Friday, November 19, 2021


Friday Newsletter 11-19-2021



Mon Library Lady visit – PK-2

Tues – School Spirit Dress Down Day

        K/1 Thanksgiving Play

        Float Prep–BJ Schwaller’s shop – 6 pm

Wed NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break


Fri -   NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break

        Mary’s Home Christmas Parade – line up at KC ballpark @ 5:30 pm, Parade begins @ 6:30 pm

MIDTERM PROGRESS REPORTS are available online for students in grades 3-8, with a sign-off sheet enclosed in today’s folder. Paper copies of progress reports are in today’s folder for students in grades K-2. Please sign & return. To access Progress reports on your family portal - after signing in, please follow the following steps:

On left, click “Student”

On left, directly under “Student Home” click “Grades”

In upper middle/left screen click “Midterm Progress Report”

If you have more than one student, you can switch between them on the upper left.

SUDS FUNDRAISER:  The Show Me Suds Laundry Soap will be delivered this Sunday, November 21st. Anyone who directly placed orders can pick up theirs that evening at the back of the school gym from 6-7 p.m. If you ordered from a parishioner, they will deliver your products. Any orders not picked up at this time will be available at the school office.

The Parish sold 144 products valued at $4,080, and we made a profit of $1,032.00. Thank you for your continued support of OLOS Parish technology needs.

STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE: The Student Council meeting, originally scheduled for Dec. 6, will be held on Wednesday, December 1st, until 4:15 pm.

HOME & SCHOOL: Thanks to all who attended the meeting on Tuesday evening. The next potluck/meeting is set for Tuesday, January 11th, 2022. Please mark your calendar now and make plans to attend this meeting!

OLOSS CHRISTMAS MUSICAL is set for Monday, December 6th at 6:30 pm in church. We are asking all school families to please send in TWO DOZEN homemade cookies (for the reception following at school) on that Monday morning of the play. There will be a dress rehearsal after the 9:00 am Mass on Wednesday, Dec. 1st for anyone who is not able to make it on Dec. 6th. Home & School & School Advisory Board officers are asked to prep and serve the refreshments that evening. Please contact Rosie for more details.

PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTIES/DISMISSAL: We will dismiss at 12:30 on Friday, December 17th. We are planning the Christmas parties for 11:30 – 12:30, after an early lunch. There will be NO extended care services that afternoon.

ADOPT A FAMILY INFORMATION was sent home recently and is available with these notes on our website under “School Office Information – Friday Notes” Family members have been assigned to grades, but feel free to buy needed items for the entire family. Of the big items listed, we have received the Billy shoes for the little boy, and the coat for the 15-year-old girl. Deadline for gifts is Dec. 3rd,

MARY’S HOME CHRISTMAS PARADE! The parade is Friday, November 26th. The theme is “Once Upon a Christmas” featuring favorite Christmas books & movies. OLOS School theme will be based on the book & movie, “The Little Drummer Boy.” Please find and fill out the important form in today’s folder regarding participation in the parade.

SANTA STORE: As time is running short and due to lack of volunteers, there will be no Santa Store this year. Optimistically, we would love to bring this back next year; so as you are shopping the after Christmas bargains or cleaning out closets, please keep an eye out for items we might use as gifts.

DRIVERS NEEDED! We are in need of drivers for the thirteen OLOS Choir members’ musical presentation at the Capitol the afternoon of December 16th (our portion begins @ 12:45 pm). Please send a note or call the office with your offer to drive, indicating how many students you might be able to haul in your vehicle. Thank you!

YARD SIGNS: Are you watching for Our Lady of the Snows yard signs?  Please let us know if you would like one for your yard!

LEVELING LIBRARY BOOKS. More volunteers are still needed to help with this huge undertaking.

CHANGE OF MENU: On Tuesday, Nov. 23, we will have chicken alfredo, broccoli, salad & fruit.

 KITCHEN HELP: Many thanks to the great volunteers we’ve had working the kitchen during Mrs. McKenna’s recovery. We thank Marie Massman, Barb Adrian, Betty Pound, Carol Braun, and Carla Morris for volunteering time and talent; and we also can’t forget about Mr. Jannetti, who will be helping out on Tuesday!

 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES: Today each family is receiving a box of envelopes for the students to use at the All School Mass each week.

 WAY TO GO! Congratulations to the school winners for the diocesan Vocations Poster contest: Shane B., Madelyn D., Natalie G., & Nicholas V.!

DECEMBER AND JANUARY SCHOOL MASSES: Father Stephen Jones is going to be doing our school Masses every Wednesday except for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on Wed., Dec. 8, as Father Alex has already arranged for another priest to celebrate Mass on this major feast day and holy day of obligation. However, since Father Jones is driving down from Jefferson City, we have to schedule our Wednesday Masses for 9:00 am throughout December and January except for the holy day on Dec. 8.  Thank you for your flexibility and understanding!

 SUBS NEEDED! We are in great need of subs for both the classrooms and in the kitchen. Please contact Mrs. Burgess if you, or someone you know, might be interested.

 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY: School will not be in session Wednesday, November 24th, through Friday, November 26th.

After Thanksgiving, classes will resume on Mon., Nov. 29, during the first week of Advent. Our December morning prayer is The Morning Offering, and our December Christskill is Caring. Our Advent theme is "We Wait in Joyful Hope."

 SPOTLIGHT ON STAFF! Our Lady of the Snows School is very blessed to have such devoted, hard-working, and experienced staff members who have dedicated their careers to the children and families of Our Lady of the Snows community.  We will spotlight a different staff member in the bulletin each week.   This week's spotlight is on Paula Bax Evers.  "My name is Paula Bax Evers, and Mary's Home has been home to me my entire life.  My parents are Theresa and Roger Bax.  My siblings are Pam, Patrick, & Perry Bax.  I am married to Tim Evers, and we have three children, Lindsey, Brooke, & Austin.  I went to Our Lady of the Snows School for grade school and graduated from Cole R-V High School.  I went to college at Columbia College.  I worked for and retired from the Missouri Department of Transportation after 31 years of service.  I was also the Title I reading teacher.  I love anything outdoors including camping, fishing, boating, floating and especially spending time with my family!  I am looking forward to traveling the country in the future.  I now substitute teach and help part-time in the cafeteria at OLOS!  It is so nice to be part of the school where I grew up!"

YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, November 23, 2021, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Natalie & Charlotte G., this week‘s winners of the bonus dress down pass!

 PROPANE THAT PAYS… Propane is projected to cost much more this winter. Ordering early can help offset some of this cost for you. This is the time of year when many people like to fill propane tanks or prepay. If you are or would like to be a customer of Capital Energy Co, please LET THEM KNOW that you are a member of OLOS parish (They cannot issue a donation on the customer’s behalf unless the customer tells them they are a member of the parish.) The parish receives a percentage for every gallon the customer buys, and usually have some of the cheaper prices in the area. Last year the parish received nearly $1000. That’s worthwhile! Thank you for your support!

Since there will be no folder sent home on Tuesday, we’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very

Happy, Safe, and Blessed Thanksgiving.

Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow!


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Friday Newsletter 11-11-2021




Mon Student Council Food Drive begins

        Turn in SUDS forms this morning

Tues – Home & School Mtg – cafeteria – begins with potluck at 6:00 pm

Wed All School Mass (Staff Ministry)

        November Birthday Blessing

        Penance Service for 5/6 after Mass

        Emergency Drill

Thur - Penance Service after Mass for 3/4/7/8th grades

Fri -   Dress Down Day

        Midterm Reports issued/available

        Last day for Food Drive



CANNED FOOD DRIVE: Please send in any canned or boxed food items you would like to donate to the Student Council’s drive this week. Most needed are peanut butter, canned pasta dinners, canned soups, and things like that. All donations will go to the local food bank in Eugene. The class that averages the most will win a pizza party!

STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE: The Student Council meeting, originally scheduled for Dec. 6, will be held on Wednesday, December 1st, until 4:15 pm.

VETERANS’ DAY: Thanks to all who participated in our salute to our military. We especially want to recognize & thank our AWESOME 7th & 8th graders, who led our Patriotic Rosary so beautifully! May God continue to bless us all and God Bless America!

SUDS FUNDRAISER: If you have not already done so, please turn in order forms and payment on Monday morning. Joan has to submit the school order to the distributor by Monday evening. Mark your calendars for product delivery, scheduled for Sunday, November 21 (time TBA).

HOME & SCHOOL: The meeting is this week, Tuesday, November 16th at 6:00 pm, and will begin with a potluck meal. Please, come one, come all! Find out about what’s going on in school and help to plan events for our students and community. You will receive a dress down pass for your child just for attending. The Shiloh Dance is scheduled for Jan. 15, 2022.

OLOSS CHRISTMAS MUSICAL is set for Monday, December 6th at 6:30 pm in church.

PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTIES/DISMISSAL: We will dismiss at 12:30 on Friday, December 17th. We are planning the Christmas parties for 11:30 – 12:30, after an early lunch. There will be NO extended care services that afternoon.

ADOPT A FAMILY INFORMATION was sent home last week and will be available with these notes on our website under “school Office Information – Friday Notes” Family members have been assigned to grades, but feel free to buy needed items for the entire family. Deadline for gifts is Dec. 3rd,

MARY’S HOME CHRISTMAS PARADE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The parade is Friday, November 26th. The theme is “Once Upon a Christmas” featuring favorite Christmas books & movies. OLOS School theme will be based on the book & movie, “The Little Drummer Boy.” This project will take parent and student help to get it all put together. We will discuss more about it at the upcoming H & S meeting, but in the meantime, please contact Rosie or Mary in the office with your offer to help out. Thank you!

SANTA STORE: To continue this activity, we are looking for a coordinator. This person(s) would be in charge of finding donations, setting up, and finding people to help wrap gifts on the day of the event. Student Council can help set up if we decide to go ahead with this event. If you are not familiar with the Santa Store, this is an opportunity we have given our students in the past to “shop” for gifts for a designated number of people in their family, using donated items from the local community and school. The students usually really enjoy it, but it does take the coordination and manpower to continue the tradition.

 YARD SIGNS: Are you watching for Our Lady of the Snows yard signs?  Please let us know if you would like one for your yard!

 LEVELING LIBRARY BOOKS. More volunteers are still needed to help with this huge undertaking.

 CHANGE OF MENU: Please flip Tuesday, Nov. 16th & Tuesday, Nov. 23 – hot dog meal will be on 16th, chicken alfredo meal will be on 23rd.

DECEMBER AND JANUARY SCHOOL MASSES: Father Stephen Jones is going to be doing our school Masses every Wednesday except for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on Wed., Dec. 8, as Father Alex has already arranged for another priest to celebrate Mass on this major feast day and holy day of obligation. However, since Father Jones is driving down from Jefferson City, we have to schedule our Wednesday Masses for 9:00 am throughout December and January except for the holy day on Dec. 8.  Thank you for your flexibility and understanding!

RECONCILIATION: Father Alex will offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to our students before he leaves for home. The 5th & 6th graders will participate in Sacrament on Wed, Nov. 17th, and the 3rd, 4th, 7th, & 8th graders will participate on Thurs., Nov. 18th, both times being after Mass.

SUBS NEEDED! We are in great need of subs for both the classrooms and in the kitchen. Please contact Mrs. Burgess if you, or someone you know, might be interested.

THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY: School will not be in session Wednesday, November 24th, through Friday, November 26th.

NOVEMBER: Our November prayer is the Lord’s Prayer, and our November Christskill  is Joy (Jesus, Others, You).

SPOTLIGHT ON STAFF! Our Lady of the Snows School is very blessed to have such devoted, hard-working, and experienced staff members who have dedicated their careers to the children and families of Our Lady of the Snows community.  We will spotlight a different staff member in the bulletin each week.   This week's spotlight is This week's spotlight is on Ms. Amber Grellner, our 3rd & 4th grade teacher. 

 "My name is Amber Grellner. I was born in Jefferson City and lived there until I was three years old. My family moved to Linn MO, and I lived there until I was 22. I then moved back to Jeff City. I come from a loving family of six. My twin brother, Troy, and I are the oldest. My sister, Autumn, is 24, and my youngest brother, Tyler, is 19. Tyler's birthday is the same as my grandpa's, so my sister is the only sibling who doesn't share a birthday with someone else in our family! I like to spend time with my family and friends. I enjoy reading, taking nature walks, playing board games & mini golf, watching movies, and painting. I graduated from Linn High School in 2013 and graduated from Lincoln University in 2018. I started teaching at OLOS in 2018 and taught Grades 5 & 6 for three years. I am now teaching the 3rd & 4th graders. I choose to work at OLOS because the community truly follows their Catholic faith. I have always felt welcomed and supported by the staff. I have enjoyed getting to know the OLOS students and watching them grow in their faith and education. I love all the service projects we do to help our community and others!"

YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, November 16, 2021, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Clarice Whittle, this week‘s winner of the bonus dress down pass!

 PROPANE THAT PAYS… Propane is projected to cost much more this winter. Ordering early can help offset some of this cost for you. This is the time of year when many people like to fill propane tanks or prepay. If you are or would like to be a customer of Capital Energy Co, please LET THEM KNOW that you are a member of OLOS parish (They cannot issue a donation on the customer’s behalf unless the customer tells them they are a member of the parish.) The parish receives a percentage for every gallon the customer buys, and usually have some of the cheaper prices in the area. Last year the parish received nearly $1000. That’s worthwhile! Thank you for your support!



Wednesday, November 10, 2021




Family Information: The family we are sponsoring has 5 members -  mom, dad and 3 children. The oldest child is a 15-year-old female. The younger two children are 3-year-old twins.  The 15-year-old was diagnosed with osteosarcoma which is a type of bone cancer.  It is the most common bone cancer in children and teenagers.  She is currently going through treatments for this and will then face surgery.  This family is very close and enjoys doing almost everything together.  The family enjoys cooking and baking together, doing crafts, and watching family movies.  They love singing, watching football and basketball together, and playing games. Below is the suggested classroom breakdown and ideas from the family for each family member.


7/8th Grades: The 15-year old girl:

Enjoys cooking, fashion and working on her computer.  She needs a nice coat for school and church,  Size adult small shirt, size 3 pants, size  8 shoe, fav color purple. She is a very academically sound student and loves education and hopes to take advanced classes so she can take college courses while finishing high school.  She hopes to be a pediatric doctor. 


5/6 Grades: The 3 year old girl:

Needs warm clothing, dolls, building blocks, learning toys, 4T shirt and pants and 9 shoe fav color pink


PK/K/1st Grades: 3 year old boy:

The boy could use special needs "Billy" shoes size 11 (Target has them),  a  twin boy comforter., Cars, building blocks, & learning toys, He loves dinosaurs too. 4T shirt and pants, and size 10 shoe, fav color orange


2nd Grade: Mom

Mom enjoys doing crafts and could use organizing cubes or shelves, household items like dishes, loves Golden State Warrior Basketball, loves blue. .Mom wears 2x shirt and pants and size 9 shoe


3/4 Grades: Dad

Dad loves Indianapolis Colts football, needs work boots and any mechanics tools.  Any men's hygiene products. Dad Xl shirt, doesn't need pants, size 10 shoe, fav color red


We are asking people to sign up for the larger items needed so we don't have duplicates

Please let Rosie or Cindy McKenna know as soon as possible if you would like to provide one of the following larger items.

Twin size boy comforter

Size 11 Billy shoes (can be found at Target)

Organizing cubes or shelves

Size Small or Med nice coat for 15 yr old girl

Size 10 work boots for dad

DEADLINE: Please have all items to school by Friday, December 3, 2021. We will be wrapping items the following week. Please send in any wrapping paper, bags, tissue paper, and tape that you would like to donate. Thanks so much for helping make this Christmas special for our adopted family! 

Friday, November 5, 2021

Friday Notes 11-05-2021 



Sun – 10:00 am Buddy Mass (5/6 w/2nd)

       School Board Mtg – 11:15 am

Mon – Basketball Practice – until 5:00 pm


Wed – All School Mass (2nd Ministry)

        Cheer Practice – until 4:30 pm

Thu –  Midquarter

        Veterans’ Day - Patriotic Rosary, Donuts & Coffee, placing of flags on graves – all begins @ 8:00 am

        Basketball & Cheer Practice 5:30 – 6:30 pm

Fri -   NO SCHOOL – Teacher Professional Development (local)



PARKING LOT: We will go back to the normal drop off and pick up procedures on Monday, as the striping of the parking lot is finished off today. Thank you for your great cooperation during the time of these repairs.

VETERANS’ DAY PLANS (Nov. 11th) We invite all veterans, active military, and their families on the morning of Veterans’ Day, November 11th to join us at school at 8:00 am. Please reach out now to your military family and friends and invite them to this event. We invite parents and the community to participate as well. We will have a student led patriotic rosary at the flagpole (weather permitting), enjoy donuts & coffee/juice with our honorees, after which students will join our honorees to place flags on veteran’s graves in the cemetery.

 SUDS FUNDRAISER: You should have received your fundraising information on Monday evening. Forms were sent with the oldest in the family. This fundraiser will continue through November 12, with product delivery on November 21. What a perfect opportunity to purchase laundry soap, dishwashing pods, dishwashing soap, and fabric softener to save everyone money and benefit OLOS at the same time! All proceeds will go towards our parish technology needs and classroom “wish lists”. You may contact Joan Doerhoff or the School Office for additional information, if you need additional forms, or to place your order. Thank you for your continued support of OLOS.

HOME & SCHOOL: Next meeting is set for Tuesday, November 16th at 6:00 pm, and will begin with a potluck meal. The Shiloh Dance is scheduled for Jan. 15, 2022.

BOX OF JOY; We filled Boxes with the students this week. As of today, we have 96 boxes, so we are calling it a great success. We had so many people fill boxes, stop by to give us money for shipping or supplies, and to drop off supplies. It was overwhelming! Part of the shipping was paid for through the Pro-Life ministry, in memory of Judy Wieberg, so we are especially thankful for that. Boxes move on to St. Peter’s School in Jefferson City today, which is a designated collection center, and then will be transported to headquarters in Florida, where they are sorted and shipped to children around the world. We especially want to say thanks to Ms. Carla and Mrs. Marie, who have helped extensively with this program.

 LIGHT BLUE SIZE CHILD SMALL SCHOOL POLO SHIRT found in kitchen. Please let us know if it belongs to your child.

 OLOSS CHRISTMAS MUSICAL is set for Monday, December 6th at 6:30 pm in church.

 LEVELING LIBRARY BOOKS. More volunteers are still needed to help with this huge undertaking.

 PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTIES/DISMISSAL: We will dismiss at 12:30 on Friday, December 17th. We are planning the Christmas parties for 11:30 – 12:30, after an early lunch. There will be NO extended care services that afternoon.

ADOPT A FAMILY INFORMATION is included in today’s folder. Family members have been assigned to grades, but feel free to buy needed items for the entire family. Thanks for supporting this very worthy cause.

 MARY’S HOME CHRISTMAS PARADE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The parade is Friday, November 26th. The theme is “Once Upon a Christmas” featuring favorite Christmas books & movies. OLOS School theme will be based on the book & movie, “The Little Drummer Boy” Lisa Wieberg will be coordinating the design of the float, but it will take parent and student help to get it all put together.  We will discuss more about it at the upcoming H & S meeting, but in the meantime, please contact Rosie or Mary in the office with your offer to help out. Thank you!

KROGER REWARDS: We recently received $34.98 from this program. See below for more information.

SIGN UP FOR GERBES COMMUNITY REWARDS:  OLOS is enrolled in the Gerbes “Community Rewards” program. This program offers money back to our school, based on enrolled customer’s spending. It is a really easy process. You just tie your Gerbes shopper’s card to our school account. If you don’t have a Gerbes shopper’s card, it takes less than a minute to get one at the store and also online. All the information needed to complete this process is online. @ Our school code is 48253. It takes just a couple minutes so get all your family and friends to register as well! The school will receive quarterly payments in cash form. We will update you as we receive those funds. This has the potential to be a great moneymaker for the school – the key is to get many, many people involved. No selling needed! Please pass the word to family and friends and thanks for supporting OLOS School!!!

SANTA STORE: To continue this activity, we are looking for a coordinator. This person(s) would be in charge of finding donations, setting up, and finding people to help wrap gifts on the day of the event. Student Council can help set up if we decide to go ahead with this event. If you are not familiar with the Santa Store, this is an opportunity we have given our students in the past to “shop” for gifts for a designated number of people in their family, using donated items from the local community and school. The students usually really enjoy it, but it does take the coordination and manpower to continue the tradition.

BUDDY MASS: Thank you to our Grade 2, 5, & 6 students and families for leading and participating in our parish liturgy at this Sunday's Mass.

DECEMBER AND JANUARY SCHOOL MASSES: Father Stephen Jones is going to be doing our school Masses every Wednesday except for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on Wed., Dec. 8, as Father Alex has already arranged for another priest to celebrate Mass on this major feast day and holy day of obligation.  However, since Father Jones is driving down from Jefferson City, we have to schedule our Wednesday Masses for 9:00 am throughout December and January except for the holy day on Dec. 8.  Thank you for your flexibility and understanding!

NOVEMBER: Our November prayer is the Lord’s Prayer, and our November Christskill  is Joy (Jesus, Others, You).

CANNED FOOD DRIVE: The Student Council is planning a food drive in the very near future. Please refer to enclosed flyer for more information.

RECONCILIATION: Father Alex will offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to our students before he leaves for home. The 5th & 6th graders will participate in Sacrament on Wed, Nov. 17th, and the 3rd, 4th, 7th, & 8th graders will participate on Thurs., Nov. 18th, both times being after Mass.

SPOTLIGHT ON STAFF! Our Lady of the Snows School is very blessed to have such devoted, hard-working, and experienced staff members who have dedicated their careers to the children and families of Our Lady of the Snows community.  We will spotlight a different staff member in the bulletin each week.   This week's spotlight is on Mrs. Sarah Adrian, our art & PE teacher

 "My name is Sarah Adrian. I was born and raised in Jefferson City. I am the youngest of four with two older sisters and one brother. My parents are both the second youngest of five kids in their families, so I have a whole slew of cousins spread out all over the country. I went to St. Peter's where my grandfather taught PE for many years. I graduated from Helias High School in 2007. I attended three universities before graduating from MU with a bachelor’s degree in Art Education. I taught at Immaculate Conception for four years and then spent time at home taking care of my two sons, Derrick & Patrick. I began subbing in the area before I became the art teacher at Our Lady of the Snows. This is my second year teaching at OLOS. I chose to teach here because it has such a great community behind it to support it. It is my parish school, and I want to do what I can to support it and its students. I love how the camaraderie of the staff makes us all feel like family!”

YOUR CHANCE TO WIN DRESS DOWN PASSES! All families returning their 21-22 Friday folder (The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord) by Tuesday, November , 2021, with any needed paperwork completed, will be placed in a drawing for a bonus dress down pass for students in their family. Congratulations to Romie & Brena G, this week‘s winners of the bonus dress down passes!