Our Lady of the Snows
Catholic School
OLOS School provides a quality education & develops the whole person
in a faith-filled Catholic environment.
What’s Up For Next Week…
Wednesday Midquarter
Thursday All School Mass – 5th gr. ministry, Food Drive ends – goal 500 items
Home & School mtg – 6:30 pm, School Advisory Board mtg – 7:30 pm,
Fundraising mtg – 7:30 pm
Friday - NO SCHOOL – Religious Ed. Institute
Congratulations to the eight students participating in the Speech Meet last Saturday. Way to go to: Maggie Morris – blue ribbon (serious), Alison Buechter – red ribbon (serious), Aubrey Kauffman – blue ribbon (humorous), Tori Adrian – red ribbon (humorous), Makinzie Farris & Raegan Wood – blue ribbons (duet), Morgan Pringer & Sierra Evers – red ribbons (duet). You represented your school well and we are proud of you! Thanks also to Carla Morris for being a fantastic speech coach for these girls and for our school.
Stanford test results for your child will be found in today’s folder (1st – 8th grades).
IMPORTANT!!! If a child is doing anything out of the ordinary after school, THEY ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A NOTE (unless something comes up during the day – then a phone call to the office is in order). This would include any school related event also. This is a safety issue – we need to know that you know where your children are and we want them to be where they are supposed to be. Students need to become responsible for seeking notes from their parents (especially in the older grades) and will only be allowed to call parents on a discretionary basis.
Notes – as related to dispensing medication. PLEASE WRITE A NOTE – ON PAPER, clearly outlining when your child needs the medication, the dosage, the name of the medicine (if not on container), the medicine container marked with the child’s name, if it needs to be refrigerated, etc. Bottles of medicine show up in the office with no instructions and unnecessary calls have to be made to parents. WE NEED YOUR EXPLICIT WRITTEN PERMISSION TO DISPENSE ANY MEDICATION, with all information clearly provided.
The OLOS Cheerleaders will be sponsoring a school spirit PEP RALLY on Wednesday, Nov. 24th, after lunch & before we dismiss at noon. The girls have been working hard on posters and some “secret” things for the basketball players. All parents, grandparents, etc. are welcome to attend. It should begin at 11:15 or shortly thereafter. This will be a DRESS DOWN IN SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY.
The OLOS School Staff enjoyed a workshop at Rocheport on Monday to update the school website. If you haven’t visited our website lately, take a minute to check it out. All classrooms now have an updated classroom page – where you can find information on weekly activities and tests, and the office will keep updated Friday notes, lunch & event calendars, and sports pages. We thank Tim Morff for taking off of work to provide inservice instruction for the staff and to Mrs. Kempker for sharing her knowledge of blogs. Visit www.oloscougars.org.
The CHRISTMAS PROGRAM is scheduled for Sunday, December 12th, after the 10:00 am Mass, in Church. Students should wear dress clothing – no jeans (school dress code works nicely). Preschoolers will be dressing in costumes, to be provided by the school.
For Christmas, students will be exchanging $5 gifts within their own classrooms this year. Teachers will be giving you more information in the very near future so that you know for your Christmas shopping. Christmas parties will be on Tuesday, Dec. 21st at 10:00 am. School dismisses at 12:00 Noon that day.
Please be patient…Parent of boys who have earned Reading Counts shirts. We are in the process of reorganizing shirt orders, as the shirts are running small. We will have to make another order for some, but others may receive theirs next week.
Please start sending in items for the Santa Store. Last year we were in need of more “guy” gifts. Please send anything you may have by Dec. 10th. The Santa Store will be open beginning December 15th.
Lost (was found, but then taken from office window) - St. Michael's Chaplet. Looks like a rosary except it has nine different groups of beads on it. Inside the rosary bag was a description on how to pray the St. Michael's Chaplet. The bag it was in was black with a silver cross on the front. One of the students may have thought it was theirs and took it home. Please return to school office.
For the month of November, the Student Council is sponsoring a food drive for the needy. Our goal is 500 items – canned, boxed or packaged collected by Thursday, November 18th. That is approximately 5 items per student or teacher. If we meet this goal, we will have five dress down days to finish up November: Nov. 22, 23, 24, 29 & 30. Get your grandparents and friends to help out too – there will be a collection container in the front of church or items may be brought to the school office. Students may bring their items anytime, beginning on Monday.
Leftover Cookie Dough: We have the following kinds of cookie dough left for sale -please contact someone in the office if you would be able to sell any: 1 peanut butter, 1 triple-choc., 1 heath, 2 white/choc/mac, 2 M&M, 1 choc. chip pecan.
We are glad to report that Dylan Morgan is home from surgery and recovering well. His sister reports that he is doing well and is back to being ornery to her! If you would like to send Dylan get well wishes, you can send them to the school office and we will send to Dylan. Please pray for Dylan and his family in the upcoming weeks as he recovers.
Basketball practices – beginning in November: 5/6 Girls – every Tuesday 4:00 – 6:00 pm & Thursdays 6:00 – 8:00 pm, 7/8 Girls – every Sunday & Tuesday 6:00 – 8:00 pm, 4/5 Boys – every Thursday 4:00 – 6:00 pm,
6/7/8 Boys – every Wednesday 6:00 - 8:00 pm.
Italian Night – Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011 Class Basket Themes: PK – Scrapbooking, K/1 – Sports Day, 2 – A Day at the Beach, 3/4 – Camping, 5 – Kitchen stuff, 6 – Religious, 7/8 – Mizzou. Every child in the classroom should either bring an item for their classroom basket or send in $5 to the classroom teacher so that they may do the shopping for the basket.
8th grade retreat @ Folk – scheduled for Fri, Feb. 18th. We are in need of one or two parent drivers/chaperones (for 7 students). Chaperone must stay on the grounds for the day. There will be a fee that is to be paid by the parent ($10 or less). We will let you know more after Christmas, but if you would be able to drive, please contact someone in the office.
If you have a noteworthy event related to the school or a student in our school, please contact Stacey Schrimpf to put this information into our monthly newsletter (appearing in parish bulletin). Email Stacey @ stacesname@aol.com. Thank you!