Monday READING COUNTS FIELD TRIP - wear READING COUNTS SHIRT!!! – PK-2 –wear SOCKS!!! May wear shorts/jeans that meet dress code.
Wednesday Student Council Party – until 4:00 (?)
Thursday All School Mass (5th grade ministry)
Friday K/1 Field Trip to Leap Frog Fun Center/Holts Summit - wear SOCKS!!!,
8TH Graders last day
READING COUNTS FIELD TRIP NEWS: THIS MONDAY, May 9th. Grades PK – 2nd will be going to Miner Mikes at Osage Beach (maze only –WEAR SOCKS- REQUIRED!!) from 9-11 am. We will have water bottles available for these students while at the maze. The 3-8 grades will be going to Lazer Force, at Lake Ozarks , from 9:30-11:00 am. Each student will get to play two games (20 minutes each) in groups of 24. Arcade games will be available at Lazer Force, but the student will need to bring extra spending money if they play these games. ALL STUDENTS ARE TO WEAR THEIR READING COUNTS SHIRTS!!! Lunch will be at a local park. Then all the students will enjoy an afternoon movie at the Lodge of the Four Season (from 12:30 – 2:30) CHANGE – CONCESSIONS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE AT THE MOVIE – but the children will have just finished lunch so they should be fine! All students will get a soda and snack after the movie. We should be back to school by 3:15-3:30 pm. Parents should be here between 7:45 – 8:00 so that we can get organized. We will be pulling out at 8:15 sharp. WEAR READING COUNTS SHIRTS – REQUIRED!!! May wear shorts/jeans that meet dress code.
ALL PAYMENTS ARE NOW DUE TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE. IF YOU HAVE UNPAID BALANCES FINAL PAYMENT NOTICES ARE IN TODAY’S FOLDER. Please do not be offended by these notices, especially since some of the statements are just being sent home today for lunch and extended care and some preschool statements. Since the end of the month fell on Friday, we were unable to get the regular statements out until this week. Please note that these statements do not include school/parish support (with the exception of out-of-parish members). School/parish support is through regular tithing in the weekend collection. GRADE CARDS WILL BE HELD FOR FULL PAYMENT OF FEES. PLEASE DIRECT ALL PAYMENTS THROUGH THE SCHOOL OFFICE.
The kindergarten and first grade field trip is scheduled for May 13. They will be going to Leapfrog Fun Center in Holts Summit. Students may dress down for this field trip. Students will be riding the van.
Sketch Day Results: Congratulations to Raegan Wood – who received a HIGH HONOR RIBBON - and Maggie Morris – who received a HONOR RIBBON - for their sketches. All of the sketches are really good – and are on display in the cafeteria. We are proud of all of our participants: Rachel Wood, Kyle Kliethermes, Megan Evers, Maggie Morris, Daniel Beck, Tyler Bond, Brianna Kliethermes & Raegan Wood.
REGISTRATION PACKETS (sent home three weeks ago) MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TO SCHOOL. If we don’t have yours in the office, you will find a reminder in today’s folder.
GOLF TOURNAMENT NEWS: If you would be able to help at the Golf Tournament on Friday, May 20th, please contact Mark Adrian or Rosie/Nancy in the school office. Three people are needed to work the check-in counter from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm, and a few more are needed to assist on the course with keeping coolers supplied that afternoon. Thanks so much!
STUDENT COUNCIL END OF YEAR PIZZA PARTY: We will end our year with a pizza and games party. This is a members-only party to show appreciation for all the work members put into the events for the school year. The party will be this Wednesday, May 11th until 4:00 or so. Members – please remember to bring a note and also any fun games you may want to play.
Many thanks to the family and friends of Lucille Rush. The school received $971 this week through memorial donations for Lucille. Please pray for Lucille – may she rest in peace, and for the consolation of her family and friends.
May 20, 2011 is the final day of school for the 2010 - 2011 school year. This will be a half-day, with dismissal at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be served. There will also be extended care that afternoon.
Check out this website to have your child earn free books from Scholastic – it looks fairly easy:
8th grade graduation: Please remember the dress guidelines for graduates: Boys – dress pants, collared shirt, dress shoes, tie is optional; Girls – dresses, no more than 2 inches above the knee, no spaghetti straps showing, (may wear shawl to cover). Students will be wearing caps & gowns for the graduation & the awards portion of the reception.