and staff. If we call early, and not much happens weather-wise, all we can say is “better safe than sorry”. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
8th graders – Mark your calendar – 8th grade retreat – Thursday, March 8th, 2012. We are asking for two parent drivers for this retreat in Folk. At least one driver must stay on site through the day. Please contact office staff if you are able to help out. Thank you!
A handful of families have not yet returned their Family Data Verification sheet/Alert System forms. Please return these on Monday.
Remember to return your Friday Folder on Monday.
Hope you have a great weekend!