Thursday, December 12, 2024

Friday Newsletter 12-13-2024


School Motto: We are learning, serving & praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!


Sun     3rd Sunday of Advent: Joy

Mon –   Movie Theme: “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” – wear brown, flannel or reindeer attire

Tues –  Movie Theme: “The Santa Clause” – wear a Santa hat or your favorite hat

          Santa Store Shopping – during special class time

          Sacred Heart Penance Service – 6:00 pm, Eldon, MO

Wed – All School Mass (3/4 Ministry)

          Wear dress code

          Penance Service for 3-8th – 9:45 am

Thur – Movie Theme: “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”, wear a Santa hat, red, or white

          OLOS Penance Service – 6:30 pm

Fri -    Movie Theme: “White Christmas”, wear your fancy clothes

          End of 2nd Quarter

          No afternoon extended care – see schedule below


A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER DAILY DRESS DOWN MOVIE THEMES: Your child may dress down if they follow the theme for the day but must adhere to all length/no fray/no holes requirements. Mrs. Varner has tried to make it easy – you can either follow the theme closely with actual outfits, or just in the general color theme, as outlined on the flyer or in “The Week Ahead”, as listed above.

SANTA STORE: Our annual Santa Store will be available for our students to shop this Tuesday, December 17th during their special class time. Name tag packets were sent home last week. If you have not returned your child’s envelope, please do so on Monday. We will accept donations for the store through Monday as well.

STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING CANCELLED: There will be no Student Council meeting this week. The wonderful ladies – our volunteer “elves” – are setting up the Santa Store for the students on Monday, so there will be no need for a meeting on Monday evening.

SPORTS NEWS: Madelyn & the St. Joe Cathedral Spartan 8th Grade basketball team defeated Holy Family, Freeburg on December 5th, with a final score of 36 – 6. Way to go Madelyn & Team!


We will follow the schedule below for December 20th, our last day in session for 2024:

8:00 am                   All School Prayer Service – all invited

8:30 am                  Brunch (pancakes, sausage,  hashbrowns) all parent/guardians invited, complimentary

9:00 – 9:45 am       Classroom parties

9:45 am                  Students may be signed out

11:00 am                 All remaining students will be  dismissed (pick-up no later than 11:00 am – no afternoon extended care services)

LAST NOTES FOR 2024! On Friday, 12/20, we will send home folders with iReady & Achievement test results, along with January calendars. There will not be a newsletter enclosed, so we want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy, Safe, Blessed and Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!


Merry Christmas!

School resumes on Monday, January 6, 2025.


WEEKLY DRESS DOWN PASS WINNER(S)! Congratulations to Jameson K. & Tre B. for winning this week’s drawing! Remember – return your folder (with paperwork complete) by Tuesday to be added to the weekly drawing. 

Friday, December 6, 2024


Friday Newsletter 12-6-2024


School Motto: We are learning, serving & praying – every moment of every day. We are COUGARS!


Sun     2nd Sunday of Advent: Peace

          All School Sunday Mass – 8:00 am

          OLOSS Christmas Program – 9:15 am – in Church

Mon   Movie Theme: “The Star” – wear yellow, gold or stars

Tues  Movie Theme: “Frosty the Snowman” – dress in white, snowflakes or snowman

Wed All School Mass (5/6 Ministry)

          Wear dress code

          Penance Service for 3rd-8th @ 9:30 am

Thur Movie Theme: “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” – dress like a character from the movie or wear green

          Community Cookie Baking

Fri -    Movie Theme: “Home Alone” – wear your sweatpants or comfy clothes

          Dress Down for $1 for Uganda Day

          Community Cookie Baking

SCHOOL-WEAR ORDERS will be delivered to OLOS early this upcoming week.

A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER DAILY DRESS DOWN MOVIE THEMES: Your child may dress down if they follow the theme for the day but must adhere to all length/no fray/no holes requirements. Mrs. Varner has tried to make it easy – you can either follow the theme closely with actual outfits, or just in the general color theme, as outlined on the flyer or in “The Week Ahead”, as listed above.

OLOS CHRISTMAS PROGRAM is THIS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8th, after the 8:00 am All School Mass. The program will begin at 9:15 am. The list of student ministry assignments is once again in today’s folder. For Mass, students are asked to dress nicely (no jeans) and adhere to dress code lengths. Please have students wear green, red, or black, if possible. Students may sit with their parents at Mass, and then should change into costume and should find their teacher NO LATER THAN 9:05 am. The school basement (in brick building) will be open after Mass for 10 minutes to allow for students (any grade) to get changed, if needed. Please use the lower back door.

SANTA STORE: Our annual Santa Store will be available for our students to shop on Tuesday, December 17th during their special class time. Name tag packets & a flyer explaining the day are in today’s folder. We are still asking for donations of gifts for family members & friends. We are also asking for donations of bags, tape, and tissue paper. We thank our “Santa’s Elves” – those who have volunteered to help with wrapping and shopping that day - Lue Ann Hogg, Bev Koetting, Diann Brenneke, Debbie Groose, Crystal Hoover, Cindy McKenna & Darlene Rush.

PIZZA PARTY! The students, staff & Father Simon enjoyed their lunch tremendously on Wednesday! Deacon Chet treated all of us to pizza from The Mary’s Home Corner Market. He says he so enjoys the cards and gifts he receives from the students that he wanted to find a way to show them how much he appreciates it. He purchased 24 pizzas, so we all had our fill and then some! Thanks so much Deacon Chet!


We will follow the schedule below for December 20th, our last day in session for 2024:

8:00 am                   All School Prayer Service – all invited

8:30 am                  Brunch (pancakes, sausage,  hashbrowns) all parent/guardians invited, complimentary, rsvp coming out next week

9:00 – 9:45 am       Classroom parties

9:45 am                  Students may be signed out

11:00 am                 All remaining students will be  dismissed (pick-up no later than 11:15 am – no afternoon extended care services)




***AND…We may have a special visitor show up that morning!!! Shhh!***

ARCHERY PRACTICE: We currently have three students interested in Archery. After conferring with parents of these students, they have tentatively decided to set practices on Wednesdays after the new year gets going. Students participating must have a physical on file, pay the $25 sports fee, and fill out a sports packet. If your child is still interested (5th on up), please let the office know this week so that everything will be in order when practices begin.

WEEKLY DRESS DOWN PASS WINNER(S)! Congratulations to Alayna W. for winning this week’s drawing! Remember – return your folder (with paperwork complete) by Tuesday to be added to the weekly drawing.


Please return your folder on Monday!

Wishing you a lovely fall weekend!